mkoh65 Member


  • krystlestar00, my experience during two and a half years of keto/lchf leads me to believe that the burning of stored body fat provides a source of energy that reduces the need to derive energy from food intake. That leads to reduced appetite, which in turn leads to reduced calorie intake. In other words, weight loss leads…
  • Lately I've been making homemade mayo every weekend and using it to make tasty ranch or blue cheese dressing. It's delicious on raw or steamed vegetables, chicken, eggs, whatever, and it saves time because it allows me to throw together a simple dish or meal without much planning that still tastes great.
  • I'm a fan of the high-intensity, low-volume approach described in Dr. Doug McGuff's book Body by Science. It's a progressive and highly sustainable protocol in my opinion, which makes it well suited to beginners and older folks. Check him out on YouTube.
  • Funny, kaki is also Japanese for persimmon. Coincidence?
  • I sometimes eat more carbs than usual the day before a workout if I feel my muscle glycogen is depleted, but I don't think fruit is the best option because fructose tends to replenish glycogen in the liver, not the muscles.
  • My hair became finer and started falling out pretty substantially about four or five months into keto. I later read somewhere that hair loss is quite common after significant weight loss on any diet and tends to start about three months after the weight loss, which matched my experience quite neatly (my weight dropped 10%+…
  • Ellipticals are great for high-intensity interval training (HIIT). They're low impact (unlike sprinting on ground) and you can adjust your pace automatically (unlike treadmills). Just make sure the machine is sturdy enough to handle very fast speeds.
  • Just to ease your mind until then, Phinney and Volek mention in their first book that a low carb, low fat diet (as opposed to LCHF) can increase the risk of gallstones during times of rapid weight loss, since the gallbladder doesn't get the signal to empty itself if dietary fat is low. This apparently can lead to a…
  • Soon after I switched to keto 18 months ago, I would often get a tight feeling on the left side of my chest and left upper arm, not exactly pain, but definitely troubling enough to make me consider giving up on keto, despite all the health benefits I had gained from LCHF. I suspected that my heavy cheese consumption might…
  • This blog has a wide range of recipes for fermented foods. I've found their book, Fermented Vegetables, a great resource. I especially like that they are generally not as heavy handed with the salt as most recipes I've seen online.