Hi Everyone!

JKI19 Posts: 91 Member
I've been using MyFitnessPal for a few years now, but never really took full advantage of the social side. My goals are to cut down to 170lb and then bulk up to ~200lb at 9-12% bf. I love weight-lifting, as well as off-road biking/hiking, and almost anything else pertaining to the outdoors. I'm pretty laid back and love to motivate others. Looking forward to working towards our goals together! :smile:


  • manz_85
    manz_85 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey there! I'm Amanda and my goals are to change the person i am from the inside out! I have been back into health & fitness now for 5wks and i'm finding i'm much more confident already and i can't wait to see what changes i will go on in the next 3mths! Welcome back!
  • JKI19
    JKI19 Posts: 91 Member
    manz_85 wrote: »
    Hey there! I'm Amanda and my goals are to change the person i am from the inside out! I have been back into health & fitness now for 5wks and i'm finding i'm much more confident already and i can't wait to see what changes i will go on in the next 3mths! Welcome back!

    Nice to meet you! It's amazing how quickly confidence can be gained when we put our minds to it! Wishing you the best on your journey!