Ecotope Member


  • Back at the gym again. Knees are back after two weeks off. Down 2 from last week so I dropped a total of 7 during 2 weeks of no gym. I'm thinking most of these easy LB's are attributed to dropping a lot of garbage weight from the sheer amount of soda intake I used to have. I've dropped all soda pretty much cold turkey, and…
  • I woke up on Friday the 15th to find I had hurt my knees. I had started adding some short jogs with my walks and it proved to be too much too early on the joints. I've given myself 2 weeks off of exercise to rest with elevating them and ice and today I feel I'm almost completely back. I'll give myself the rest of the week…
  • 256.6 down from 275 starting at the end of May. (Kinda cheating on this one since I need to eat and rehydrate after my work out), but I liked the number too much not to take it ;) It seems to be long dead with conversation, but I also found an old Giant Bomb fitbit tracker group. There's still several people with their…
  • I've been going for a month and a half now and have been slowly putting it together piece by piece. The biggest change I've noticed was after the first day of walking at the treadmill at the gym at my apartments, was just how bad of shape I was in. I completed an hour and my heart was still racing after some time sitting…
  • No change this week, but I've been changing around my food habits to find things I like. Honestly I'm looking at this more as a marathon, and don't expect a whole lot of change from week to week. It took me 10 years to get to this point, it's not going to be fixed in a couple months :)
  • 265 ... Been going for a month already (in the gym every day for 90 minutes of 3.5-4.5mph treadmill with a small assortment of lifting). Started at 275 and looking to slowly work back down to sub 200
  • I'm in. I started at the end of May and am at almost a month straight of doing in work at the gym