dxlee7 Member


  • What? Does this work for you? Where did you get all of this from?
  • I started out the same way you are right now. I watched videos, read forums, fitness magazines and just went from there. Stepping foot in the gym and grabbing the bar or Dumbbells is pretty intimidating the first time because you're worried about everyone else. Don't be. They're in there for the same reason you are. To get…
    in Lifting Comment by dxlee7 May 2016
  • I'm currently doing two a days. Each have weight lifting and cardio mixed in. Morning session are my heavy lifts with combat cardio such as sparring. Second workout of the day is auxiliary workouts with cardio such as running. My purpose is increased lifts, endurance, stamina and to tone. I know people here have either…
    in Two-a-days Comment by dxlee7 May 2016
  • Sorry for the late reply here. I'm only on MFP via my phone. I've added both of you. Hope I can inspire and progress as I've seen you two do.
  • I'm using it too. I connected my Fitbit to it as well as MFP for a more "accurate" heart rate and calorie count. It seems to be working. However, the calorie counts burned I'm sure are somewhat inaccurate.
  • Were you expecting loss of weight in the period of a day?
  • Honestly, weight training may improve your power and speed in matches. I do MMA myself and have found that to be the greatest change yet. Try light weight with high repetitions. Perhaps 3 sets of 12 reps depending on your strength.
  • @SonyaCele. I want to slim down but continue building muscle. I went for my PR today on the bench, squat and deadlift. I hit 340 on the bench, 375 on the squat and 405 on my deadlift. I'm going to up my calorie count back to 2360 as suggested by MFP and others here. I don't want to lose any muscle mass, just this belly and…
  • Thanks guys! I'll definitely take everything that everyone has said into account. I started measuring my food when I first started MFP. I'm working my way back and have gained back most of my strength. I like doing 2 a days and see the most benefit from it. DavPul is probably right and maybe I'm over estimating the amount…
  • Gotcha. Thank a for the clarification. I appreciate it.
  • I've been trying. But how do I make up 2,000 more calories in food that I've burned from exercise in addition to the calories that I need to eat?
  • At the end of the day, because of exercise, my deficit is more than 2,000 calories. What can I do to get my deficit in a healthy range?
  • You can do it man! Follow the app and advice here. Have you thought about seeing a nutritionist?
  • I use the youtube music app and just blast some hardcore metal and rap. It motivates me every time. They have different genres of music for every workout.
  • wow. Go man go!
  • Stick to the program. Stick to it and be firm. 3 times is good. The weight increases every workout. I used to try and do it 5 times a day and it caused me to have to deload in the first month because I thought I was a badass.
  • I use a heart rate device to measure my heart rate and use that to calculate my calories. There's a formula with body weight, age and heart rate. I'll look for it and post it here for you.
  • I'm doing this too. It's always a challenge. I try to get my steps in during my lunch break at work, a good 30 minute walk before work and sometimes chasing my son when he's on a sugar rush.
    in 10000 steps Comment by dxlee7 May 2016
  • Keep moving forward. Take a rest day if you need to. Listen to your body, not your mind. If your body is too fatigued, then take a break. Just try to get in some activity ever day. Even a 30 minute walk is good for you. Good luck and keep it going.
  • Have you tried it with a heart rate monitor like Fitbit and connecting it to your phone using the under armor record app? It kind of shows the calorie burn when you lift. I don't think it's that accurate though