eandasher Member


  • Depending on your goals I would just keep going slow and steady. Trying to gain weight fast doesn't do much for you. Like others have said its either going to be lots of fat or water weight. BUT... BUT there are benefits such as being able to lift more weight your changing your force point on a fulcrum basically F = (W *…
  • I've been experimenting with this the last couple weeks... well month, I'm still trying to get down to my goal weight though. Honestly I know what days I've messed up, and what days I was just a special occasion and let loose. Honestly after logging so many calories and different types of foods I basically know within…
  • Honest, trustworthy, and passionate :blush:
  • My vote is CARDIO Just my PERSONAL experience... doing cardio and body weight exercises (Just walking 1 hour a day replacing 1 meal with a salad + protein either chicken or hard boiled eggs, cutting out soda pop) I was able to burn off about 102lbs in 1 year. Met with a new personal trainer got me doing almost exclusively…
  • I would say from my experiences at the gym... its probably 35% checking themselves out in the mirror, 30% them checking the machine you are using out (to see if its free), 20% them just seeing how much you are lifting to compare themselves too, 20% them checking you out :wink: 5% people just zoning out. Just smile, and…
  • This doesn't address a serious problem as well... Most 'low IQ' people, persons? End up with worse jobs, and get less pay. So they don't have time to deal with learning good nutrition or simply buy into the myth that 'healthy food is un affordable', and some have speculated that they use cheap high fat foods as a reward.…
  • Yo big bro! I'm at 298lbs 6'4 30years old male. from the research I've done basically 3.2lbs (Average) is the most you can get off in a week and be in the range of healthy. It's just a marathon :blush: i'll lose between 1-3lbs a week. I drink about 1-1.5 gallons of water a day (roughly 8lbs of water) Also not trying to be…
  • I heard drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning/ when you wake up is important? For me (work week) I'm up around [5:45-6am] drink a glass of water, have a 8oz glass of OJ with Apple cider vinegar, jog 2.5miles do another 30-60min of cardio at the gym [8am] 2 cups of coffee, eat 2 eggs 2 pieces of turkey bacon…
  • I've been eating 1 of those candy bars to try and get more protein :blush: 'builder bar' 20g protein. It is most likely trash and bad for me, but I do like candy... It seems extremely hard to get good protein from actual foods without getting a ton of sodium or fat. I found this thread somewhat helpful though :smile: I'm…
  • I would add in swimming, as for the home workout I suggest looking on craigs list for free workout gear someone is always giving it away. I got a bench, treadmill, full set of weights, and 3 different lifting bars for about 20 dollars total (from different people) Be warned though people give it away, because its heavy,…
  • chocolate protein shake // smoothie with chocolate protein if you wanna be a boss add in kale, broccoli, strawberries, and a splash of oj with ice chunks.
  • Yes applying the scientific method to your training is bro science. Saying that you should have goals in mind for why you are training bro science. Having an idea what you are training for is bro science. Saying there is a difference between functional and strength training bro science. Saying that you'll get gains doing…
  • Any type of workout you'll 'improve' on and get stronger in terms of being able to lift more weight especially if you are just starting out. I was using the term 'stronger' in regards to "practical strength application". For this I feel body weight exercises such as push ups, pull ups, running, body weight squats are a…
  • These type of workouts are for breaking down muscle, not to fatigue them. you're trying to build mass overall and so you don't have to build up your heart rate, just target the right muscles and put them under heavy load. This type of workout will also not necessarily make you 'stronger' its more for appearance, rather…
  • You gotta enjoy your life, are you training for some kind of sports or fitness event?? If you are you should plan out accordingly and let your friends and family know. Otherwise Do your best, and use portion control and good judgment. (I have the same problem feeling guilty about eating certain things, I mentally give…
  • I just go by mfp, neither the gym nor mfp uses your age, sex, height, weight, bmi, heartrate over time, hydration at time of exercise, elevation, blah blah blah... Just choose one for me its mfp, because I can enter multiple types of workouts. I use the reports / charts at the end of the week to review the week. I see…
  • I use to do more rest days which to me.. walking 1 mile with my dog... Consider this, you are going to be sore no matter what. This is part of working out, if you workout a lot you will always have some soreness. So if you're going to be sore if you do nothing for the next 2-3 days anyways you might as well workout in that…
  • You should also consider your lean body mass: http://scoobysworkshop.com/body-fat-calculator/ the calipers are only like 5-8 dollars on amazon. Figure out your actual lean body mass, mostly for 'gaining muscle' you can do big compound movements such as dead lifts, squats (I prefer squat machine), bench press, and clean and…
  • Aside from water weight, it could be inflammation. I get it pretty bad after a hard workout about 4-5lbs gained, to combat this I've started drinking 1-2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar with my OJ in the morning. and adding 1 tbsp. of hot sauce to my breakfast and lunch. I only gain about 2-3lbs after a hard workout now (it's…
  • I wouldn't worry to much whatever you are doing today you'll see the results for in 3 months. Just think of it as putting in deposits in the bank everyday. You'll see the pay off 3-5 months down the line :wink: You have to walk by faith not by sight. Also you said you're down 7lbs!!! That's wonderful I'm happy for you.…