People always say that no one cares about what you're doing or how you look but I don't think that's the right way to think about the situation. I'd like to meet the person who has never silently judged someone else, they'd be a true saint. The way I like to think about situations like that is simply this: if someone is…
Down 72lbs since March of this year drinking diet soda and sugar free kool aid regularly the entire time.
Don't log the activity. Search the DB for something close and log the food.
Placebo effect?
why are there cookies in your house?
switch too marinara sauce
I say "no, thanks" but if they insist, I'll just take it and throw it away when they're not looking. It's a waste but I don't want hurt feelings over something so simple.
Read the article? Nah, but why pass up a chance to bash the US? It's already been approved and available in Europe before the US. And we know Europeans are superior to the US, so I guess it's not that screwed up, is it?
I only drink water that I personally dip from fresh mountain springs using a cup that was handmade by a small native woman dressed only in organic clothes made of local flora. I don't know how you can drink soda.
Recent studies suggest that exercising decreases appetite (in women anyway).
You're blaming your indulgences on commercials? Do you own one of every car? A pantry full of maxi-pads? If not, then you can obviously resist their influence. Commercials aren't your or society's problems.
So much hate.
He is under care from a doctor.
Go run. 90% of the people won't notice, sure some might notice and some scumbags might even feel like commenting on it. You just need to ask yourself if those types of people are the type that you would even care about their opinion? Some jerk who cares if other people are running to get fit? Is that who you're worried…
I never have more energy than when I'm exercising. You'd think you would be more tired after working hard but it's opposite for me.
I'm hungry a lot but the more I put up with the feeling, the less it bothers me.