It's just not worth it

So I've lost 25 lbs and for the first time in this weight loss journey (this time around) gained 1.5 lbs this past week. Ugh. So frustrated. I'm down to 144.6 today (5'6, 44 yr old F) and just annoyed with myself. I had a friend visiting and had made a yummy coffee cake on Friday (dang it! Why do I have a love for baking and baking well? lol!) for a group of friends who came over and then kept it in the fridge for when my out of town friend came 2 days later. I ate some with her and then got it out with my daughter and ate more than I should have. I also had a personal cheese pizza with my friend and ate only 1/2 of it so I'm hoping that maybe some of my weight gain is sodium....wishful thinking, I know ;)
All of this to say...was it worth it? Nope. Not really. I'm mad at myself for going over my calories when I knew darn well I shouldn't. I'm dreading the beach this summer and need to have a plan for what I will eat. I'm thinking I'll eat light for breakfast and lunch (bars, nuts, fruit, popcorn) and a salad for dinner but sometimes it's so hard while on vacation but if I gain weight, I'll be so frustrated as I am now!! Any suggestions for my week away? It's just not worth it after my hard work of diet and exercise to binge eat on sugar! Sugar seriously makes me crave more..


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    So I've lost 25 lbs and for the first time in this weight loss journey (this time around) gained 1.5 lbs this past week. Ugh. So frustrated. I'm down to 144.6 today (5'6, 44 yr old F) and just annoyed with myself. I had a friend visiting and had made a yummy coffee cake on Friday (dang it! Why do I have a love for baking and baking well? lol!) for a group of friends who came over and then kept it in the fridge for when my out of town friend came 2 days later. I ate some with her and then got it out with my daughter and ate more than I should have. I also had a personal cheese pizza with my friend and ate only 1/2 of it so I'm hoping that maybe some of my weight gain is sodium....wishful thinking, I know ;)
    All of this to say...was it worth it? Nope. Not really. I'm mad at myself for going over my calories when I knew darn well I shouldn't. I'm dreading the beach this summer and need to have a plan for what I will eat. I'm thinking I'll eat light for breakfast and lunch (bars, nuts, fruit, popcorn) and a salad for dinner but sometimes it's so hard while on vacation but if I gain weight, I'll be so frustrated as I am now!! Any suggestions for my week away? It's just not worth it after my hard work of diet and exercise to binge eat on sugar! Sugar seriously makes me crave more..
    Not a healthy way of thinking. When food you actually enjoy becomes a bane because of 1.5lbs gain, then you're using the scale as your measurement of success/failure. Unless you exceeded your calories by 3500 calories and ALL of them reverted to fat storage, that 1.5lbs is basically a little water retention. And honestly, even the most trained eye wouldn't be able to tell you whether it made a difference on your body or not.
    If you can't enjoy your friends and they can't enjoy you and you can't handle a slight gain, then is it really better to avoid them and any "off" eating the REST OF YOUR LIFE because of a little vanity?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    Good advice from everyone on here. You still want to be able to enjoy your life and food. As for your vacation, try to pre-plan if you can. And be careful. Bars, nuts, fruit, salads can all have high calories that easily take you over your calorie limit if you are not careful. Nuts especially. Most of my weight gain was from nuts, cheese and fruit.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Not a healthy way of thinking. When food you actually enjoy becomes a bane because of 1.5lbs gain, then you're using the scale as your measurement of success/failure. Unless you exceeded your calories by 3500 calories and ALL of them reverted to fat storage, that 1.5lbs is basically a little water retention. And honestly, even the most trained eye wouldn't be able to tell you whether it made a difference on your body or not.
    If you can't enjoy your friends and they can't enjoy you and you can't handle a slight gain, then is it really better to avoid them and any "off" eating the REST OF YOUR LIFE because of a little vanity?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    So much this. You still have to enjoy life and frankly your idea of eating on vacation is depressing. Allow yourself some leeway. Enjoy life and time with friends and, yes, coffee cake and pizza.

    I'm going on vacation in June and have no intention of watching what I eat. I do this every vacation and the most I've ever gained is 2 pounds (and that was on a 7 day cruise where I basically ate 24/7). As soon as I got home and back to eating right it came off immediately.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    the one thing you'll learn here, crap happens. keep learning from it and keep going. I've been on here seriously way too long to count at this point and have had great success and massive failures but one things stays the same, I keep logging in/tracking/moving forward. ;) Stop beating yourself up and make changes so next time you can report to us a great success. :D
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    I had my first test this past weekend after almost 5 months of logging diligently and losing 1-1.5 pounds/week. I failed the test, but learned from that failure. Instead of beating myself up, I'm vowing to stay the course and not let 3 days of gluttony derail my hard work. Will I handle it better next time? Who knows? You've lost 25 pounds, you know how this works. Just keep moving forward.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    That's fantastic that you've dropped 25 lbs!! That's not easy to do! Keep it up and keep a positive attitude!

    Cheers for a brand new day looking a head, forgive yourself and move on!!
  • eandasher
    eandasher Posts: 25 Member
    edited May 2016
    You gotta enjoy your life, are you training for some kind of sports or fitness event?? If you are you should plan out accordingly and let your friends and family know. Otherwise Do your best, and use portion control and good judgment. (I have the same problem feeling guilty about eating certain things, I mentally give myself permission, "we are spending time with friends at a party, and I'm not going to feel bad about this. This is why I eat right the other 98% of the time :smiley: ")

    Lastly your post says its not worth it, but you made all these choices. You love to bake, make smaller personal size baked goods for your friend, have fruits, yogurt, and granola there and enjoy a parfait. There are probably thousands of 'healthy' pizza recipes out there (and you do love to bake!) Use google type in 'healthy pizza recipes', 'healthy baked good recipes', and plan ahead when possible you have to be in control of your own life... My buddy owed me lunch he asked where I wanted to go? I told him hey man just buy some steaks I got veggies, rice, and some potatoes at my house. As I love too cook this was probably better then any restaurant we could've gone too.
  • Losewtforlife4him
    Losewtforlife4him Posts: 423 Member
    You've lost 25 lbs your first time on this journey? Don't beat yourself up, praise yourself. This is about my 6th time being active on MFP, and I've given up before after only a couple lbs in the past.

    Log it and move on. We all have bad days. And think about it, before we started logging, basically all our days were bad!

    Thank you so much for your encouragement. I've lost weight before on mfp and this is my 2nd journey on here. I should have clarified that better. You're right...before logging, all my days were pretty bad or I wasn't eating enough some days.
  • Losewtforlife4him
    Losewtforlife4him Posts: 423 Member
    sllm1 wrote: »
    No one can be perfect all of the time. You enjoyed time with a friend and overate. No big deal. Back on the plan. Forget it. Make a U-Turn and do what you need to do. No need to be frustrated or upset. It's done.

    Don't dread vacation - plan breakfast, lunch, and snacks - eat out for dinner. Make good choices, but enjoy it. Get in some walking to earn extra calories. Expect to weigh about 3 pounds more when you return (I'm about the same weight as you and this is my typical "gain" from vacation, - but it's not a gain - it's from travel and sodium, not overeating. It will go away. Get back on it when you return, drink lots of water, and your weight will return to normal in about three days.

    Don't be so hard on yourself!

    You're right. Thanks for the encouragement! I shouldn't get so worked up over a number.

  • Losewtforlife4him
    Losewtforlife4him Posts: 423 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    There is no way you gained 1.5lbs from coffee cake and half a personal pan pizza...

    To gain 1.5lbs of fat you need to consume 10500 calories more than maintenance.

    Just log it move on and expect to lose it as it is probably water weight.

    Well I weigh Thursday-Thursday and that's what the weight gain was. Is that still not possible? I had a hard week and I guess went over my calories a bit too often obviously. However, today I woke up and I'm 142.6 so a 2 lb loss from yesterday-yay :smile: I know I shouldn't be so obsessed with the scale but when I get into tracking as I am right now, i can become a bit OCD with it. I'm either one way or the other..eating or tracking ugh.

  • Losewtforlife4him
    Losewtforlife4him Posts: 423 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    So I've lost 25 lbs and for the first time in this weight loss journey (this time around) gained 1.5 lbs this past week. Ugh. So frustrated. I'm down to 144.6 today (5'6, 44 yr old F) and just annoyed with myself. I had a friend visiting and had made a yummy coffee cake on Friday (dang it! Why do I have a love for baking and baking well? lol!) for a group of friends who came over and then kept it in the fridge for when my out of town friend came 2 days later. I ate some with her and then got it out with my daughter and ate more than I should have. I also had a personal cheese pizza with my friend and ate only 1/2 of it so I'm hoping that maybe some of my weight gain is sodium....wishful thinking, I know ;)
    All of this to say...was it worth it? Nope. Not really. I'm mad at myself for going over my calories when I knew darn well I shouldn't. I'm dreading the beach this summer and need to have a plan for what I will eat. I'm thinking I'll eat light for breakfast and lunch (bars, nuts, fruit, popcorn) and a salad for dinner but sometimes it's so hard while on vacation but if I gain weight, I'll be so frustrated as I am now!! Any suggestions for my week away? It's just not worth it after my hard work of diet and exercise to binge eat on sugar! Sugar seriously makes me crave more..
    Not a healthy way of thinking. When food you actually enjoy becomes a bane because of 1.5lbs gain, then you're using the scale as your measurement of success/failure. Unless you exceeded your calories by 3500 calories and ALL of them reverted to fat storage, that 1.5lbs is basically a little water retention. And honestly, even the most trained eye wouldn't be able to tell you whether it made a difference on your body or not.
    If you can't enjoy your friends and they can't enjoy you and you can't handle a slight gain, then is it really better to avoid them and any "off" eating the REST OF YOUR LIFE because of a little vanity?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Thank you. You're exactly right. I can get a bit stressed over this and I don't want to. I woke up this morning and weighed but don't know how accurate this weight would be since yesterday was my "weekly weigh in" here at my house. I still weighed this morning to see and lost 2 lbs and down to 142.6. So would that 1.5 lb weight gain yesterday from my whole week be accurate or do you think it was retention? I never understand the fluctuations with weight but the number on the scale isn't everything. My clothes are still loose and you're one would be able to tell that I gained 1.5lbs. Thanks!
  • Losewtforlife4him
    Losewtforlife4him Posts: 423 Member
    After you've hit your goal weight you're going to continue to have good days, and "bad" days as you maintain. Just accept that you took it easy for a day and get going again. It's not a big deal. And as Stef said, you didn't really gain 1.5 lbs from that one splurge.

    No, I guess it was over the week that I gained the 1.5 lbs but that splurge on coffee cake and too many pieces with high calories certainly didn't help. See I weight every Thursday so yesterday was my weigh in. So it had to have been accurate however today I weighed and I'm 142.6 so maybe it was retention. You're right. I need to just move on and accept and start again. That's what I'm doing. Thanks for your encouragement.
  • Losewtforlife4him
    Losewtforlife4him Posts: 423 Member
    Sharon_C wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Not a healthy way of thinking. When food you actually enjoy becomes a bane because of 1.5lbs gain, then you're using the scale as your measurement of success/failure. Unless you exceeded your calories by 3500 calories and ALL of them reverted to fat storage, that 1.5lbs is basically a little water retention. And honestly, even the most trained eye wouldn't be able to tell you whether it made a difference on your body or not.
    If you can't enjoy your friends and they can't enjoy you and you can't handle a slight gain, then is it really better to avoid them and any "off" eating the REST OF YOUR LIFE because of a little vanity?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    So much this. You still have to enjoy life and frankly your idea of eating on vacation is depressing. Allow yourself some leeway. Enjoy life and time with friends and, yes, coffee cake and pizza.

    I'm going on vacation in June and have no intention of watching what I eat. I do this every vacation and the most I've ever gained is 2 pounds (and that was on a 7 day cruise where I basically ate 24/7). As soon as I got home and back to eating right it came off immediately.

    I agree to a point. Last year I had lost a lot with myfitness pal but then totally messed up on my vacations. Too many Krispy Kreme donuts with my daughter on 2 beach trips, a cruise,....and I couldn't lose my weight for anything. I think I sorta gave up. When I get so much sugar in my body as I did over the summer, I have a very hard time feeling like doing much. It's like I'm sugar comatose, lol. Glad I can lol now, 25 lbs lighter. It was very difficult after last summer and then get into the winter months and baking cookies for Christmas...don't get me started. I totally am all for not being depressing and enjoying and eating good food and even some junk (in moderation) as I had a mcds cheeseburger, small fry and ice cream cone a few days ago...but I just bought too many Krispy Kreme donuts last year and ate them and the weight came on in a fierce way. This is why I get a bit stressed. I didn't use this community last year either so this is very helpful!!

  • Losewtforlife4him
    Losewtforlife4him Posts: 423 Member
    the one thing you'll learn here, crap happens. keep learning from it and keep going. I've been on here seriously way too long to count at this point and have had great success and massive failures but one things stays the same, I keep logging in/tracking/moving forward. ;) Stop beating yourself up and make changes so next time you can report to us a great success. :D

    Thanks so much! You're exactly right. Today I weighed and was 2 lbs lighter yay! Maybe it was just sodium retention but that was my weekly weigh in yesterday. Who knows. Anyway, you're right. Can't beat ourselves up!

  • Losewtforlife4him
    Losewtforlife4him Posts: 423 Member
    That's fantastic that you've dropped 25 lbs!! That's not easy to do! Keep it up and keep a positive attitude!

    Cheers for a brand new day looking a head, forgive yourself and move on!!

    Thank you! I will do just that. If I can't forgive myself, I'll never be able to forgive others right? Lord knows I need to do that on a daily basis, lol!! :smiley:
  • Losewtforlife4him
    Losewtforlife4him Posts: 423 Member
    trinairby wrote: »
    I went to the beach with a friend two weeks ago. I planned my breakfasts, lunches, and snacks and we ate dinner out. I logged all meals and did go over my calories (for losing weight), but stayed under maintenance. We walked at least 2 miles on the beach each night. I didn't stress about it because I wanted to enjoy myself, but I didn't want to throw healthy out of the window either, so a compromise is possible.
    I haven't lost an ounce since I've been back, and that was almost 2 weeks ago. BUT my clothes fit better and I'm continuing to log and exercise, so I know I'm doing my body right. The number on the scale is not my end all be all, and it shouldn't be yours. You've had great success with a 25lb weight loss, celebrate! Realize you can't live your life regretting an indulgence. The trick is to allow yourself some wiggle room, but mostly eat healthy. I call it the 90/10 rule.

    Great advice! Thanks so much. Would you mind giving me some ideas of what you ate all day on the beach and then for dinner at night that could help me? I'm just getting a little nervous because I love to eat on the beach and I get so hungry for some reason. I guess it's called being lazy laying on the beach doing nothing, lol. I'll get up and get moving though and walk/run and maybe even do some push-ups lol! Thanks for your tips :)
  • Losewtforlife4him
    Losewtforlife4him Posts: 423 Member
    eandasher wrote: »
    You gotta enjoy your life, are you training for some kind of sports or fitness event?? If you are you should plan out accordingly and let your friends and family know. Otherwise Do your best, and use portion control and good judgment. (I have the same problem feeling guilty about eating certain things, I mentally give myself permission, "we are spending time with friends at a party, and I'm not going to feel bad about this. This is why I eat right the other 98% of the time :smiley: ")

    Lastly your post says its not worth it, but you made all these choices. You love to bake, make smaller personal size baked goods for your friend, have fruits, yogurt, and granola there and enjoy a parfait. There are probably thousands of 'healthy' pizza recipes out there (and you do love to bake!) Use google type in 'healthy pizza recipes', 'healthy baked good recipes', and plan ahead when possible you have to be in control of your own life... My buddy owed me lunch he asked where I wanted to go? I told him hey man just buy some steaks I got veggies, rice, and some potatoes at my house. As I love too cook this was probably better then any restaurant we could've gone too.

    Great advice. Thank you for your time! I guess I shouldn't say I "love" to bake, haha! ;) I was exaggerating with the "love" but I don't mind it and can bake when I am in the mood to. I do have an amazing cauliflower pizza recipe that is super healthy that I could have made but I wanted to go out with my friend since it's not often we are together. We live 3 hrs apart and don't see each other often. I guess the part of giving myself permission, is that every day or week could be "something" I'm giving myself permission for you know? There's always lots of birthday parties in my large family so birthday cake is something I could easily eat a lot of. I have to decide and make the choice and sometimes that's difficult. I try to allow for those calories though too. I want to be fun to be around and not always having to feel like I have to say, "I can't eat that..." especially when others around me like to have someone to eat something yummy with them. I have to do this for me though and I'm the one who has to carry the weight around on my knees and hips, right? I want to do all I can now at age 44 to not need knee or hip replacements later in my life.
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Bananas and mandarins are easy when on holidays. I usually cook egg too
  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,863 MFP Moderator
    IMO, You've got to stop obsessing over the scale so much. Ninerbuff is right - It's not healthy and can warp your mind when it comes to eating and socializing and just taking care of your body.

    It's good to keep track of where you're at, but it's the long-term trend that's important. Look at it another way. You think that since yesterday was your weekly weigh-in the number is somehow more accurate than today. It must mean you really gained 1.5 pounds. Well what if your weekly weigh-in happened to be on Fridays instead? Wouldn't you then think you were doing great because you were down half a pound from last week? ;)

    The point is, weight is a range not a single number. It goes up and down every day based on what you eat, how salty it was, how much you've peed or pooed, how much exercise you've done. You said that in the last week you ate pizza and McDonald's hamburger and fries. Those items alone could make you retain water as opposed to gain fat.

    I've weighed daily, except for vacations, for roughly 3 years now. The graph is not a nice straight line from highest weight to now. It zig-zags like crazy up and down every day. Last month the scale went up 8 pounds in one day, just because I'd eaten a large, salty (and delicious!) meal. Three days later it dropped by 10 pounds! All of that was water, both the gain and the loss.

    This journey IS worth it. But you need to be realistic and educate yourself or you're only going to make yourself crazy. ;) You can do it! You've already made 25 pounds!!
  • Losewtforlife4him
    Losewtforlife4him Posts: 423 Member
    IMO, You've got to stop obsessing over the scale so much. Ninerbuff is right - It's not healthy and can warp your mind when it comes to eating and socializing and just taking care of your body.

    It's good to keep track of where you're at, but it's the long-term trend that's important. Look at it another way. You think that since yesterday was your weekly weigh-in the number is somehow more accurate than today. It must mean you really gained 1.5 pounds. Well what if your weekly weigh-in happened to be on Fridays instead? Wouldn't you then think you were doing great because you were down half a pound from last week? ;)

    The point is, weight is a range not a single number. It goes up and down every day based on what you eat, how salty it was, how much you've peed or pooed, how much exercise you've done. You said that in the last week you ate pizza and McDonald's hamburger and fries. Those items alone could make you retain water as opposed to gain fat.

    I've weighed daily, except for vacations, for roughly 3 years now. The graph is not a nice straight line from highest weight to now. It zig-zags like crazy up and down every day. Last month the scale went up 8 pounds in one day, just because I'd eaten a large, salty (and delicious!) meal. Three days later it dropped by 10 pounds! All of that was water, both the gain and the loss.

    This journey IS worth it. But you need to be realistic and educate yourself or you're only going to make yourself crazy. ;) You can do it! You've already made 25 pounds!!

    I know what you're saying. I actually didn't eat the mcds food last week but was just saying that I won't deprive myself of that. I ate the cheeseburger and fries probably 2 or 3 weeks ago. I also wasn't saying the journey isn't worth it. I was saying that eating all of that sugar isn't worth it
  • Losewtforlife4him
    Losewtforlife4him Posts: 423 Member
    IMO, You've got to stop obsessing over the scale so much. Ninerbuff is right - It's not healthy and can warp your mind when it comes to eating and socializing and just taking care of your body.

    It's good to keep track of where you're at, but it's the long-term trend that's important. Look at it another way. You think that since yesterday was your weekly weigh-in the number is somehow more accurate than today. It must mean you really gained 1.5 pounds. Well what if your weekly weigh-in happened to be on Fridays instead? Wouldn't you then think you were doing great because you were down half a pound from last week? ;)

    The point is, weight is a range not a single number. It goes up and down every day based on what you eat, how salty it was, how much you've peed or pooed, how much exercise you've done. You said that in the last week you ate pizza and McDonald's hamburger and fries. Those items alone could make you retain water as opposed to gain fat.

    I've weighed daily, except for vacations, for roughly 3 years now. The graph is not a nice straight line from highest weight to now. It zig-zags like crazy up and down every day. Last month the scale went up 8 pounds in one day, just because I'd eaten a large, salty (and delicious!) meal. Three days later it dropped by 10 pounds! All of that was water, both the gain and the loss.

    This journey IS worth it. But you need to be realistic and educate yourself or you're only going to make yourself crazy. ;) You can do it! You've already made 25 pounds!!

    I know what you're saying. I actually didn't eat the mcds food last week but was just saying that I won't deprive myself of that. I ate the cheeseburger and fries probably 2 or 3 weeks ago. I also wasn't saying the journey isn't worth it. I was saying that eating all of that sugar isn't worth it and how bloated I feel plus the weight gain even if it was water retention. Not sure what happened to all I wrote before. It deleted. I'll try to remember what I wrote here to you. As far as weighing goes, I always thought it to be more accurate of a weight to weigh on the same day same time each week vs weighing every day and going with that number. That's why I am going with yesterday's weight since that was a week exactly from the last weigh in. Does that make sense?
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OP how much total weight are you trying to lose, what do you have your rate of loss set at, and what is your calorie goal?

    As others have said, the intense focus on the scale weight is not always healthy. Weight fluctuates naturally, which is why many people weigh every day so you begin to see those patterns, it also prevents from having to wait a week to weigh after a spike.

    It should be very possible to fit foods like coffee cake and pizza into your diet in moderation. Losing weight shouldn't come at the expense of all the foods you love. Nor should your vacation be something you dread because you are so concerned about what you are eating.

    If you've lost 25 lbs, it may be time to increase your calorie goal by 250 cals and reduce your rate of loss, it depends how much weight you still have to lose.

  • Losewtforlife4him
    Losewtforlife4him Posts: 423 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    OP how much total weight are you trying to lose, what do you have your rate of loss set at, and what is your calorie goal?

    As others have said, the intense focus on the scale weight is not always healthy. Weight fluctuates naturally, which is why many people weigh every day so you begin to see those patterns, it also prevents from having to wait a week to weigh after a spike.

    It should be very possible to fit foods like coffee cake and pizza into your diet in moderation. Losing weight shouldn't come at the expense of all the foods you love. Nor should your vacation be something you dread because you are so concerned about what you are eating.

    If you've lost 25 lbs, it may be time to increase your calorie goal by 250 cals and reduce your rate of loss, it depends how much weight you still have to lose.

    I see what you're saying and definitely in moderation will eat these foods but was just frustrated at myself for over indulging on my homemade coffee cake which was full of butter and sugar and a brown sugar topping ...very rich. I need to find healthier alternative recipes so I don't have the sugar addiction that I seem to get after having just one piece. It's like it's was so good that I kept going back for more. I feel like I truly can't have these kinds of foods around or it's a major temptation. Like an alcoholic with alcohol in the house. It's no different. I see these tendencies in myself and just don't want to go there again. I'm down to 142.6 today and would love to get down to 135 lbs so I play around with my calories. Right now I have it set to 0.5 lb/week weight loss which has me at 1590 calories and then I exercise and eat 1/2 of those back. However, I think when my friend was here I had it set at 1200 to full myself but maybe that was the problem. I wasn't fueling myself properly.