Colt1835 Member


  • This one is probably mostly mental. I've started to be more okay with the way my body looks. I still have a long way to go, but it no longer feels impossible to get there. I think this is more about accepting new me and saying goodbye to old me than my actual appearance. I've stopped wanting to be pefect and I've started…
  • I noticed this a while ago. Its only gotten more noticeable as I've lost more. I've sort of learned how to sit and lay more comfortably though. It really reminds me that we were never met to be so inactive.
  • I picked up some furniture by myself the other day that was relatively easy to handle. A couple of months ago the same furniture was a nightmare. I am amazed at the strength I've gained just from two weeks of bodyweight exercises. Everything I do is becoming easier.
  • Yeah, I'm not sure how I would have made it without the diet drinks. I thought I would get addicted to them, but some how I haven't craved them very often lately.
  • Most people don't recognize me unless I see them regularly. I wave to people all the time and I mostly get puzzled looks. It's kind of funny because I forget sometimes that I look so different, so I start to wonder if I just waved at a stranger by mistake.
  • Tracking the calories was the biggest help. Everything else I did was just my preference. I really think the right techniques will be different for each individual. Here's some stuff that helped me though. *Coffee is my drug of choice. I drink black coffee every day. Usually twice a day. It keeps me happy and takes my mind…
  • My wife and I have worked out every day for 2 whole weeks. We're doing cardio every other day and strength every other day.
  • Oh I would but I'm trying to see how many holes I can drill in this one before(if) I toss it. I've had this belt since I was 15 and I'm 26 now. I do like your point though. That's pretty much what I've done with all my other clothing. Until I get to where I'm sure I'll stay for a while, I buy the cheapest stuff I can find.…
  • I tell people like my family, people I eat with often, and my friends with health and fitness interests. I don't really care to talk about it with anyone else. I actually don't care to talk about it with most of the people I listed either, but they would figure it out and talk about it with my anyway.
  • I use a drill and bit on mine. It works good on leather.
  • "What are they thinking?'' That they lost 5 or 6 pounds on a keto diet one time and now it's a miracle diet that works for everyone.
  • I eat plain oatmeal with 16 grams of peanut butter and/or a banana almost every day for breakfast. If I was in your situation I would probably take a peanut butter sandwich and a banana. Or I might just make it at work. Love me some instant oats.
  • I took a break around that time too. I ended up getting in a funk and setting myself back 6 months. I learned a good lesson though. I should have been focusing on lifestyle changes and not just losing weight. I will eventually have to stop losing weight and all that will be left is the lifestyle changes. I think the break…
  • It's annoying for sure, but I think people just have no idea what healthy and fit looks like. I try not to take it personally anymore.
  • Are you talking about prep times for meals or shopping for vegan foods?
  • That one helped me a lot. For me, It was all about experimenting with different brands. I mostly drink coffee only black now, but it can't be just any coffee. Back when I was using a lot of cream and sugar it didn't matter if I actually like the way the coffee tasted because I couldn't taste it.
  • Chicken Breast ETA: Skinless
  • The elevator at the doctor's office looked dangerously sketchy because they have been doing maintenance on it, so we got to take the stairs from the 3rd floor. I was happy to have a reason to take the stairs. We normally always take the lift because our 2 year old loves them and he doesn't get to get on them very often.
  • I noticed this last night. I couldn't sleep on my right side because I had one on that shoulder that was still under the surface. It was like it was pressing straight into the bone.
  • I don't think he was hypocritical in any way at all.
  • I'm really loving this thing. It meets my current goals perfectly and I save a 40 minute round trip to the nearest gym for both me and my wife. I've started the start bodyweight routine and so far it's been rather enjoyable. I built it as a birthday present for myself and I'm really glad I went with it instead of putting…
  • Nope. I weigh myself everyday and to tell you the truth, I'd be worried if I didn't get fluctuations on the scale. That's just how our bodies work. No need to get down in the dumps about it.
    in Ugh! Comment by Colt1835 July 2017
  • That's awesome lol.
  • Yeah, If it's just you weigh it before you cook it and you're good.
  • I get a higher calorie content weighing the way I do rather than just using the raw weight for a cooked food.
  • I know water has zero calories, but water has weight so unless I eat everything I weighed raw, I would need more information than that.
  • This is alright if you are going to eat it all, but if you are feeding a family it's not enough to know that the calories are the same. That's why I weigh twice.
  • I weigh my veggies raw and again after they have been cooked. Then take the calories from the raw weight and divide it by the cooked weight to get a per gram calorie amount. I'm not sure if it's completely accurate though.
  • I had to buy workout shorts from the boys section today.