This debate is far from science.... it's unfortunate that it offends or upsets anyone. You do you and I'll do me ... As for this topic - I'm out
To debate whether artificial sweetners are a healthy alternative or have zero side effects on MFP would prove absolutely pointless. As I said I spent a lengthy amount of time reading about artificial sweetners. As for sending links, which is also pointless as people do have the right to do and believe whatever they feel to…
That's your interpretation and I don't judge you.
You may be correct... I've read lots of research on artificial sweetners and they back up what you say. Unfortunately much of the research is fairly new and most likely biased... the research is generally funded by the sugar companies and artificial sweetner companies. Either way MFP'ERS are not interested in this…
I think it's obvious.... Gatorade is your best choice .... haven't you seen thier commercials?? LOL
Don't drink it ... it's a deadly toxin
Add it under Cardio and look weight training
I've tried every supplement available (not proud of it) not one had any noticeable results. I didn't start seeing any progress with my goals until I decided to take it seriously. My best results came from MFP, just learning portion control and how to hit proper nutrition and macros.
Just make sure you weigh and log the Water properly :wink: JK I drink only water and black coffee, I don't drink alcohol (it makes me way to funny and awesome) I have the odd diet soda to look cool while out in an activity where people are drinking and I enjoy it :)
Every day is leg day!!! Even after I moved past SL 5x5 I continued to squat every gym session. [/quote] That's a lot of leg days .... like 365 leg days a year :p
@mskessler89 <3 <3
Lifting weights with different levels of intensity will have different results. Weight lifting can be very leisurely to extremely intense. I use a core fitness and strength training coach and when we go extreme I can burn up to 650 calories and hour. The calculations based on heart rate and bmi for weight lifting aren't…
They have actually been paying Me an appearance fee. It's perk to be being awesome :D
If you were diagnosed with low T, you'll probably have to follow the doc's instructions. If your just trying to increase your testosterone levels naturally you can: Lift heavy weights The more sleep the better Sex at least once a week increases T Avoid alcohol A supplement ZMA (Zinc, Magnesium Aspartate, Vitamins B6)…
- was so helpful for me. Great videos, great beginner programs. Great information. And agreed with above, squats and leg work outs have giving me the best results. At my gym there are a handful of fellow lifters that are missing thier potential because they skip leg…
I love push ups ... I love any body weight exercise. I like to do push ups in between sets when I'm lifting and working my chest. Adding muscle to your arms will help with thier appearance. And as said earlier the best way for toning up is full body workouts, resistance training. Your arms may tone up first, they may tone…
I had to buy some top soil (dirt) for my house and the employees at the garden store used both shovels and and tractors to move the dirt. What I found amusing was that the smaller orders weighed out in KG's and there larger orders in yards. End game: whether you use a shovel or a tractor, if you want to know exactly how…
Yes absolutely, however you will get out what you put in. My advice to any new lifter is set your intentions before you step into the gym. Dedicate that time to yourself and work hard. I like to eliminate all distractions, I give my self a time limit to ensure I'm not taking too long in between sets. Track your results and…
Thanks everyone <3
Hot topic wowza :o
@BZAH10 Yes 70 lbs heavier lol
Not the best news lol :#
That's cause I liked it Roxie ;)
I find it very strange that you have such a strong opinion about something you seem to not care about. If I had to guess I'd say that you are worried and bothered by the idea that you may have to start tracking your calories more accurately to continue to lose weight.
1 pound of fat = 3500 calories. Your doing amazing and keep it up, my tip for you is be Proud of your Hard Work ;)
Well said ;)
If I am correct OP is talking about (here is the link if your interested in seeing the program) The program gives you meal plans daily so I believe the example OP has provided is for a single day (as in not eating that same list every day for 12…
Wow good job :) you did really good. What I would recommend to keep looking lean and feeling healthy - (if your not already) add in some resistance training and weightlifting to add a little more muscle mass. You'll have to increase your food intake to at least maintenance. Adding more muscle will keep you feeling healthy…
I used the work outs in his plan, - they were very effective. I chose my own diet to make sure I was hitting my macros. The diet he recommends looks pretty good, I just like choosing my own. I gained 4 pounds of lean muscle in the 12 weeks and dropped 1.5 inches in my waist. The work out are a good general beginner start…