What was the final straw for you?

What pushed you over the edge and made you start this journey?

For me, it was my university graduation. I had almost dropped out of this degree twice, but I persisted and managed to make it through to the end, so my graduation was a really big deal for me. I was really proud of myself and I enjoyed the ceremony, until I saw my photos afterwards.

I look like a beached whale in every single photo. I have a double chin in *every* photo and, even in my black graduation robes, I looked huge! I can't even bear to look at them. I'm only keeping them as "before" pictures.

I'm starting my Masters next month. It's an 18-month degree, and things will be different next time. I want to look good in my photos! I want to be able to look at them and smile. There are many reasons why I'm doing this, but that's the main reason.

What about everyone else?


  • jvanessa89
    jvanessa89 Posts: 332 Member
    edited June 2016
    After some really sad circumstances in my life I decided to change the way I had been treating myself and get healthier.
  • SugarySweetheart
    SugarySweetheart Posts: 154 Member
    Health ... having been diagnosed with high blood pressure *meds*, diabetes *meds*, and now high cholesterol (dr wants me on meds) I decided weight loss is more beneficial to lose these side effects of obesity and putting years back onto my lifetime.
  • BillMcKay1
    BillMcKay1 Posts: 315 Member
    It was a couple of things. New suits that were already the biggest i had ever bought were almost to small. Then Wanting to go zip lining and finding out I was to heavy to safely go.
  • sueelaineparker
    sueelaineparker Posts: 51 Member
    Our wedding blessing to look good in my dress. Now I realise I want to look good but also feel good for years to come
  • NAbramovich
    NAbramovich Posts: 131 Member
    For me it was ending up in the ER last October with a horrible pain in my back. I thought it was appendicitis only to learn I was experiencing the pain of a kidney stone. Research revealed that being overweight can contribute to kidney stones. Never wanting to experience another again made me finally serious about weight loss.
  • ayrivera889
    ayrivera889 Posts: 14 Member
    Being an overweight army veteran. After some introspection I decided I needed to stop slacking and get back in shape. I couldn't even keep up with my kids. So when I hit an all time high of 269 ( I'm 5'4"), I reached out to a trainer.
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    edited June 2016
    Actually there wasn't ever a final straw, for me because I've been "dieting"; since I began gaining weight. All my previous efforts did, was prevent me from gaining without losing. Meaning that, all I've ever accomplished was losing the same pounds that I've gained; over & over again. Some'd consider that a failure but I don't because I assume that I've gained & lost possibly 100 pounds, over that course of that time & without my previous loses, I'd be 100 more pounds overweight currently & all at once. My constant "failed" diets, have ensured that I've never been more than 4 pounds into obesity (which was water weight because a week later, I lost 5 pounds; without changing my diet).

    So if there was a final straw for me, I'd have to say that it was my 1st straw because especially since I've been disabled, since I began gaining weight; I knew that if I ever became obese that'd be the point of no return for me. I knew that it just be impossible for me to lose that much weight, so I had to do my best; to prevent that from happening. I didn't know anything about water weight gain, when the scale said that I was 4 pounds obese, so it was devastating/defeating. At that moment I cried & accepted that I'd just keep gaining. I also didn't care to ever use a scale again but as the week progressed, I physically began; to feel lighter. So I chose to weigh myself again & was just overweight again, so I began my "dieting" again.

    Unfortunately even though I currently know what to do exactly/successfully to lose & keep off this weight. My declining health, has made it as though; I am just "dieting" again. So I'm back to gaining & losing again, as though I am just winging it; like when I was uneducated. So I fear that unless I can get rid of all of this excess weight, before I turn 40 (in approximately 4 years); that I'll be too unhealthy to try.

    I know that what works best for me, is to have home cooked meals because I make them voluminous, filling & less calorie dense but shopping/cooking enough, to sustain this; is becoming increasingly impossible. So I am considering hiring someone once a month (that's all I'd be able to afford), to shop for/batch cook (not everything I buy, can be ordered online & delivered/hopefully a month's worth, of food) for/with me & help with some other tedious chores, at least until I've gotten rid of this excess weight; so that I can just focus on becoming as healthy as possible. My hope is that I gain some energy, by being healthier; to then not need help to maintain whatever I've lost.
  • LisaKay91
    LisaKay91 Posts: 211 Member
    My endo offered to give me phen and diet pills for my weight. The next day, on a Saturday, I started my journey and I am not looking back. I do not believe in diet pills or weight loss surgery for myself. That is not something I would ever want to do because I know I have the strength and courage to face it by myself.
  • amanda000002014
    amanda000002014 Posts: 73 Member
    edited June 2016
    Not being able to fit in the jeans I bought after I gained some weight. Yeah, I am not buying any more clothes until I lose the weight, if there to tight there to tight, no excuse!!!!! :|
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    was not confident, feeling disrespected, I knew I needed to like myself. Lost the weight,, found another job, stood up for myself more, learned to love myself enough to take care of me
  • prktz
    prktz Posts: 2 Member
    My clothes don't fit and have aches and pains in legs when I walk. Everything is an effort so now I have to change!
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    Laying in bed each night having anxiety about getting diabetes or dying of a heart attack.