lnd0718 Member


  • Those hormones are real. Everyone is different but, a lot of people keep the weight until they are finished with breast feeding and it's almost like a whoosh of weight that falls off. I say time. Not sure how far along post partum you are but, time.
  • Be kind to yourself during this time. Man your body changes so much in that first year after delivery. And, really into the first 18 months. Do what you can find ways to manage the stress. I used to stuff my face with candy after baby bed time alone. It is freaking exhausting. Instead maybe do some yoga after bedtime to…
  • find you a 30 min yoga video on youtube, then get into corpse pose in your bed.... and take that nap girl!
  • You're only 4 weeks postpartum? Don't judge just yet. Man, your body changes SO much in that first year. Especially if you are nursing, don't be so hard on yourself. Give yourself some time adjust to your new normal and then get back to it.
  • This, your fiance, boyfriend whatever is not nice to you. You deserve better.
  • ummm tell that guy that next time he comments on you stuffing your face you'll stuff that rice cake in his *kitten*. what a jerk!
  • You may not be lifting properly and therefore, having unnecessary strain in certain muscle groups. When I hear your lower back and traps hurt that kind of signals to me improper form. Maybe enlist an expert to make sure that you are lifting properly and not hurting yourself.
  • thank you
  • I have weighed the final product in the end for other dishes but, thought maybe I was doing things incorrectly. Also, unless I am missing it you can't edit the recipe once you build it? Which I find really difficult as well.
  • When go to log foods there's a recipe tabs and you can bulk import ingredients. Haven't quite figured it out properly
  • Sooooo that seems even more complicated. So how many ever fat grams, protein, and carbs is how the calories are determined.
  • I grill chicken on Sundays, make a bit pot of chili (160 calories per 8 oz serving), and get some lean cuisines to pull from if I am a little pressed for time in the morning. Black beans to fill in gaps where I need calories to help hold me over. I HATE to have to come home and spend an hour cooking dinner. So, I aim to…
  • I can feel PMS. The ragey anger that is completely irrational. So, when I eat at maintenance for a few days and ride it out. I kind of watch my fitbit and how many calories it says I have burned and try not to exceed that number.
  • Show yourself some grace, nourish your body. Don't rush it, you'll drop the weight in no time.
  • I'm looking for friends as well! Sending requests :smile:
    in Friends Comment by lnd0718 August 2016
  • emotional eater checking in. If you are aware that this is the behavior be hyper self aware when you are having the feeling. Feel it and consciously decide to find a different way to cope. Instead of running out of the office after a bad meeting and heading to grab junk food I will pace, walk something and let my negative…
  • one foot in front of the other. sounds silly but, when I stopped focusing on how much it sucked and how "bad" I was at running it gets better. And, I tell myself this a lot just one foot in front of the other. You will quickly find out that running is way more mental than physical after you lay a bit of foundation.
  • When I adjust goals in MFP and say I want to lose 0.5 lbs per week and I am lightly active the 1540 is what it gave me. So, I don't know. I'll go for a few weeks. See what happens and go from there.
  • Yes, I knew I left important info out. Height is 5'1"