What was the final straw for you?



  • momoftwins985
    momoftwins985 Posts: 653 Member
    I got tired of feeling ugly all the time. Getting dressed to leave the house almost always ended in me sitting in a pile of clothes crying at how fat I was. I got tired of not being able to run and play with my twin toddlers. Got tired of making excuses. Got tired of seeing my future through my mothers declining health. Really just a bunch of things opened my eyes.
  • rescuemom27
    rescuemom27 Posts: 15 Member
    Being so uncomfortable that I didn't want to go out and do anything socially, pictures and forget clothes shopping!
  • aneladulan
    aneladulan Posts: 1 Member
    I was constantly sick (flu,pneumonia,stomach ache etc) because i ate bad food and too much of it.I was never too overweight 75 kg (165 lb) at my height of 163 cm (5'3) was my highest weight,but i couldnt walk for 5 minutes without 'dying'.I'm not at my goal weight now,but I've made significant improvement on my health and fitness last year when i finally decided to change.I lost around 8 kg and 12 cm in my waist,and considering I'm still young (16 in 2 months) i hope that i can make health a habit,not a chore.
  • danielmoreirapt
    danielmoreirapt Posts: 1 Member
    Recently i moved away from my country, im alone and far from basically anyone i care, i started to get depressed and borderline suicidal( i was years ago) and i knew exercise and improving my body image helps so i signed up here and joined a gym
  • SashEdwards
    SashEdwards Posts: 78 Member
    Waking up and realizing none of my work pants fit me anymore...I had one pair of "fat pants" and those are the only ones that fit me. Not being able to afford buying a new wardrobe - and terrified of being overweight again, I knew I had to do something - I forced myself to squeeze into my clothes day in and day out, mostly out of principle, being stubborn and refusing to give in, but I knew the clock was ticking and was tired of being angry.

    I quit smoking 4 months ago and packed on 14 pounds. I have a very small frame (5'0) so 14 pounds will make a huge difference. I was overweight my entire life until I had my child 12 years ago - for which miraculously I lost all my weight and then some. I now know, smoking was my diet - I smoked for over 20 years. Needless to say, I've been ignorant to food, calories and eating healthy. I've always relied on an unhealthy lifestyle so I had no idea what was going on. I did have periods of great health, exercise and being in decent shape, however I let that go a few years ago, and still relatively stayed the same weight. You always know you'll gain weight when you quit smoking, but this seemed a little much. I also started running 2 months ago, and eat relatively clean (or so my ignorant self thought) and was seeing no loss.
    Needless to say, this myfitnesspal has been an exceptional eye opening and educational experience. I can clearly see now why I not only gained as much as I did, but also why I couldn't get it off. It's great that this is now creating a whole lot of accountability for me - and creating new habits and learning the do's and don'ts, but it is a real struggle. It's like teaching an old dog new tricks (k I'm 36, not that old, but still lol). They say ignorance is bliss - I'm proof of that.

    Anyway, I guess we all have our stories, but at the end of the day, we all have the hearts in us too....sometimes the nail needs to get rusty enough and sharp enough to poke our backsides into action - and whatever that catalyst is, it's awesome to be able to come here and meet people who are on the same journey....it's exciting, motivating and inspirational. We CAN do it - no matter who says we can't, or even ourselves who may try to hold us back.
    Congrats to us all :)
  • SashEdwards
    SashEdwards Posts: 78 Member
    P.S., feel free to add me - The more support we have, and the more we can give to others, the better off we'll be in the end ;)
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    My boyfriend, quite sadly, pointed out a while back that we don't really have any pictures of the two of us together. There were things I used to wear - things he liked - that I no longer did... and it was humiliating to realize that it was because I'd gained so much weight. TMI but certain aspects of our relationship have suffered because of my lack of self-confidence and self-hatred.

    I was 25 and plagued with self-loathing. I didn't enjoy shopping for clothes, didn't enjoy photos, and every single experience seemed to be dampened by the "but I'm fat" cloud. I realized that I'm wasting what are supposed to be the best years of my life hating myself and not fully experiencing things. I was like OKAY ENOUGH WITH THE EXCUSES and buckled down.
  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    For me it was the pain interfering with my work.. lower back/sciatic nerve, knees, ankles, feet.. developed plantar faciatis. That and too much time of the diabetes meds not seeming to make any progress in controlling my blood sugar. My cholesterol and blood pressure finally started an upward climb as well, and I just don't want to be taking all these pills. I decided it was completely up to me to fix my body. Cholesterol and blood sugars are down into normal range now, and I've lost 18 pounds so far, but it's going to take another 20 or so before I get serious relief for the joints.
  • Mythril
    Mythril Posts: 146 Member
    For me it was discovering Keto. I had always wanted to lose weight, had always tried and failed. It didn't come down to simple "calories in vs out" for me. I have bad, bad, bad PCOS and it has made weight loss terrible and difficult. I discovered keto and I began to lose, and easily. And then I could move, so I did. And then I was getting stronger and healthier and I could see the huge difference.

    I mean, there were things that made me want to stick to Keto. I couldn't stand for more than 2 or 3 minutes. I couldn't climb the stairs in my house without being winded. I hurt everywhere all the time. My back ached if I tried to do the dishes. I couldn't walk around the grocery store without taking stops. I hated to see full-body pictures of myself. I hated to see my reflection in the t.v. when I turned it off. I just hated life.

    Things are so much better now.
  • OliverFiles
    OliverFiles Posts: 22 Member
    The final straw was watching back a video I filmed with my girlfriend, when I was visiting her this past January through April (long distance relationship). She wanted a video of us together, just laying on the bed, cuddling and talking (we were clothed, just saying, not that type of video)... I was laying on my stomach and I could see the fat on my butt jiggling through my pajama pants, like someone who had just poked a waterbed kinda jiggle/wave/ripple effect, when I moved around.

    I was disgusted looking at how large I've gotten, I weigh twice as much as my gf does. I've been this big all of our relationship and she loves me regardless of what the scale says, which I'm really grateful for. But, she has urged me to just be healthier before, she is scared of losing me to obesity related illnesses. Whilst I don't have any illnesses right now, I'm heading into my 30's this year and now I'm scared of what could happen in the future, if I keep heading down this path and not changing anything permanently. Cancer and diabetes runs on Dad's side of the family, heart problems runs on my Mom's side, it's really scary to think about it now, as I'm getting older.

    I've tried to lose fat and be healthy so many times before, but I always got bored of it, tired of doing it, over-did & quickly got burnt out, sick of not seeing results faster, etc... but this time feels different, I'm taking it slower and smarter.
  • Jdigs88
    Jdigs88 Posts: 71 Member
    I lost a big chunk of weight a few years ago after my mom passed, and then gained it back plus some. This year, I'm at my highest weight ever, and whether its correlated or not, I've been sick almost nonstop since January with various flus and colds. Then, at the end of April, I injured my knee at a trampoline place, and I just got completely fed up. Time for a change before this gets worse! (As an added bonus, I'm getting married in November and would love to look stunning and be in super good shape to go hiking on the honeymoon.)
  • mwalle09
    mwalle09 Posts: 305 Member
    Its hard to admit it because its been a few years and I'm still struggling with my weight, but when I was 25 I went to the doctor for the first time since I was 18. I'd gone from a 160lb high school football player to a 270lb teacher and the doctor was throwing out terms like high blood pressure and cholesterol problems and finally obesity and I laughed. When the doc asked what was funny I said I'd never had a weight problem before and she was like well you have a pretty serious one now, that shut me up quick. Feel free to add for support, I know I need it too.
  • Notaphase
    Notaphase Posts: 81 Member
    What pushed you over the edge and made you start this journey?
    I noticed my reflection in a far away mirror. I only need to lose 15lbs so I'm able to pose and suck it in for photos, but seeing myself like that (caught off guard) made me realize that I was only fooling myself. It's not just that I looked heavier than I wanted it's that I noticed my legs were splayed out to accommodate the extra fat of my thighs. I used to work for a chiropractor and I've seen the damage that happens when your joints move at the wrong angle for an extended period of time. My goal is to lose some of that weight so that my knees are closer together when I walk.
  • blakesnewface
    blakesnewface Posts: 3 Member
    I've struggled with my weight for years. Lost 50+, gained it back, lost 80, gained it back. My 'last straw' was last week when we went out to eat and I realized that I just didn't care what I ordered. I used to put some thought into it, but had reached the point of ordering whatever, eating whatever, whenever I wanted. Something clicked in my head at that moment. It's time to start making good choices.
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    I never realized I was getting to be overweight until a couple of my guy friends, on separate occasions, told me I'd be "super hot if I would just lose 20 pounds". I think that was the first time I stepped on the scale and saw that I was 215 lbs (I'm 5'9"). I then started to look at candid full-body pictures and was disgusted with myself.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Let's just say that when you're 38 and you go to see your doctor for an annual checkup and he basically says, "congratulations, you're well on your way to having an early heart attack as well as pre-diabetic"...well, it's an eye opener.

    I actually never cared about the weight...I was overweight bordering on obese, but I carried it well and didn't really care...I did/do care about being alive and well to watch my young boys grow to be men and it would be kind of nice to be able to travel with my wife when we retire rather than laid up in some hospital.

    Going on 4 years later, I've reversed all of my bad blood work and I'm as fit as I was back in my 20s. I eat well and get my fitness on and generally just do the things that lean, healthy, and fit people do day in and day out. Life is awesome.
  • kymberkaye
    kymberkaye Posts: 41 Member
    Seeing a picture of myself with my grand children. I didnt want to be the fat grandma....and i need more energy to have fun with them. =)