acdkayak Member


  • Started off week strong but ugh…ended poorly. Weighing in today because I will be on work travel rest of week. At least there is a hike involved. SW:218.4 PW: 217.4 Cw: 220.2 June 4: 217.4 June 10: 220.2 I can tell much of that increase is due to water retention. I seem so much more sensitive to that as I age. Need to work…
  • Hi! Today was first weigh-in SW:218.4 PW: 218.4 Cw: 217.4 June 4: 217.4 Here goes nothing(well actually I hope ally goes overtime) A
  • Hi. Looking forward to June! I am 55 post menopausal former triathlete who needs to lose at least 40 pounds to be in healthy range and about 60-70 to be where I really want to be. I currently live in Germany and while I love it, I find the language barrier challenging and intimidating resulting in me retreating into myself…
  • Acdkayak Mondays 218.4 223.5 No preference
  • I have about 65 pounds I would like to lose. I move in about 16 months. I figure if I lose a pound a week I can reach my goal by the time I move…slow and steady. Hydration has always been an issue so my one small step will be increasing my water intake