Alexandra_Faller Member


  • Ok thank you so the consensus is that the app on phone tracking my walk would be most accurate.
  • Thank you I'll use the Apple Watch data :)
  • The idea is that the free foods are filling for longer so you eat less of them. I know a lot of people who have had success with it but for me it was useless.
  • Thank you thats really super helpful. Ive never done atkins. I did look at this Keto thing but it seems quite strict so I might ease myself in and cut the carbs slowly.
  • Fab thank you that is really super helpful. I already use cauliflower rice instead of rice, will have to get bns spaghetti, not seen it in Tesco but think sainsburys do it. This is the hardest bit for me working out the swaps as usually I eat a lot of potatoes, brown wholemeal sandwich thins, tortilla wraps, basically all…
  • none of which I have in the house but will add to my shopping list. Thanks :smile: Thank you I will take a look.
  • Wow didnt expect so many people to want to join in :smile: Have sent you all friend requests for the ones who hadnt added me already. It was my youngest daughters first day of pre school today so I went straight to aqua aerobics after dropping her off and took my sadness that my baby is growing up out on the water lol
  • Hello!! I used to live in Swansea and would run down the bay every week. This was in 2011 so a long time ago and unfortunately I can't run anymore due to knee and foot issues :( it's such a beautiful run down there so definitely go for it!! I have loads of nice clothes too just sat in a suitcase!! I'm fed up wearing…
  • Hello *waves* I know the tired feeling!!! My husbands family are from Pennsylvania :) I think together we can all do this :)
  • Yea it is weird. I will eat salted peanuts and pistachios but that's about it. Oddly I don't really like almonds but I like almond milk in my porridge. What can I say I'm an odd kind of girl!
  • Thanks. I've never tried low carb before so I will look into this. Thanks for the info
  • What's a keto diet?
  • Hello. Sorry I just realised I should have introduced myself better. I'm 33 from Wiltshire, uk ( I did live in Indiana for two years) and also a mum but only to two. My daughters are 2 years and 3 years old so I'm well past the baby fat excuse!! I married my hubby 5 years ago this year, he's my rock. I've been doing weight…
  • Hello I'm alexandra and I'm originally from but after a lot of moving around the world I now live in Wiltshire. I've lost 20lbs so far this year using weight watchers but I didn't enjoy the overly priced classes and I was becoming obsessed wth points. I've had this app for years and never bothered learning to use…
  • I had cheese in my omelette. I have unsweetened almond milk because I like the taste of it with porridge and coming from weight watchers it was low in points. I don't like peanut butter or nuts and adding oil or butter goes against everything I've been told for the last 10 years which is to eat low fat. I'm trying to get a…
  • Well I had a mushroom and ham omelette for lunch (2 eggs) with a sandwich thin and ham, 100g of cherry tomatoes followed by a bowl of fruit around an hour and half ago and now I feel really really hungry as if I haven't eaten. I just can't seem to get any balance. I've logged my dinner already and have 266 calories left…
  • Thank you. How do I change it? It was set to 1200 automatically when I put in my details so I had no idea it wasn't enough.
  • 1200 calorie goal, im 5'4 and my goal is set to 2lbs a week. I usually go for a walk every morning before breakfast for 30 minutes just to get me out of the house for at least once that day while there are few people around, and to aim for my 10,000 steps a day. Other than that I dont do any exercise so its set as Lightly…
  • Thank you. Im trying to loose around 70lbs so I need to make sure my meals aren't hugely calorific. I don't think I could ever eat leftovers from dinner for breakfast, Im too used to having cereal/oats. I have protein powder so I will try and fit that in.
  • Wiltshire :)