staindgal Member


  • I started at 397 pounds on June 1st, 2016, and I am here working at getting healthy! Aiming to lose about 240 pounds over the next several years! Who's still here? I'm not going ANYWHERE! B)
  • I challenge us to start a challenge! ;)
  • Are there enough of us to get this group going? :#
  • We can all do this with patience and support! I'm the same height as you and have 200+ pounds to lose, so I understand feeling overwhelmed by how far you have left to go! Everyday that we make better choices is one day closer to optimal health! Also, breaking your weight loss into smaller goals makes it seem more…
  • I like almost ALL the different Walden Farms salad dressings. I actually enjoy most of their products! Zero calories is AMAZING!
  • I was on Medifast years ago, and I loved it. I was losing weight and had so much energy! The downside is that there's really no wiggle room to eat normal foods when you go out with friends/family. I felt awkward carrying my prepackaged foods with me when I went out with friends, and ultimately failed! But while I was on…
  • Celebrate that you're taking care of the excess weight now! My total I need to lose is 240 pounds! *gulp*
  • Thank you everyone... I appreciate your help! :)
  • I hadn't considered that... Thank you for the idea!
  • I just averaged out my calories for the last 3 weeks, and I'm between 1200-1300 calories daily. So I guess that part makes sense to me... I'm more interested in the psychological effect of still allowing myself to feel "stuffed," when gluttony (crazy, terrible gluttony!) has been such a part of my weight problem. Granted,…
  • I completely understand! I started this time weighing 70 pounds more than I had weighed the first time I tried to lose weight using MyFitnessPal!! I just keep thinking about all the time I wasted sliding back into unhealthy habits, and how if I had just stuck with it I could be in maintenance now, and not still obese!! I…
  • It sounds like you have the motivation and the tools, you're on the path to becoming more healthy for YOU! Congratulations and Welcome! I only just started on June 1st, and so far everything is moving along smoothly! I have decided the thing I did wrong in the past when I tried to lose weight was that I created rules for…
  • If you make it through this, you can make it through anything! :#
  • You look amazing! Thank you for the jolt of inspiration!
  • You look amazing!!! I like the idea!! I currently can't physically move without being in pain, so my husband is currently shopping, preparing, weighing, and cooking all my meals for me... I look forward to being able to take part in my meal preparation myself!!
  • Yup! This exactly! Ignoring bad choices and burying them doesn't mean they didn't happen, it just means I'm making my path more difficult!
  • My goal is to lose 240 pounds, which sounds terrifying. Instead I'm just going to aim to lose 60 pounds four times! Four goals are better than one!
  • My doctor has recommended 800-1200 calories a day due to health issues. I'm well aware of science behind healthy eating and gradual weight loss, but thanks for the concern!
  • Thank you for the advice! I am very, very, VERY overweight... My starting weight on June 1st was 397 pounds! That being said, MyFitnessPal is giving me a calorie allowance of nearly 2300 calories a day, which I think is WAY too many. I've been aiming to eat about 1200 a day, but because of the whole surprise meal outing I…
  • I just started June 1st... Which was also the first time I had weighed myself in a LONG time... I almost cried when the scale told me how far off track I had fallen! 397 pounds! I'm trying to lose 60lbs... And then another 60lbs... And then another 60lbs... And finally a final 60lbs!!! Breaking it into that smaller…
  • Thank you guys!