etguillemette Member


  • I like using mustard as a base, particularly if I can find some that doesn't have added salt. I usually mix it up with some fresh squeezed lemon juice, or maybe some hot sauce. Lemon, mustard and hot sauce are usually so low calorie as to be essentially 0 calorie (legally in the states you can list anything under 5…
  • No problem! But take everything I say with a grain of salt. I edited my post with a disclaimer, as I tend to way over-analyze things (100% DV on everything probably isn't necessary), but my philosophy is that everything can be improved.
  • When you eat the same thing every day, there's a large risk that your diet will have nutritional gaps and redundancies. I ran your listed foods through a spreadsheet I’ve made, and here are a few key takeaways:* Meal 1 needs more fiber. Looks like you’re got 0g in the morning. Overall fiber is pretty good at 32g though. *…
  • Generally I agree with the theme of the thread, and I get it that people's bodies are different and what works for one person may not work for another, but there are some diets out there that inherently lead to severe malnutrition over the long term. Any diet that comes with a warning not to do it for more than 10 days you…
  • My two cents. Getting used to and eventually reveling in the harsh bitterness of black coffee and espresso enhances the subtleties of other foods. Conversely, getting used to sweeter flavors tends to set your palate's baseline somewhere on the sweeter end of the spectrum. And it's a lot easier to stick to a healthy diet if…
  • There may be something said about the intermingling of personality and appearance. People will make assumptions about you based on your appearance, but it's not always social conditioning or people being crappy. Our brains make shortcuts in spooky ways, and will unconciously group things together. Follow me down the rabbit…
  • Not to be gross, but I've noticed that honestly the largest contributing factor to day to day fluctuations of my weight are whether or not I've had a decent movement that day.
  • The 3500 calorie rule was based on an approximation of the amount of energy in 1 pound of fat (for a normal person), but does not describe how well a body uses or stores energy. For an example on one end of the spectrum, here's a woman who whose body is ultra efficient at using energy, but ultra-inefficient at storing it:…
  • Agreed. The human body isn't a machine that operates at a factory standard, where you can just blame malfunctions on human error. It's a jury-rigged mishmash jalopy of a contraption thrown together from mismatched parts, and it should be astounding that it even functions at all. Biology is weird and complicated, and if you…
  • This one might offend some people. I think there is a strong belief here that any innate differences in metabolism are negligible, and that there really aren't people out there who are born having it really easy or really hard. I believe this is utter horse$#!^. I believe this is a way for people to pat themselves on the…
  • Have you tried eating more bitter foods? Perhaps anecdotal, but I've noticed that since taking my coffee black and drinking extremely bitter craft beer, I barely ever crave sweet stuff. My palate has shifted more towards the bitter end, so that sweet is too sweet.
  • Nope. Not a photon, or Schrodinger's Cat.