WorldTravellerGirl Member


  • We see results slower than others but don't compare yourself to what others are doing or can do. Remember to focus on being healthy and strong. Its empowering!
  • Pcos has been very difficult for me. My best results came from doing the whole30. Nowvi i am doing paleo with no wheat. I also cut alcohol and caffeine. It really stinks.. No sugar, no caffeine no alcohol and no wheat... But its better than being bald!
  • Well, the older you get and the more health problems you face the more resolve you need. Focus on eating healthy nutrient dense food and try not to be a stickler for a number on the scale or filling yourself with processed empty calories. Work on being strong and healthy.
  • Hang in there. I drink a ton of sparkling water. I like pink grapefruit flavor the best. The burn from the effervescence is satisfying and the gassiness fills your stomach. Just a tip
  • I'm about to turn 40 in July. I have PCOS, Hypothyroidism and mitralvalve prolapse. I'm in it with you all!! I'm 5'7.5" and medium build. I'm struggling to admit I'm 145. I just finished the whole 30 and I run 4 miles every other day. I love Jillian Michaels workouts too