Also an avid OTF member!
i did every other day. give your body a chance to recover! Also, stretch! You can't stretch enough!
Whoever told you that spinning wasn't a good workout needs their head examined.
i'm doing my first in the spring!
Good job!!!!
i'm another vote for moving comfort. if you have a running specialty store nearby, go and get actually fitted, because what you wear in normal bras doesn't always translate to sports bras.
1. i only run before the sun comes up--it's 83 at 4 am. That's plenty warm for me. Enjoyable? No. But I'm not dying. 2. What other said-make sure you're drinking enough water. 3. Slow down. Again like other said, I don't beat myself up over walking some.
YES!! at the end of the program, I could run the full 30 minutes, but I was consistently hitting somewhere between 2 and 2.5 miles, not a 5k. I jumped right into the 5-10k program, and i hit 4 miles this morning. The whole point of the program is to build up your endurance and get you used to the time on your feet. The…
Same. Get fitted-most running stores will fit you!!
w5d3 is absolutely the toughest, because it's as much mental as it is physical. Go slow, turn on some music, and just keep going. You'll amaze yourself. I finished c25k earlier this year--that run was the breakthrough run for me. Don't look at the clock, don't compare yourself to anyone else, just keep moving!
Hahaha--truth. But I'm prone to dropping things, and I carry pepper spray in the spare one!
6 weeks to the day.
THIS. Everything else falls into place with the big picture goal in place.
i haven't done the dvds, but barre3 is amazing in class.
Pepper spray. I don't run without it.
Alabama..I have to go before the sun comes up and the humidity starts to go up. Otherwise it's too hot and humid for me to tolerate!
i used to go to a spin class with an elderly retired Marine. He came to every single class, he never touched his resistance, never got out of the saddle, and was literally, "just along for the ride."
i love, love, love spin. Hate, hate, hated it after the first class, because I felt like someone had kicked me in the groin! But as someone else said, you control the tension and therefore intensity, and you can make it as easy or as difficult as you want or need to.
i got suckered into a pair of feetures, and i actually love them.
Gulf Coast here-this morning it was 84 and 90% 4 am. My pace is disastrous, but I would rather be outside than on the treadmill, so it is what it is. Go early, drink plenty, and accept that you're doing more swimming than running-i felt like i needed a machete to cut through the humidity!
I get 8 for 11, which works out to be around 1.30 each-which is less than a snack from a vending machine. It's a neat concept and I like the variety so far.
holy batman, your legs look amazing! great work!
Just going to second what everyone else has said. Shoes, shoes, shoes, rest, ice and gradual progression. For what it's worth, a garbage bag with ice helps to distribute more cold to a larger area than an ice pack.
I'm near Mobile, and to me, it's so much easier to run in the "dry" heat out west! Just remember to hydrate even more so than usual. The elevation more than anything will likely bother you-being on the coast, i have even less elevation than Dothan/Eprise, and I get an elevation headache if I don't drink way more than usual.
this, my friend, is a success.
Great job!!! I finished 2 weeks ago and had the same moment of shock and awe...and immediately bridged into the 5k-10k plan! Welcome to the dark side!
South Alabama here. I go at 0415-it's the only time it's not miserably oppressive.
Every tuesday before breakfast :)
i like rundouble