7-month plateau - getting desperate

mengqiz86 Posts: 176 Member
edited August 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
MFP reminded me that I've logged 210 days in a row. Which only serves as a painful reminder that I've not lost any weight in those 7 months. I'm 5'6", 130lb - I've been 120lb for years, but gained 10lb last year due to sports Injuries. Want to lose them to get lean for marathon race. Training hard weekly - rigorous run workout 3 days a week (intervals, tempos, long) and cross-train/lift heavy on 3 other days. Lowered caloric intake (significantly - some of you will tell me I'm not eating enough) but haven't lost a single pound, inch, or body fat percentage. Thyroid function is fine. Would love any advice. Food diary's open (I don't really log exercise cals regularly as I don't eat back any of them). Really desperate for some answers!!


  • pug11
    pug11 Posts: 23 Member
    I agree you're at a healthy weight already. Try changing your exercising up and do different things, years ago I ran like a hamster on the treadmill and hated it, I actually stopped running and lifted heavier and the weight started going down again. Eat more and change things up
  • lc63
    lc63 Posts: 19 Member
    edited August 2016
    I had a quick glance at your food diary and the first thing that struck me was the lack of healthy whole foods. Alot of processed food and fattier meats such as pork. You seem to be using your calories for snacks more than filling and healthy meals that will fuel your workouts and cut down on your sugar intake also.

    As you have very little weight to lose you would need to focus alot more on your nutrition and not just the exercise part of it.
  • lc63
    lc63 Posts: 19 Member
    edited August 2016
    Lack of "healthy" food would make her hungry, not make it impossible to lose weight. BUT - hunger can make it harder to stick to calorie goal. AND nutrition is important for health. SO not to be ignored.

    Fatty meat is good, pork is good. Sugar is helpful to fuel workouts. Meal timing is important as the final icing on the cake, not the cake itself.

    Lack of "healthy" food would not make it impossible to lose weight if you werent substituting it with unhealthy snacks as she is alot of days

    Sugar is helpful in moderation and from the right sources
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    lc63 wrote: »
    Lack of "healthy" food would make her hungry, not make it impossible to lose weight. BUT - hunger can make it harder to stick to calorie goal. AND nutrition is important for health. SO not to be ignored.

    Fatty meat is good, pork is good. Sugar is helpful to fuel workouts. Meal timing is important as the final icing on the cake, not the cake itself.

    Lack of "healthy" food would not make it impossible to lose weight if you werent substituting it with unhealthy snacks as she is alot of days

    Sugar is helpful in moderation and from the right sources

    But then it's the overeating of calories that is the culprit. Not the snacks.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    I'd seriously consider if you need to lose weight. I'm two inches shorter than you and my goal weight is higher than where you currently are. What are your reasons for wanting to be lighter?

    Weight loss gets harder as you get nearer to a healthy weight, and for good reason. If you're 3st (42lb) overweight like me, the body fights weight loss, but not that hard. It's a show of resistance but it's not difficult to overcome. But when you are already at or near a healthy weight, your body fights loss with everything it's got. You get hungry, you crave - I suspect you become more likely to underestimate portions and forget snacks, which is imo all part of the body's defence against starvation. If your body is worried about starvation and insecure about food, every meal will look meagre and so you will eat more without realising it.

    In your situation, I would just accept that for whatever reason your body wants or needs to be 10lb heavier than it used to be, and since that is still a healthy weight, I would focus in maintaining it and meeting whatever other, non-weight-related fitness goals you have.
  • lc63
    lc63 Posts: 19 Member
    edited August 2016
    lc63 wrote: »
    Lack of "healthy" food would make her hungry, not make it impossible to lose weight. BUT - hunger can make it harder to stick to calorie goal. AND nutrition is important for health. SO not to be ignored.

    Fatty meat is good, pork is good. Sugar is helpful to fuel workouts. Meal timing is important as the final icing on the cake, not the cake itself.

    Lack of "healthy" food would not make it impossible to lose weight if you werent substituting it with unhealthy snacks as she is alot of days

    Sugar is helpful in moderation and from the right sources

    But then it's the overeating of calories that is the culprit. Not the snacks.

    OP is looking for advice not for you to pick on other peoples comments! What I said makes sense no need to nit pick
  • Sicasooca
    Sicasooca Posts: 4 Member
    Perhaps, use a food scale? I really love sugary snacks, but I find that the packaging isn't always honest. E.g., sometimes I'd get a bun that would say "1 bun (200 g) = 250 calories", when the bun was actually 300 when I put it on the scale.
  • oolou
    oolou Posts: 765 Member
    May I ask what is your body fat percentage?
  • lc63
    lc63 Posts: 19 Member
    jrulo16 wrote: »
    lc63 wrote: »
    lc63 wrote: »
    Lack of "healthy" food would make her hungry, not make it impossible to lose weight. BUT - hunger can make it harder to stick to calorie goal. AND nutrition is important for health. SO not to be ignored.

    Fatty meat is good, pork is good. Sugar is helpful to fuel workouts. Meal timing is important as the final icing on the cake, not the cake itself.

    Lack of "healthy" food would not make it impossible to lose weight if you werent substituting it with unhealthy snacks as she is alot of days

    Sugar is helpful in moderation and from the right sources

    But then it's the overeating of calories that is the culprit. Not the snacks.

    OP is looking for advice not for you to pick on other peoples comments! What I said makes sense no need to nit pick

    Feeding the OP fatlogic is terrible advice. "Eat more" is never the answer to scales not moving

    I was not the poster that said eat more thankyou very much
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    lc63 wrote: »
    Lack of "healthy" food would make her hungry, not make it impossible to lose weight. BUT - hunger can make it harder to stick to calorie goal. AND nutrition is important for health. SO not to be ignored.

    Fatty meat is good, pork is good. Sugar is helpful to fuel workouts. Meal timing is important as the final icing on the cake, not the cake itself.

    Lack of "healthy" food would not make it impossible to lose weight if you werent substituting it with unhealthy snacks as she is alot of days

    Sugar is helpful in moderation and from the right sources

    But then it's the overeating of calories that is the culprit. Not the snacks.

    This. OP, your logging is very inconsistent with many innaccurate entries. You need to be more accurate since you have so so little to lose. By guessing and not logging, you're most likely eating more calories than you think. With a small deficit, it wouldn't take much to wipe out the deficit and be in maintenance. Get a food scale if you don't have one and start weighing everything. Log everything. Don't skip logging days and meals. Consistency and accuracy is the key.
  • mengqiz86
    mengqiz86 Posts: 176 Member
    Thanks guys, appreciate the honest feedback! I made one giant batch of pulled pork last week, hence all the pork shoulders lol!
    I do log everything at least 6 days a week and don't have cheat days. I understand I may underestimate food weight.. But I'm thinking even if - worst case scenario - I underestimate by 300-500cal, I'm still ingesting about 1,500 on most days. At my weight and activity level, my estimated daily burn rate is about 1,700-1,800 per calculators. That should still result in at least something, right? Anyway, will work on being diligent!
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    There are a bunch of logging inconsistencies...where are your cooking oils? Wine needs a liquid measure, not a solid measure (like grams). How do you even gauge 0.2 of a hot dog? Are you using a food scale? Because it doesn't look like it (you have cherries measured in grams, and strawberries measured by the berry, both in the same meal).
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member