Hoshiko Member


  • I had the same issue with mapmyrun so in a fit of desperation one day I tried my watch's native app (S Health). It's been working great and actually syncing to MFP. I also second the Garmin/RunningAhead suggestion too. RA has some really great tracking options, graphing and even tracks your shoe mileage.
  • I know this is an older post but thought I'd offer my perspective for anyone thinking of trying it. A friend of mine was doing 75hard and it sounded interesting, so I gave it a try with her. I suppose it was more because I was bored in quarantine than anything else. There were components I found very helpful (drinking…
  • Watch out, this is how they get you! Just kidding. Good job on finishing relatively uninjured and toughing it out! A finish is great, but I'm also relatively impressed with your time given the circumstances. I'm sure next year will be much better for you overall, too.
  • Are you going to be active during your time there? There are a ton of backpacking and freeze-dried food options that will be lower in calories for sure, but the problem with those are that you'd have to pack in two weeks worth, which may be way too difficult logistically. You could also maybe try to eat half portions of…
  • I disagree. At a certain point, a site like this may not be helping at all, but instead enabling someone to continue harmful behavior. There are other sites or hotlines that offer peer support for eating disorders, and they can be helpful for someone unable or unwilling to go to a professional. Most of us here have…
  • I think there was a quotation mark there. As in, 'Today, someone said "Everyone thinks you're pregnant"'. (Sorry, couldn't help it.) OP, after reading that this woman is your supervisor... wow. Just wow. Can't see her lasting very long if that's the way she treats people. I have a sneaking suspicion that you'll get the…
  • Always, always always do the squat test before buying, because some clothing companies are liars and their "active wear" stuff is just as bad. Also, Old Navy currently has some crazy good deals online. Just saying!
  • WOW, what a bunch of kittens. I once confused one cousin of mine for another and congratulated her on a pregnancy that was non-existent, and I felt bad about that for weeks. Now, I don't say a word unless I'm commenting on an ultrasound picture or a baby shower invite. I can't imagine what kind of world someone must be…
  • Good job on not going crazy with the eating after your workout! Sounds like a good beginning to me. Also, totally agree about getting a weight tracking app. They drive some people crazy but I love seeing the trend change day by day, because now I can predict my weigh loss pretty well. I don't freak out so much if the scale…
  • Track what you eat, choose a calorie goal that fits within your lifestyle and isn't too ambitious, and be consistent. I eat back my exercise calories (50-90%, depending on the activity) but I don't use exercise any more as a way to undo bad eating. It makes a huge mental difference.
  • That's true, but let me tell you the hungriest I've ever been in my life was while training for a marathon. I managed to gain 10 lbs over the course of 3 months, even with all the mileage. OP, I add in extra calories for exercise, but they're mostly not pure junk, just more protein and fats. I'll bank extra calories for a…
  • A lot. You should pull it back a lot to a very, very easy conversational pace. Personally I think you can finish and maybe manage to have a good time, but if I were you I'd expect the worst case outcome (6 hr cutoff finish) and pace yourself at that time for the first half. Instead of thinking about the race as two half…
  • Yes, I was basically using it as a shorthand. Obviously misunderstandings are always possible, but if you start from a place of respect then you usually can't go too far wrong.
  • Sometimes people scrunch their toes in their shoes to try to grip if the shoe is too loose. It's not something you'd notice unless it causes pain or an injury. Changing your lacing may help. It could be both, you could have damaged the nail, and you could also have the callous from repetitive movement while you run. Check…
  • I'm fond of the runner's salute/wave myself, and have a few people I'll stop to chat with or say hi to. The majority of people who respond in any way are the slower runners. The fast guys or the HS track kids who run in my park actually look offended sometimes if I try the half wave. Things that I personally think are…
  • Does the nail bed hurt when you push on it, or just the tip of the toe? Do you scrunch up your toes in the shoe when you run?
  • I've had really good luck on public transit with focusing attention on the person being harassed, asking if they're ok, offering to switch seats, etc. I used to see people stand by and do nothing but thankfully it's becoming much more socially acceptable to call it out.
  • We either strive to have a civilized society or we don't. Expecting women to police this kind of behavior isn't helpful. Neither is calling them "props in a play".
  • Sorry, I actually read back and think I mistook your comment for the one you were quoting. I should have addressed it to @cqbkaju. My statement still stands, but I apologize for pinning it to you! I agree with you that it's about aggression.
  • I understand that you were trying to help, and not necessarily looking to blame women. Please understand though, one of the major problems with this way of thinking is that 9/10 guys may be harmless *kitten* looking for a reaction who will back off, but as a woman you never know when you'll run into that 1/10 guy who is…
  • If you go just slightly over your calories for the day, it's ok. If you eat something that is not really that healthy but it fits in your calorie goal, it's ok. If you need a rest day every now and then, it's ok. It's awesome that you recognize that you used to use food for emotional reasons. Try to figure out other things…
  • I think they're just flooded with support tickets right now. I submitted 3 of them since 7/11 and only now heard back from them a couple of days ago. They offered to manually withdraw my funds for me though, so I know they're still responding and helping people cash out. I was kind of surprised by the response -- very…
  • If it's working for you and you are using it to get food recommendations while tracking with MFP, why change it? Dr. Oz is pretty terrible but it sounds like you're just using this for food recommendations. Unless you are eating less than 1200 calories?
  • How many calories does MFP suggest for you? How many are you actually eating? How accurate is your logging, and do you measure your food or just guess?
  • It depends on your reasons for keeping those calories back in the first place. Did you used to snack after dinner and those habits have gradually changed? Is it a comfort thing so that you know you won't feel deprived if you do want a snack? Routine change leading to a later dinner? H's ideas above are great and what I…
  • That's a great point, and I think you're right. 4-6 weeks is definitely better, and I know that it personally took me a few weeks and a food scale to start seeing good results.
  • Currently training for a half in Oct and getting back into the swing of things. I'm slow but consistent. Feel free to add me!
  • If your labs and meds are on track per your doctor (and it sounds like they are) then you should be looking at your intake. It sounds like you have a pretty accurate measure for your RMR, so the first thing I would do personally is get a food scale and measure every single thing you eat for a couple of weeks. Be as…