JBanx256 Member


  • Powerlifter mom here too!
  • First responder (LEO) here too! Currently just maintaining, not in a massing phase, but working on getting stronger whilst staying lean.
  • He was VERY hangry during that whole table-flipping incident.
  • HECK YEA!!!! Day by day! Straight up, meal prep (for me at least) is absolutely key. I'm off today (worked all weekend), and just finished meal prepping for my workweek. Anyway, keep at it man!!!
  • I agree with @csplatt - discipline will take you much further than motivation. I'm gonna assume you aren't always MOTIVATED to go to work, or brush your teeth, or do laundry. But you do it because it NEEDS TO BE DONE. I am not always motivated to get up stupid-early to go train before work, or to meal prep on my days off,…
  • I'd have to say JIM from "The Office" gets my vote. Hands down. Unless it's some other lame random Jim, Jimmy, Jimbo, James. Then, I'll go for GYM. All day, errr day. Hey, OP - nobody has a clue what you're talking about.
  • If you don't mind paying for templates (which you can wash, rinse, re-use), I would definitely recommend Renaissance Periodization (I personally have used their hypertrophy templates & my husband has used a powerlifting template). Team Full ROM (some of the same owners as RP, so a good bit of overlap in terms of style,…
  • Simply stated, I think you are flat-out wrong. As someone who is NOT a professional athlete and does NOT spend 8 hours/day training, I meet your criteria as someone who you say should not eat back exercise calories. This is me, yesterday morning, 151.4 lbs (5'4"): If I did NOT eat back exercise calories, I'd be losing…
  • You must have posted that literally as I was typing (2 minutes difference between our replies)! Something about great minds...? :D
  • Welcome aboard! There is an absolutely fantastic MFP member who is also a breast cancer survivor - she is an absolute wealth of information and she's cool AF in general. @AnnPT77 is her handle so hopefully she'll drop in and say hello!
  • Indeed it is! Literally less than 30 seconds with ye olde interwebz confirms: Efficacy of Exercise Intervention for Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Adolescents: Meta-Analysis and Implications https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27139723/ Diet, exercise or diet with exercise: comparing the effectiveness of treatment options…
  • Hi Lauren, and welcome!
    in Newbie Comment by JBanx256 January 2023
  • @HoneyBadger302 great pics! Love the floof! :)
  • Yes, absolutely! Building muscle/strength is going to be more difficult, but not impossible. As far as losing fat goes, there was a HYOUGE study by Pontzer in 2021 that proved human metabolism is remarkably stable from ages ~20 until 60. All the, "well I was basically a professional athlete in high school but the minute I…
  • YOU CALLIN' ME A HO?!? JK JK :D But yes, it absolutely IS addictive, isn't it?!?
  • Yes ma'am you did. I'm not going on any textbook definitions here, this is kinda a ramble through my brain at 0130 hours as I sit in my patrol truck and I'm sure someone who wanted to be super-pedantic about it could rip this to shreds, but in my mind: -hypertrophy: building muscle (my mind has it the opposite of atrophy,…
  • @k8richly Clarifying question - you say whenever you "go beyond free weights and increase load" - is it ANY free weight squats/deads/etc, or is it just when you bump up the weight you're using? Also, do you wear a belt when you squat and/or pull? Regardless, squats & deads, tho I love them (love/hate, really), aren't…
  • @CeeBeeSlim Just to make sure I'm reading your post correctly - you want keep muscle mass to the extent possible, but generally be smaller overall? Yes, achieving that will mean dropping bodyfat is necessary. When I cut, my jeans get to be too big, I have to crank down on my lifting belt to another notch, etc. To maintain…
  • COMPLETELY OFF-TOPIC HERE, BUT... Holidays are a LOT. And they cause a lot of stress - money, family, etc. And they can be pretty dark for people, too. Some people's mental health takes a big hit. So if ANY of you need to vent, reach out! If you have a friend who you suspect is struggling a bit, reach out! Thank you for…
  • congrats Carol!
    in 15+ Comment by JBanx256 December 2022
  • I beg to differ! ;)
  • You know you can always DM me if you need to vent or rant or anything. Heck if you want I'll send ya my "real" contact info too, just lemme know. You got this <3
  • I've done a couple shows. I will eventually get back onstage, but not for a couple/few years (my youngin' has braces & lemme tell ya, those orthodontics payments are no joke). So I guess you could call this a very extended improvement season.
  • @CeeBeeSlim If you get this (know you’re heading out) do you totally “deload”? No lifting at all or just light exercise? Sorry for delay in response - WiFi was absolute garbage where I was staying so didn't come onto the forums at all. I still lift during deload week, but greatly reduced volume. Depending on the "big…
  • World Cup is a worthy distraction! Just to clarify - are you saying you gained 10 lbs in the 12 weeks? Or looking to lose 10 lbs, which includes a bit you may have added in the past 12 weeks? Besides eating more (sheer quantity of food), did what you eat change at all? More carbs, more sodium etc? I'm thinking a lot of the…
  • Rather than doing the split you've outlined, if you're wanting to stick with 3 sessions/week, I'd personally opt for 3 full-body sessions. That way you'll hit each muscle group more than just once/week. I'd probably prioritize a muscle group for each session, i.e. doing that particular muscle group first in the session so…
  • I haven't grown since the 6th grade :neutral: I swear I used to be 5'5" (my OL actually has me at 5'6"), but...apparently I've shrunk a little bit. Never stop chasing those gains :wink:
  • Another one here for, "none of the above," at least the vast majority of the time. When I have prepped, I have absolutely counted macros, +/- 10g P & C, +/- 5g F. But right now, just maintaining, I make sure to get my protein in and stay within my overall calorie goal. I usually eat the exact same meal 2 or 3x in a week,…
  • This is kind of a BASE guideline for carb intake. It's not the gospel or anything, but it's a decent guideline (obviously if someone is doing keto, this is out the window, but for "my way" (which I know way more about than keto anyway), this is what I'd consider a starting point, and then being able to adjust from there):