How many of you eat breakfast?



  • hollygirl101
    hollygirl101 Posts: 93 Member
    Never during the week, sometimes on weekends. But if I don't have plans on Saturday or Sunday I wake up at noon. So I guess it'd be lunch, not breakfast. :) I'm not hungry in the morning anyway so why waste the calories? I lose weight either way. It's not when you eat your calories it's how many you're eating overall.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,131 Member
    Hi! I personally can't survive the first few hours of the workday without a protein-packed breakfast and a caffiene boost. In fact, my breakfast is my most caloric meal of the day. However, I have seen numerous people say it doesn't matter when you eat your food, so I'm guessing that also includes breakfast. On the other hand, it's important to get your metabolism kicking once you wake up for maximum metabolic burn. It may not make sense for you to change your habits. If you want to get a metabolic boost to burn more calories, how about having a glass of cold lemon water when you wake up? That will certainly get you going, be hydrating, and you don't have to worry about breakfast.

    You don't have to do anything to "get your metabolism kicking". As many others have pointed out if your metabolism stops you are dead. I'm surprised that so many people still believe this.
  • pescetarian_love
    pescetarian_love Posts: 64 Member
    I never believed in eating breakfast because I always found that if I skip breakfast its one last meal I take in...but that is soo harmful to your body.

    EAT breakfast! I eat small, have an egg and some spinach in an omlette or something and then have a mid morning snack like nuts.

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,617 Member
    misscagal wrote: »
    Every day. I either feel sick or absolutely starving by mid-morning if I don't eat breakfast.

    Me too! Ever since I was a kid and almost passed out in school.

  • kellyiris6
    kellyiris6 Posts: 69 Member
    I eat breakfast because I take vitamins in the morning. No breakfast + vitamins = nausea for me. I usually eat a grapefruit with string cheese, Nutragrain bar or some other type of fruit.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited July 2016
    I eat breakfast but I wait until I'm actually hungry to eat it... Usually it's around 7.30/8am. If I don't, I get dizzy and weak and hangry. But I rarely eat past 7pm, sometimes I have dinner at 5am... so it's still over 12 hours typically between both meals. Before losing weight, I would eat until 11pm or later.. so of course I was never hungry for breakfast.

    Been maintaining my 76ish lb weight loss for 2 years.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I was never an oatmeal or eggs and toast kind of person.

    I drink a smoothie before I leave the house to train, 6 mornings a week. Afterwards, at work, I have coffee, banana, my Brazil nuts, and if I'm hungry, something like blueberries or cottage cheese.
  • eandasher
    eandasher Posts: 25 Member
    I heard drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning/ when you wake up is important? For me (work week) I'm up around [5:45-6am] drink a glass of water, have a 8oz glass of OJ with Apple cider vinegar, jog 2.5miles do another 30-60min of cardio at the gym [8am] 2 cups of coffee, eat 2 eggs 2 pieces of turkey bacon [10-11am] I eat a builder bar, and drink more coffee [1pm] lunch [5pm] dinner... I just try and space out my food 2-4 hours from each other keeping them around 300-500 calories, but not always just TRY too :smiley: ... I tried no breakfast for a while, but found I would loss focus on my job, forget things, and be in a worse mood. That's just me though try different things, I found eating before the gym on Saturday made my workout way worse so back to fasted workouts.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I like breakfast and almost always eat it but you don't need to.
  • pescetarian_love
    pescetarian_love Posts: 64 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    I never believed in eating breakfast because I always found that if I skip breakfast its one last meal I take in...but that is soo harmful to your body.

    EAT breakfast! I eat small, have an egg and some spinach in an omlette or something and then have a mid morning snack like nuts.


    It is not harmful to skip breakfast. It is really just a matter of personal preference. Eat it if you want to, don't eat it if you don't want to.

    To loose weight, and keep up your metabolism - it is required to eat something for breakfast. purposefully skipping it, is harmful, that's what I mean.
  • pescetarian_love
    pescetarian_love Posts: 64 Member
    eandasher wrote: »
    I heard drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning/ when you wake up is important? For me (work week) I'm up around [5:45-6am] drink a glass of water, have a 8oz glass of OJ with Apple cider vinegar, jog 2.5miles do another 30-60min of cardio at the gym [8am] 2 cups of coffee, eat 2 eggs 2 pieces of turkey bacon [10-11am] I eat a builder bar, and drink more coffee [1pm] lunch [5pm] dinner... I just try and space out my food 2-4 hours from each other keeping them around 300-500 calories, but not always just TRY too :smiley: ... I tried no breakfast for a while, but found I would loss focus on my job, forget things, and be in a worse mood. That's just me though try different things, I found eating before the gym on Saturday made my workout way worse so back to fasted workouts.

    This pretty much sums up my life! I do the same exact thing!
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. It's really about the only time of the day lately where my stomach growls ferociously, too, so I don't skip it. It doesn't impact weight loss either way, though. I just prefer to eat when I wake up.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,224 Member
    edited July 2016
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    I never believed in eating breakfast because I always found that if I skip breakfast its one last meal I take in...but that is soo harmful to your body.

    EAT breakfast! I eat small, have an egg and some spinach in an omlette or something and then have a mid morning snack like nuts.


    It is not harmful to skip breakfast. It is really just a matter of personal preference. Eat it if you want to, don't eat it if you don't want to.

    To loose weight, and keep up your metabolism - it is required to eat something for breakfast. purposefully skipping it, is harmful, that's what I mean.

    Umm, nope and nope. So are you saying that the 90lbs I've lost almost never eating breakfast is my imagination? Am I hallucinating wearing jeans nearly 5 sizes smaller? Again. No it is not required to eat breakfast as my body has proven that statement completely wrong. Nor is it harmful by the way. Sorry.

    ETA: And if your metabolism wasn't "kept up" it would mean you're dead.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited July 2016
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    I never believed in eating breakfast because I always found that if I skip breakfast its one last meal I take in...but that is soo harmful to your body.

    EAT breakfast! I eat small, have an egg and some spinach in an omlette or something and then have a mid morning snack like nuts.


    It is not harmful to skip breakfast. It is really just a matter of personal preference. Eat it if you want to, don't eat it if you don't want to.

    To loose weight, and keep up your metabolism - it is required to eat something for breakfast. purposefully skipping it, is harmful, that's what I mean.
    No, it isn't harmful at all. Im not sick or dead. I never eat breakfast, I am healthy and have lost 90lbs, so yeah. No ones metabolism needs to be started, it runs 27/7. Eating breakfast to start metabokism is bunk... Scientifically proven to not be the case. As many have mentioned here, if your metabolism stops, that means you are dead.
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    Work days, I eat breakfast, and usually a morning snack before lunch. I work in a busy doctors office. I move a lot. Makes me hungry.
    On my days off, it's not uncommon for me to wait until noon or later. Lost 70lbs, am maintaining for the rest of the year as we are expecting a baby in October, and I want to spend the last two months of the year establishing a good breastfeeding relationship and milk supply before I worry about losing the last of my weight.
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    I eat breakfast every morning as well. Don't know how people can wake up and not eat until lunch. But if it doesn't bother you, as long as you're in a deficit you'll lose weight.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    I make a smoothie first thing in the morning and stick it in the frig until I'm hungry. Usually what I am first thing in the AM is thirsty and I don't start with the smoothie until I've had 24 plus ounces of fluid to drink.
  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    afatpersonwholikesfood Posts: 577 Member
    Most days of the week, I don't eat anything until the early afternoon. I do often get an iced coffee in the AM, and I log it, but I don't really count that as eating food.
  • harryhole987
    harryhole987 Posts: 16 Member
    So far I've been managing to lose weight without breakfast but so many people bang on about how I should and how important it is. So my question is how many of you eat breakfast and how many of you have successfully lost weight without it?

    If I'm hungry I eat but it is usually 2.hours after I'm up
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    I eat when I'm hungry. Sometimes I have breakfast and other days I don't eat at all until a large dinner at 7pm. When I tried forcing myself to eat when I wasn't hungry I gained weight.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    I never believed in eating breakfast because I always found that if I skip breakfast its one last meal I take in...but that is soo harmful to your body.

    EAT breakfast! I eat small, have an egg and some spinach in an omlette or something and then have a mid morning snack like nuts.


    It is not harmful to skip breakfast. It is really just a matter of personal preference. Eat it if you want to, don't eat it if you don't want to.

    To loose weight, and keep up your metabolism - it is required to eat something for breakfast. purposefully skipping it, is harmful, that's what I mean.
    No, it isn't harmful at all. Im not sick or dead. I never eat breakfast, I am healthy and have lost 90lbs, so yeah. No ones metabolism needs to be started, it runs 27/7. Eating breakfast to start metabokism is bunk... Scientifically proven to not be the case. As many have mentioned here, if your metabolism stops, that means you are dead.

    Lol! It's amazing how my spelling goes down hill when there's no coffee. Being human is hard today :lol:
    And, 27/7 was intentional, but silly.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I don't eat breakfast, but i do drink lots of milky cups of tea all morning which keeps me full. My reasons for not eating breakfast are :

    I'm not particularly hungry in the morning so it would be a waste of calories.
    I prefer to save the majority of my calories for dinner and dessert:smile:
    Once i start eating, it switches on the hunger monster, so i put off eating for as long as possible. Eating breakfast just serves to make me hungrier throughout the day.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    edited July 2016
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    I never believed in eating breakfast because I always found that if I skip breakfast its one last meal I take in...but that is soo harmful to your body.

    EAT breakfast! I eat small, have an egg and some spinach in an omlette or something and then have a mid morning snack like nuts.


    It is not harmful to skip breakfast. It is really just a matter of personal preference. Eat it if you want to, don't eat it if you don't want to.

    To loose weight, and keep up your metabolism - it is required to eat something for breakfast. purposefully skipping it, is harmful, that's what I mean.

    Not true. Your metabolic processes tick along fine unless you die, and then they stop.

    It is true to say that your metabolic rate rises when you are fed and process the food but, the rise is related to the food intake. If you ate 1500 calories in a day, as breakfast, lunch and dinner then the total of the three metabolic increases would be equivalent to eating one big meal of 1500 cals.

    You do not need to "keep your metabolism up" and doing so by eating more or spreading your food out more to enhance your metabolic burn is not a valid weight loss strategy.

  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I do Intermittent Fasting -- I eat during the hours between 6:00 pm to 11:00 pm. I do not like to eat in the morning and I have no work time for a suitable lunch. Mostly, IF helps me keep me calories at deficit while also allowing for a good sized meal after work.
  • WillpowerBurton
    WillpowerBurton Posts: 65 Member
    edited July 2016
    If your goal is just to lose weight, you can skip breakfast sure. If you wanna lose weight AND get fit, then resistance training should be part of your regime. Increasing your muscle volume will increase your capacity to consume stored body fat at a faster pace. Better muscles = bigger/more efficient fatburning furnaces. But for muscles to grow they need to be fed. Unless you eat some slow-digesting protein (casein powder, cottage cheese etc) before bed, your muscles wont have that steady supply of materials to keep repairing themselves and thus growing, until you break that fast in the AM. Depends on what your goals are really! Personally my body screams for food when I wake up. Sometimes hours before my alarm goes off itll force me up for some sustenance! PS Im bulking and consuming about 3300 calories/day right now ;)