Hey edup, I'm in FL. I do t have a yahoo.. but if you ever join any social media you can find me there. I post my progress pictures and food there
Mom of 3.. 227 from 269 at 5'4". I'll add you!
Adrianna from Florida! At 227 from 269.. I'll add you. Good luck! My diary is public
Anyone on fb or instagram?
Also on Instagram where I post my meals.. adry.riv
I got you! Let's lose this weight. I got 67 to go
I'll add you. I'm 67 lbs away from my goal. We can do this!!
I'll add you!
Being an overweight army veteran. After some introspection I decided I needed to stop slacking and get back in shape. I couldn't even keep up with my kids. So when I hit an all time high of 269 ( I'm 5'4"), I reached out to a trainer.
I like buying the packets of tuna that don't need to be drained with greenbeans. Or sometimes with multigrain club crackers.
Hi! 27 years here.. 5'4" and 233 lbs. Started at 269 last year. Was 147 in the army and 3 kids later.... well, you know. I am a stay at home mom and I try to work out every day. The scale sometimes doesn't reflect our progreas. Remember the harder you work out, and when your muscles swell, it's fluid retention. So you…
I was in the guard in NJ for 8 years. That's a great goal! I'm also about 65 lbs away from my ideal weight. Currently 5'4 and 233. Down from 269 when I started last year.. good luck. I'll add you