manz_85 Member


  • Totally understand what you are saying! I'm on a 1200 calorie diet & do 2 x gym sessions a day. Morning is cardio & arvo is cardio & light weights. In 4 wks i've lost 4kgs and i'm hoping this will continue. I think you still have to enjoy life & honestly who can bring scales around with them all day everyday? Good luck…
  • Hey there! I'm Amanda and my goals are to change the person i am from the inside out! I have been back into health & fitness now for 5wks and i'm finding i'm much more confident already and i can't wait to see what changes i will go on in the next 3mths! Welcome back!
  • Love it Dancing
  • Yep i'm in! 67.7kgs today, goal 65.2kgs 3 wks!
  • I think there is a sense of self fulfillment when you do things to make yourself happy and not what others want you to do or who to be. I say good for you girlfriend! Keep doing the things that make you feel good and ignore any negative comments. I'm sure the new haircut will grow on him anyway. Hope you are having a…
  • Brissy Australia:)
  • I'm a Mum of 3 boys, work full time and life is as busy as ever! 3 wks ago I started a 12wk fitness challenge with my workplace to transform myself and become the strong fit woman I used to be. Over these past 3wks I have realised this is no longer called 'a challenge' this is called 'my journey'! A journey back to the…
    in Welcome! Comment by manz_85 May 2016
  • Very Very True!