Results from carb cycling?

Hi all,

This is my second week on carb cycling and just looking to see what other peoples experiences have been. I'm doing 1 low carb/1 high carb day cycle with my main objective being weight loss after my weight loss platued after about 8 months. Find it ok so far, lost 1 pound this week.

Anyone who has done this? what were your results like? Was it effective for weight loss? And did you stay on it long term? Any tips?


  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi - I just started this too - first week was great, but I was away at the weekend and have to do 2 days back to back now! Happy to try this out with you. It would be good to have a look at another diary for ideas!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited August 2016
    I calorie cycled during training months back in Jan, Feb, and 1/2 of March. It really did not do a thing other than switch my macros around alternating days and I did not loose weight any better, faster, or even perform my training any better or worse.

    To loose weight, the over all deficit at the end of each day and moreover at the end of the week is what mattered.

    edited to add, water weight fluctuation on the scale were better doing this but that's it due to the lesser carb days, etc.
  • lc63
    lc63 Posts: 19 Member
    I don't think its something I will do long term but I am definitely interested in seeing if it will boost the weight loss again, my body just got too comfortable with calorie counting alone I think! I will give it a month or so and if I find it helpful will continue. It does take alot of planning and thinking, not much room for manoeuvre but this is not necessarily a bad thing and once you sit down and plan your week I don't find it too bad.
  • Budjola
    Budjola Posts: 148 Member
    its good to switch things up, tho on low carb days u will feel flat and deflated, but then once when u carb up u will fill out and look leaner.
  • lc63
    lc63 Posts: 19 Member
    Yes a bit flat and a little hungry at times on low carb days but as I'm every other day low/high its not too bad to handle. Anyone doing carb cycling with an open food diary for some inspiration? Really interested in seeing how long people have been doing it and what their results have been from it
  • casccw
    casccw Posts: 17 Member
    Hi yes I'm back carb and calorie cycling - I do count cals and macros I follow
    The burn the fat feed the muscle program where I do low carb on rest days (under 50 gram) twice a week then medium days about 150 gram carbs with only 1 high about 250 gram a week. I've used it to cut previously and is effective. I go for a conservative half a kg per week loss. Some weeks I don't drop scale weight but still drop fat. The high day I eat about 20% over TDEE and medium days 500 cals under TDEE same with rest days. Fat stays about 50 grams and protein about 150gm which is 1gm Per pound of body weight. The leaner you get the more high days to incorporate