Any one else here faar from their goal weight??

Hi. Im 22. New to this app. Right now Im the biggest I've ever been & hopefully will ever be. Im 5"6 at 285lbs. 4 years ago i was 150lbs. Ive almost doubled in weight. So its really easy for me to just give up & lose hope. Im on week 2 of clean eating & exercising & starting to get a bit discouraged because i feel great bt look the same.. I know it takes months. Bt I'm in need of supporters. Those of you that have a long way to go like me or have already been down this road- I'll take all the advice & support i can get!!
Thank u ✌


  • Hi, I wish I would have done this in my 20's! I'm almost 50 and I have about half my weight to lose. I'm part of a bariatric clinic and heading toward surgery. I completely understand the frustration of not losing 'fast enough'.
    Don't give up, it takes time to take off the weight. As you are exercising you are gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. The muscle burns more calories and soon enough the weight will start to fall off
  • qfingers
    qfingers Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 56 but not here to lose weight although I have lost about 15 pounds since I started (I was about 30 pounds over where I wanted to be). I'm new here also but from what I've've joined a group that has great supporters! Firsttimeforeverything3 is right. Keep at it and the weight will fall off! You're on a good start as you are eating healthier and exercising. You WILL see a difference!
  • yankeesfn26
    yankeesfn26 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 305 hoping to get too 240 range, it's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll!
  • DeannaKarla
    DeannaKarla Posts: 5 Member
    I've just started today and have 6 stone to lose.
    I know how you are feeling ! I've put on that weight in under two years ... I should have started a long time ago. I'm 29 .
    Feel free to add me and let's encourage each other. :)
  • lstauffer12
    lstauffer12 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm with you! I'm 23 and I just had a baby. I was 242 and now I'm 214 after losing the weight I gained while pregnant. It is so hard to stay motivated and not get discouraged but I know it takes time!
  • valerievaladez
    valerievaladez Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you everyone! Im feeling really good about this
  • pansamanchada
    pansamanchada Posts: 158 Member
    I've lost one lbs 25 times already and I need to lose 25 at least two times more...I've lost 25 and need to lose at least another 50. What I'm trying to say is that if you think about the full amount you have to lose you could get discouraged, I know because I do.
    Let's focus on the things we can control, not the number on the scale, let's focus on meal prep and logging, schedule your workouts, use this app, engage with pals, make room for a measured treat here and there. the weight will take care of itself.
    Don't let a bad meal, become a bad day, a bad week, a bad month... Always be ready to get back on track immediatly...don't wait for tomorrow, don't wait for Monday or the beginning of the month. That kind of thinking is what created the problem in the first place.
    I hope this helps

    Add me if you want...Always looking for friends who log in daily and are willing to exchange support :)
  • Madwife2009
    Madwife2009 Posts: 1,369 Member
    Hi. Im 22. New to this app. Right now Im the biggest I've ever been & hopefully will ever be. Im 5"6 at 285lbs. 4 years ago i was 150lbs. Ive almost doubled in weight. So its really easy for me to just give up & lose hope. Im on week 2 of clean eating & exercising & starting to get a bit discouraged because i feel great bt look the same.. I know it takes months. Bt I'm in need of supporters. Those of you that have a long way to go like me or have already been down this road- I'll take all the advice & support i can get!!
    Thank u ✌

    Hey, I started at 285lbs last July - I am also 5' 6" but older than you. I've been calorie-counting for ten months now and have shifted about 115lbs, so I still have a way to go. I started off exercising once I'd got my head around weighing my food (probably the most important thing I do, weighing my food) and started small, with walking. Short distances but daily; I can now walk 6-8 miles comfortably. I also took up cycling and can cover up to 20 miles a day, depending on the weather. I don't cycle fast and everyone overtakes me (including my children) but I do it. My fitness level has NEVER been so good.

    I've been overweight/obese ALL of my life, including childhood. So if I can do it then anyone can. It gets easier as you get into it and start to see the results :smile: Good luck!
  • blb_86
    blb_86 Posts: 61 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am 29 and gained to much weight during pregnancy. Been here since February and have lost 38lbs. My goal is 60lbs
  • bchgrl8
    bchgrl8 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi all! No matter our ages or our weight, we're all here with the same struggles. One day at a time,one meal at a time, and we'll all get there with each other's support and advice! This is my third time with mfp, I'm 45 years old and the struggle is harder this time around,thank you menopause! Friend me :)
  • kristylovesyou14
    kristylovesyou14 Posts: 63 Member
    Add me plz
  • ayrivera889
    ayrivera889 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! 27 years here.. 5'4" and 233 lbs. Started at 269 last year. Was 147 in the army and 3 kids later.... well, you know. I am a stay at home mom and I try to work out every day. The scale sometimes doesn't reflect our progreas. Remember the harder you work out, and when your muscles swell, it's fluid retention. So you won't see changes until like 2 to 3 weeks after. I learned this the hard way. I am 5 weeks post partum and dropped 30 lbs since immediately giving birth. On week 3 of working out too! Don't forget to take not of all this non scale victories, like getting thru a workout faster, or fitting better into jeans! I'll add you!
  • babydollee
    babydollee Posts: 3 Member
    I have about 100 pounds to lose. I expect it to take three time as long to take it off than it took to put it on. Looking for strength in numbers. Add me for daily pick me ups.
  • cammylee914
    cammylee914 Posts: 5 Member
    I am very far away!!!!! I'm trying to lose 150lbs and I'm 9 pounds in. This is the heaviest I've ever been. Feel free to add me!
  • BeckaBush86
    BeckaBush86 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi. Im 22. New to this app. Right now Im the biggest I've ever been & hopefully will ever be. Im 5"6 at 285lbs. 4 years ago i was 150lbs. Ive almost doubled in weight. So its really easy for me to just give up & lose hope. Im on week 2 of clean eating & exercising & starting to get a bit discouraged because i feel great bt look the same.. I know it takes months. Bt I'm in need of supporters. Those of you that have a long way to go like me or have already been down this road- I'll take all the advice & support i can get!!
    Thank u ✌

    Girl Im still 100 lbs away from my goal so I know how you feel. Have you tried meditation? Just sit somewhere quiet & alone. Light a candle, maybe play some soft instrumental music if you like & just focus on breathing for a few minutes. Then really start thinking about why you're doing this. Then picture yourself where you want to be. What you look like & how you feel. It helps me a lot. Add me on here & anytime you wanna chat I have the LINE messenger app. My username is crazydoglady86. Good luck!
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    My highest was 256. I'm not sure what I am right now but taking pictures, measurements are good to see how far you've came. Also good when the scale isn't changing much. Doing cardio and weights has really made the difference for my body. My long term goal is 118-125. Possibly even 130.
  • shishikim
    shishikim Posts: 1 Member
    Hey girl, am trying this for the second time round, am 26, my heaviest at 280, 5'7. I won't be doing much exercising cause that's how I easily lose my momentum, instead I will be starting my low carb,high protein journey come Monday. I plan to not weigh myself much, just take measurements and lots of pictures. My goal weight is 165. Taking this one day at a time
  • carmexaldewin87
    carmexaldewin87 Posts: 37 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm 270 and goal weight is at least 160. I know it seems impossible, but we can do it! Slow and steady wins the race, lose that weight at a steady pace.