lc63 Member


  • I feel very productive after a morning workout. It gives you good motivation for the day, gets the endorphins going and sets you up for a good day. I get to work and enjoy breakfast more than on the days I dont workout in the morning and feel like I have really earned it. I also find that things just get in the way of my…
  • Sorry your diary is not in English so cant really help!
  • Yes a bit flat and a little hungry at times on low carb days but as I'm every other day low/high its not too bad to handle. Anyone doing carb cycling with an open food diary for some inspiration? Really interested in seeing how long people have been doing it and what their results have been from it
  • Greek yoghurt mixed with flavoured protien powder
  • I don't think its something I will do long term but I am definitely interested in seeing if it will boost the weight loss again, my body just got too comfortable with calorie counting alone I think! I will give it a month or so and if I find it helpful will continue. It does take alot of planning and thinking, not much…
  • I was not the poster that said eat more thankyou very much
  • OP is looking for advice not for you to pick on other peoples comments! What I said makes sense no need to nit pick
  • Hi guys, anyone doing keto have an open food diary? Really interested to see what a typical week looks like and see if its something that would be realistic for me
  • Lack of "healthy" food would not make it impossible to lose weight if you werent substituting it with unhealthy snacks as she is alot of days Sugar is helpful in moderation and from the right sources
  • I had a quick glance at your food diary and the first thing that struck me was the lack of healthy whole foods. Alot of processed food and fattier meats such as pork. You seem to be using your calories for snacks more than filling and healthy meals that will fuel your workouts and cut down on your sugar intake also. As you…
  • To be comfortable in my own skin and not dread social outings etc as I cant find a thing to wear that I feel comfortable in! Also, more energy, general happiness and general health. I really find working out gives me more energy and gives my mood a boost in the right direction. 20 pounds down ideally probably another 20 to…
  • So since you started dieting and working out afew months ago what is the overall difference in your weight? Also, without being too intrusive how much do you have to lose? The less you have to lose the harder it is to shift.
  • Thanks for your reply tri_gal I think I am of a similar mind frame. On low carb days I think I'm better to just avoid starchy carbs altogether and fill up on veg etc knowing that on high carb days I can have my potatoes or whatever it is Im craving. I have lost 20 pounds so far since Feb and probably have another stone to…
  • Thanks for your replies. Maybe ididnt explain correctly. I am alternating my carb levels day to day so low carb day/high carb day etc etc in general high carb days will be worked around my training days. I am not looking to go in to ketosis, totally different thing!
  • Hi guys, just starting carb cycling this week after hitting a slump and my weight loss just stalled. Hopefully this will shake it up a bit! Just a couple of questions from a beginner - 1. In general how long do people keep up carb cycling? I am under the impression its not a long term thing and 2. On low carb days do you…