feeling so hungry I feel sick



  • Alexandra_Faller
    Alexandra_Faller Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you. Im trying to loose around 70lbs so I need to make sure my meals aren't hugely calorific. I don't think I could ever eat leftovers from dinner for breakfast, Im too used to having cereal/oats. I have protein powder so I will try and fit that in.

    What is your calorie intake for the day? Your height? Your weight loss goal set to (0.5-2lb)?

    1200 calorie goal, im 5'4 and my goal is set to 2lbs a week.

    I usually go for a walk every morning before breakfast for 30 minutes just to get me out of the house for at least once that day while there are few people around, and to aim for my 10,000 steps a day. Other than that I dont do any exercise so its set as Lightly active.

    The reason I wouldn't eat leftovers for breakfast is mostly because it makes me feel sick the thought of eating something like spaghetti bolognaise for my breakfast.

    I came from doing Weight Watchers and have never managed to balance calories through the day which is why I eat only porridge and almond milk for breakfast. Before dieting, I would have eaten about 4 weetabix with a bowl full of milk or a ginormous bowl of cereal of some sort. Basically my portion sizes were far too big.

    I will incorporate protein powder and perhaps some yoghurt with it. Maybe overnight oats would be better as that has fruit and yoghurt already bundled in.

    I also drink 2 litres of water a day (sorry I dont know what that is in fl oz)

    With 70lbs to lose 1,200 cals is too low. If you were to hit a plateau you'd have nowhere to go because you can't reduce your calories anymore than you have. And if you're taking care of two kids and walking for 30 minutes a day too, then that's taking your calorie intake down even more. I'd up it to 1400cals (1500 if you felt comfortable there)* and eat half of your exercise calories back at the very least. Just to give you options later on. Yes, it will slow your rate of weight loss, not by much though, and you won't end up in the situation you're in now where you're too depleted to function. Weight loss is a long game and a smart one. Don't do yourself a disservice by undernourishing yourself in the name of rapidity.

    Try and think of it less about calories as fueling your body throughout the day. 7:30am till lunch is a long time to go without food or to only give it something like a banana. The same with lunch til dinner. If you really can't do the snacking thing then your meals are going to have to be a lot more substantial. :smile:

    *if you decide to do this you will see an initial weight increase as your body fluctuates to having more food in its system. It's water weight and nothing to worry about.

    Thank you. How do I change it? It was set to 1200 automatically when I put in my details so I had no idea it wasn't enough.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    Thank you. Im trying to loose around 70lbs so I need to make sure my meals aren't hugely calorific. I don't think I could ever eat leftovers from dinner for breakfast, Im too used to having cereal/oats. I have protein powder so I will try and fit that in.

    What is your calorie intake for the day? Your height? Your weight loss goal set to (0.5-2lb)?

    1200 calorie goal, im 5'4 and my goal is set to 2lbs a week.

    I usually go for a walk every morning before breakfast for 30 minutes just to get me out of the house for at least once that day while there are few people around, and to aim for my 10,000 steps a day. Other than that I dont do any exercise so its set as Lightly active.

    The reason I wouldn't eat leftovers for breakfast is mostly because it makes me feel sick the thought of eating something like spaghetti bolognaise for my breakfast.

    I came from doing Weight Watchers and have never managed to balance calories through the day which is why I eat only porridge and almond milk for breakfast. Before dieting, I would have eaten about 4 weetabix with a bowl full of milk or a ginormous bowl of cereal of some sort. Basically my portion sizes were far too big.

    I will incorporate protein powder and perhaps some yoghurt with it. Maybe overnight oats would be better as that has fruit and yoghurt already bundled in.

    I also drink 2 litres of water a day (sorry I dont know what that is in fl oz)

    With 70lbs to lose 1,200 cals is too low. If you were to hit a plateau you'd have nowhere to go because you can't reduce your calories anymore than you have. And if you're taking care of two kids and walking for 30 minutes a day too, then that's taking your calorie intake down even more. I'd up it to 1400cals (1500 if you felt comfortable there)* and eat half of your exercise calories back at the very least. Just to give you options later on. Yes, it will slow your rate of weight loss, not by much though, and you won't end up in the situation you're in now where you're too depleted to function. Weight loss is a long game and a smart one. Don't do yourself a disservice by undernourishing yourself in the name of rapidity.

    Try and think of it less about calories as fueling your body throughout the day. 7:30am till lunch is a long time to go without food or to only give it something like a banana. The same with lunch til dinner. If you really can't do the snacking thing then your meals are going to have to be a lot more substantial. :smile:

    *if you decide to do this you will see an initial weight increase as your body fluctuates to having more food in its system. It's water weight and nothing to worry about.

    Thank you. How do I change it? It was set to 1200 automatically when I put in my details so I had no idea it wasn't enough.

    If you going into your settings on the home section it will say update your diet/fitness profile. You want to scroll down and set your goal to 1.5lbs a week loss or even 1lb a week. People have a tendency to be aggressive towards weight loss when really you want to be eating as much as you can for as long as you can. When you undereat for long periods of time it tends to wreck havoc on the body that just isn't worth it (hair loss, bad skin, nutrient deficiencies). Also 1200 calories for most women is less than you'd need to maintain you while you're in a coma, let alone walking around doing things like people do. Your body will be much more receptive to letting the weight go if it knows that more food is coming in. Like, for example, with me I lose on 1600cals, it might not be a lot because I'm so close to goal, but if I eat less, like 1400cals if I was feeling particularly lazy about eating that day, nothing will happen. All you have to do is eat less than you were before and the weight will come off. :heart:
  • ferd_ttp5
    ferd_ttp5 Posts: 246 Member
    I do nuts They're full of fat that can fill us up easily and protein, fiber too. Mostly I do love to eat high protein foods I just ended sometimes at a deficit and I'll bank it for emergency needs like party or a full blast beer night lol
  • Alexandra_Faller
    Alexandra_Faller Posts: 25 Member
    Well I had a mushroom and ham omelette for lunch (2 eggs) with a sandwich thin and ham, 100g of cherry tomatoes followed by a bowl of fruit around an hour and half ago and now I feel really really hungry as if I haven't eaten. I just can't seem to get any balance. I've logged my dinner already and have 266 calories left and that's with increasing my calories up to a daily goal of 1460 and earning 103 from exercise. I guess I should eat something further, I just don't have a clue what!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    edited April 2017
    Fat. You need fats. There have been lots of suggestions here. Add some cheese with that sandwich. Add nuts or coconut oil or butter with that porridge. I don't know why you've chosen almond milk, but regular milk is better in my opinion - for so many nutritional reasons.

    I make it a point to get a balance of Carb/Fat/Protein and fiber in every meal and snack - it's what works for me. So when I have porridge I add 3 ounces of milk, .5 TBL of oil or peanut butter, and I sprinkle chopped almonds on it. Then I have half an apple or some berries, and an egg with a sprinkle of cheese, maybe some turkey sausage. That covers all my bases. Try getting a mix in every meal. Even if you are eating 1500 calories, that fits just fine (about 400 cals.) I have a smaller portion of oats so I can have the other stuff. It keeps me full for hours. You do need fat, though. Need it, it's not an optional thing.

    I also do two largish meals a day on most days - maybe a small 200 calorie snack mid-day, but not always. If you're always hungry, eat a bit more when you do eat and see if it "lasts" longer.
  • Alexandra_Faller
    Alexandra_Faller Posts: 25 Member
    Fat. You need fats. There have been lots of suggestions here. Add some cheese with that sandwich. Add nuts or coconut oil or butter with that porridge. I don't know why you've chosen almond milk, but regular milk is better in my opinion - for so many nutritional reasons.

    I make it a point to get a balance of Carb/Fat/Protein and fiber in every meal and snack - it's what works for me. So when I have porridge I add 3 ounces of milk, .5 TBL of oil or peanut butter, and I sprinkle chopped almonds on it. Then I have half an apple or some berries, and an egg with a sprinkle of cheese, maybe some turkey sausage. That covers all my bases. Try getting a mix in every meal. Even if you are eating 1500 calories, that fits just fine (about 400 cals.) I have a smaller portion of oats so I can have the other stuff. It keeps me full for hours. You do need fat, though. Need it, it's not an optional thing.

    I also do two largish meals a day on most days - maybe a small 200 calorie snack mid-day, but not always. If you're always hungry, eat a bit more when you do eat and see if it "lasts" longer.

    I had cheese in my omelette. I have unsweetened almond milk because I like the taste of it with porridge and coming from weight watchers it was low in points. I don't like peanut butter or nuts and adding oil or butter goes against everything I've been told for the last 10 years which is to eat low fat.

    I'm trying to get a balance and I guess i need to Rewire my brain. I know for a fact I can eat a massive meal and still eat more as over the last week all I seem to have done is eat all day long even when I feel full. I have issues with emotional eating and binge eating so I'm trying to combat all of that at the same time.

    Thank you for your advice. I will be sure to try tomorrow to increase the fats I eat, especially since I have an aqua aerobics class for an hour and I know I will be extremely hungry after that.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    You say you feel sick. If it is symptoms of weakness, brain fog, shakiness, old sweats and headaches, it could be reactive hypoglycemia. It is not a true hypoglycemia (in many cases) but the fast fall of blood glucose can cause you to feel poorly. If you combine it with low blood pressure, it can even cause fainting.

    I switche to a LCHF diet - ketogenic. I am no longer reliant on carbs for fuel so I no longer experience BG swings or the sick feelings that went along with it. I can even skip eating for a day without any problems besides a slight rumbling in my stomach, which is a much more normal response than getting weak and needing to eat every 2 hours. KWIM?

    Good luck.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    WhiT3Kr0w wrote: »
    Read about ketogenic diet. It will keep your hunger in check and it will aid you in losing those extra pounds. I've started just a week ago and I'm seeing results already. I don't feel the hunger/cravings I used to when in a normal high carb diet. Also lost a bit of weight although in this initial phase was mostly water stored in the body.

    Not for everyone, no. I did keto for months and was always hungry.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Fat. You need fats. There have been lots of suggestions here. Add some cheese with that sandwich. Add nuts or coconut oil or butter with that porridge. I don't know why you've chosen almond milk, but regular milk is better in my opinion - for so many nutritional reasons.

    I make it a point to get a balance of Carb/Fat/Protein and fiber in every meal and snack - it's what works for me. So when I have porridge I add 3 ounces of milk, .5 TBL of oil or peanut butter, and I sprinkle chopped almonds on it. Then I have half an apple or some berries, and an egg with a sprinkle of cheese, maybe some turkey sausage. That covers all my bases. Try getting a mix in every meal. Even if you are eating 1500 calories, that fits just fine (about 400 cals.) I have a smaller portion of oats so I can have the other stuff. It keeps me full for hours. You do need fat, though. Need it, it's not an optional thing.

    I also do two largish meals a day on most days - maybe a small 200 calorie snack mid-day, but not always. If you're always hungry, eat a bit more when you do eat and see if it "lasts" longer.

    I had cheese in my omelette. I have unsweetened almond milk because I like the taste of it with porridge and coming from weight watchers it was low in points. I don't like peanut butter or nuts and adding oil or butter goes against everything I've been told for the last 10 years which is to eat low fat.

    I'm trying to get a balance and I guess i need to Rewire my brain. I know for a fact I can eat a massive meal and still eat more as over the last week all I seem to have done is eat all day long even when I feel full. I have issues with emotional eating and binge eating so I'm trying to combat all of that at the same time.

    Thank you for your advice. I will be sure to try tomorrow to increase the fats I eat, especially since I have an aqua aerobics class for an hour and I know I will be extremely hungry after that.

    Low fat? Do you have a medical condition preventing you from eating fats?

    Fats are important for our bodies for a wide number of reasons. Don't fall into the trap of thinking low fat is the ticket to weight loss. It isn't.

    Calories are king when it comes to weight loss. Carbs won't make you fat, protien won't make you fat/muscly and fats don't make you fat. Excess calories (energy) does.

    Chose to lose 1lb per week.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Almond milk, though just as high or higher for calcium as milk, has far less protein.

    A small amount of fat adds so much to your diet, including the fat soluble vitamins.

    Have a snack ready to go right after aerobics. A protein bar should do it.
  • whatlunasaid
    whatlunasaid Posts: 173 Member
    edited April 2017
    There is already some great advice here, so I don't need to repeat that. The only other things I can think of are peppermint and ginger tea and candies. It helps calm my stomach and make me feel a little better almost anytime. Best of luck! Beautiful profile pic, by the way. :)
  • LonniJay
    LonniJay Posts: 3,740 Member
    I also suggest more fat throughout the day. I had similar problems before and switched to a keto type diet and now I'm hardly hungry and am noticing the scale move and I have more energy. Plus I almost never hit my calorie goal now because I don't feel the need to snack as often. Also remember that your brain may make you feel hungry when you're actually thirsty so maybe try drinking more water during that time or a glass of milk. I hope you find what works best for you. Good luck!
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    Well I had a mushroom and ham omelette for lunch (2 eggs) with a sandwich thin and ham, 100g of cherry tomatoes followed by a bowl of fruit around an hour and half ago and now I feel really really hungry as if I haven't eaten. I just can't seem to get any balance. I've logged my dinner already and have 266 calories left and that's with increasing my calories up to a daily goal of 1460 and earning 103 from exercise. I guess I should eat something further, I just don't have a clue what!!

    Next time have some cheese, yogurt, or cottage cheese with your bowl of fruit.

    Right now, try some nuts (almond, walnuts, etc.). One ounce will have 160 to 200 calories, depending on type of nuts, so it fits within the calories you have left.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Well I had a mushroom and ham omelette for lunch (2 eggs) with a sandwich thin and ham, 100g of cherry tomatoes followed by a bowl of fruit around an hour and half ago and now I feel really really hungry as if I haven't eaten. I just can't seem to get any balance. I've logged my dinner already and have 266 calories left and that's with increasing my calories up to a daily goal of 1460 and earning 103 from exercise. I guess I should eat something further, I just don't have a clue what!!

    Next time have some cheese, yogurt, or cottage cheese with your bowl of fruit.

    Right now, try some nuts (almond, walnuts, etc.). One ounce will have 160 to 200 calories, depending on type of nuts, so it fits within the calories you have left.

    she doesn't like nuts.

  • Alexandra_Faller
    Alexandra_Faller Posts: 25 Member
    LonniJay wrote: »
    I also suggest more fat throughout the day. I had similar problems before and switched to a keto type diet and now I'm hardly hungry and am noticing the scale move and I have more energy. Plus I almost never hit my calorie goal now because I don't feel the need to snack as often. Also remember that your brain may make you feel hungry when you're actually thirsty so maybe try drinking more water during that time or a glass of milk. I hope you find what works best for you. Good luck!

    What's a keto diet?
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    LonniJay wrote: »
    I also suggest more fat throughout the day. I had similar problems before and switched to a keto type diet and now I'm hardly hungry and am noticing the scale move and I have more energy. Plus I almost never hit my calorie goal now because I don't feel the need to snack as often. Also remember that your brain may make you feel hungry when you're actually thirsty so maybe try drinking more water during that time or a glass of milk. I hope you find what works best for you. Good luck!

    What's a keto diet?

    A ketogenic diet is where you keep carbs below 50g per day so your body's main energy source becomes fat rather than glucose (sugar from carbs).

    Peter Attia has interseting blogs on it, and Jimmy Moore has a good introductory book called Keto Clarity.
  • LonniJay
    LonniJay Posts: 3,740 Member
    High fat low carb diet. I eat lots of meat, butter, milk, cheese, nuts, berries and as many veggies as I want. I avoid bread, rice, and potatoes. Feel free to friend me and look at my diary if you like. Of course everyone is different but you could always look into it and try it.
  • Alexandra_Faller
    Alexandra_Faller Posts: 25 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    LonniJay wrote: »
    I also suggest more fat throughout the day. I had similar problems before and switched to a keto type diet and now I'm hardly hungry and am noticing the scale move and I have more energy. Plus I almost never hit my calorie goal now because I don't feel the need to snack as often. Also remember that your brain may make you feel hungry when you're actually thirsty so maybe try drinking more water during that time or a glass of milk. I hope you find what works best for you. Good luck!

    What's a keto diet?

    A ketogenic diet is where you keep carbs below 50g per day so your body's main energy source becomes fat rather than glucose (sugar from carbs).

    Peter Attia has interseting blogs on it, and Jimmy Moore has a good introductory book called Keto Clarity.
    LonniJay wrote: »
    High fat low carb diet. I eat lots of meat, butter, milk, cheese, nuts, berries and as many veggies as I want. I avoid bread, rice, and potatoes. Feel free to friend me and look at my diary if you like. Of course everyone is different but you could always look into it and try it.

    Thanks. I've never tried low carb before so I will look into this.
    Thanks for the info
  • kavahni
    kavahni Posts: 313 Member
    Weight Watchers **wanted*** you to eat fats. It was in the formula! Been there. Back when it worked for me (I think 3 versions ago) my day started with 3 corn tortillas on which I smeared 1/4 cup homemade refried beans, and topped with 1 tablespoon per tort low fat shredded mozzarella. They are very filling, and stuffed with chopped lettuce and tomatoes gets you a good start on your veggies. Or have berries or apple. I still eat that almost every day(unless one of the girls in the backyard has left me an egg, which I use in place of the beans). I have to have protein to start my day. Oatmeal or other of the simpler carbs don't stick. At all!
    Another great WW friendly breakfast is a single egg omelet (real egg straight out of the shell not out of a milk carton) stuffed jam packed with sautéed mushrooms, steamed greens and some of that mozzarella. Maybe salsa. Seems incredibly decadent!
  • nrbutton
    nrbutton Posts: 165 Member
    I get nauseous hungry in the morning when I eat a lot of processed sugary carbs the night before, if I eat them in the morning I'm usually nauseous hungry before lunch so I limit my heaviest processed carbs till after 3 pm that way my hunger will coincide with my biggest meal, dinner, and won't effect my hunger in the morning.

    There are a lot of people in my family with diabetes including my mom so I have a theory that the sugar spike and subsequent insulin levels dramatically effect my hunger type. When I keep my sugary carbs down then I only get normal hunger signals, not the emergency "I'm gonna throw up" hunger. Vegetable carbs don't effect my hunger either so it's not all about the carbs, it's more about whether they are complex or simple carbs.

    Just to clarify I'm not on a low carb diet, I just limit mainly processed foods high in sugar like cakes, donuts, breakfast cereals, etc.