sparatic Member


  • Hey I'm back. Start weight 77kg and end weight id like 76.9 kg. I'm going to try a bit harder this round. Like exercise and drink more water and enjoy the food I'm eating - mindfulness. There's other stuff in my life at the moment (like most people) so I'm going to really try and focus on the good foods and maybe enjoy a…
  • Hey I'm back. Start weight 77kg and end weight id like 76.9 kg. I'm going to try a bit harder this round. Like exercise and drink more water and enjoy the food I'm eating - mindfulness. There's other stuff in my life at the moment (like most people) so I'm going to really try and focus on the good foods and maybe enjoy a…
  • Hey lovelies sounds good. I fluctuate a bit during a week so will be interesting to try and maintain. This is round #2 for me. Can anyone tell me how I add my weight each day? Do I just quote it? Thanks. 7/24 77kg
  • Day / Weight KGS)/ Comments 7/12. 77.4 7/13 77.5 7/14. 77.0 7/15. 77.7 7/16. 76.9 7/17 77.4 7/18 77.5 7/19 77.5 7/20 77.5 7/21. 76.9 Here I am focused on the minimal of change where I weighed myself three times today and I was 77.5kg then 77.1kg then 76.9kg all in the space of two hours. So yes im going to do this…
  • 07/30. 77.5. No change but no drop mmm must be something I'm not doing xxx drfinayely need anther round.
  • 07/17 77.4kg 08/18 77.5kg I have been up and down so obviously not doing a great job of keeping my will power in check. I'll have to work better tomorrow and really focus on water inyske .
  • 07/16 76.9 and I'm taking that little point. U even had McDonalds so quite impressive. Had a whoops day again today too so start again tomorrow. Anyone else start strong and then dip in the evening? Maybe I should just go to bed early afternoon hehe xxx
  • 07/15 77.7kg yep back up but had a day where I didn't have three proper meals hence nibbling between 3pm and bed time. Didn't help that I'm breast feeding and went to bed at 1am. Role on a new day whoop whoop
  • 7/14 77kg woohoo feeling good. Enjoy your day lovelies xxx
  • 7/13 77.5 kg - I'm up a few hundred grams (where in weight management for me it counts! Hehe) but it was cold and I consumed a hot chocolate or two! I love this app when you put in your food it calculates the kjs and it makes you so much more awear of what you're eating. Bring on a fresh start today xxx have a good one!…
  • Hi, I've just moved to Dunedin from taupo and have restarted my fitness pal.
  • Start weight - 77.4kg end of ten week ideal weight - 77kg. I was 79 last week so I fluctuate a lot. 7/12 @ 77.4kg