:( Too Much Stress

luly727 Posts: 202 Member
I'm going thru a really bad week, or month oh never mind lets say the whole year!! . Lot of stress, alot of demands on me every freakin day!! 18 yr old son moving back in house this weekend after a bad relationship breakup, taking care of in laws, one has Alzheimers, the other one is in left field alot, and hubbys aunt & uncle that are in their 80's and depend on us for alot of help..

II have managed to stay on track and even make it to the gym 5 days a week for 30-45 minutes and do a run thru the machines & some treadmill,
I am so stressed out, but i haven't fallen off the food wagon in 2 1/2 month :)

Last night I made a great Beef & Broccoli/cauliflower stir fry, by the time I managed to get home and cook it, well it was 9;30pm and stuff was still going on at home with son moving in, ex calling every second, arguing etc etc...i was so stressed that i had NO appetite at all, so I didnt eat. I knew if I ate, it was going to go right thru me ( sry my stomach doesn't handle alot of stress very well and gives me the 'run to the bathroom syndrome )
I logged in about 500 calories yesterday :(

I am still not hungry at all this morning, having some coffee to wake up and will try to make some eggbeaters & toast and keep it down before the madness starts again today.

I hope this settles down soon, what does everyone else do when their world is madness like mine is right now??? I know I need to eat a bit more, but lately seems like I can barely sit down much less eat 3 meals and snacks


  • dbangley
    dbangley Posts: 6
    DrLark.com -a great resource for women's health. She is a woman doctor who creates supplements specifically for women.
    i take energy vitalizer during stressful times-it is amazing how much it helps-mentally and physically. i only need half a dose though.
    there is another one callled metabo x that lowers cortisol and restores your appetite if you have lost it and gives me a great relaxing sleep as well
    she has a lot of supplements that actually work-i know it's hard to believe.
    you've done so much-get some support even if it's in a bottle-

    check it out-!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    YOGA baby!
    I'm in the same boat! The eldest son just moving back in....lots of fighting comes from "the other side"...
    My little guy has Type I Diabetes & puberty is sending his #s into the creek...
    Daughter just got into her 1st choice university....hugh, private & costly...2 in college now $$$$$!!!
    Hubs can't hardly move...2 back surgeries.

    Lost my daddy the week after the house burned down, so mama was homeless...had to buy her a little house.

    Lost/quit my job to take care of it all....I'm with ya honey....BREATHE! Get it out of your head, at least oughta your heart...
    It'll all work itself out....and someone upstairs is watching and smiling at all your generosity...truth.

    Lock yourself in the bath, soak, have a smoothie to get those cals back in....walk, listen to some good music, better yet, some inspirational CDs & give thanks for it all...yeap, I said thanks. That stress will eat you alive...refuse to give your power away!

    Be good to yourself...you're doing it, don't stop the exercise...just eat several times a day to get your nutrients in.
    You're a great inspiration. Thx for sharing your story....We're here for you!! :flowerforyou:
  • Lparault
    Lparault Posts: 100
    Sister, I feel your pain. I'm not just saying that either. Last October ended a two year run of caring for my husband's grandmother in our home. She was in her ninetys and had Alzheimer's as well. New Year's 2009 my unmarried daughter came home pregnant. Rearranged the entire family to accomodate her; nine month roller coaster ride with the pregancy, and back and forth with the baby daddy. Baby born September, Grandma passed October, lost my job in November, son shipped off to Marine Corps December, two weeks later daughter and grandson move out to live with baby daddy, one month later they break up and we make a flying trip to clean the house out in about 2 hours flat, one week later, you guessed it...she moved right back in with him. I spent the night and next day feeling like I was going to have a heart attack. A month later, I get the bad blood work results....high cholesterol and blood sugar. Stress can kill you....quick or painfully slow.

    You have to take control and say ENOUGH!!! Your son is grown. I know it is hard to accept but he is. I know he needs help and support right now, but let him take care of his problems and himself. YOU have to take care of YOU or you are not going to be around to love and support him. I am serious, everyone is going to keep demanding your time and attention unless you set the limits.

    Take a day for yourself and go relax. Check into a hotel and just veg out, go for a massage or get your hair done. Anything that is just for you. Contact your local Alzheimer's Alliance for help with the in laws. And set one or two times a week for errands for the aunt and uncle, other wise they are going to be calling everyday. Enlist the son to help out with some of this...if he's old enough to live with a girlfriend he's old enough to help out with some of the less fun adult activities.

    Take control, Sister, or this is going to ruin you.

    As for the eating thing. Try setting a timer for two hour intervals. When the timer goes off, eat SOMETHING, even if it is just a handful of nuts or baby carrots, and drink something (preferably water, lol). At this point, just try to keep your metabolism up and stay hydrated. Take care of yourself, girl, no one else is going to do it for you.

    Good luck, and God bless you.
  • BbNuke
    BbNuke Posts: 82 Member
    Wow - great post, Lparauit!!
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Luly, everybody has great stuff. The only thing I can add is turn off the phone for a couple of hours. If it helps do it every day.

    You will make it! :flowerforyou: