calleefrances Member


  • @redraidergirl2009 mmmm... No not really. The cheat day I am referring to here is that you have a meal that is pretty much empty calories (not my usual kind of choice) eg greasy pizza from home, or a big feed of Chinese food, and when you indulge a little on something you normally wouldn't (eg, the alcohol I drank at the…
  • @redraidergirl2009 I am not on a diet thanks though!
  • @StealthHealth thank you! I agree one day eating bad for the sake of eating bad can undo a week's progress, but honestly, my cheat "day" is a cheat meal, and I have been eating under my allowance all week, so I think I will be ok!
  • I can maintain this for life while having a day haha, I understand that they throw you off course, but personally I've never had a problem having a bit of a slack day then getting back up the next. One day over my fat or sugars is not going to add weight on to me, never has. I was just seeing how people go about their…
  • @dlkfox thanks lady! I did up my calories and I feel way, way better.
  • @TavistockToad 5'3, 148-149 pounds, my body fat percentage last time I got it done was in the 21% range, and I am 24 (turning 25 in sept)
  • @BABeautifulBadass I can see where you are coming from, and I get that. With my macros and calories though a treat a day would throw me way off. I like the idea of sticking to my guns through the week, and then splurging a bit for one day on a special occasion like this. I'll be back on the horse Sunday, and honestly... I…
  • @les2788 thanks for replying! I do enjoy a good protein shake, that is my typical breakfast on the mornings I am rushing getting ready for work. My problem was I wasn't eating enough for my activity level. I changed my activity level, and now I get 1,400 calories a day - even just today I felt way better! I was able to…
  • @Gallowmere1984 nice! yeah I am definitely not swimming in fat, I have a few pounds to lose but for me I mainly need to tone up and just watch it more than I have in the past. I doubt this one day will throw my life off course, I just need to work on not feeling so damn guilty for enjoying myself every now and then
  • @jinny1313 Don't forget the role that weight training plays in losing fat! the more nice lean muscle in your body, the less cardio you have to do to burn fat.
  • I am brand new (day 3) and could use some more people on my friends list! I will add you now :smile:
  • @dlkfox usually I would agree with you on the hunger thing, but I used to switch out eating regimes all the time for boxing. Usually when it is a matter of getting used to a new diet feeling puckish or craving something is normal, but I am past that, I have the constant feeling of hunger, with dizziness and headaches from…
  • @lemurcat12 I might do that... I use my feet and public transit to get to work, I walk for my groceries... I walk sometimes at lunch. I will wait until I get my fitbit to see for sure, but yesterday I had over 11, 000 steps according to my iphone. I think I have it set to lost 1lb a week, but like I said things keep…
  • @TavistockToad I can make my diary public if you like - I set things and I think it changes. Right now my protein is pretty much on par with my carbs (slightly higher, both in the 35-40 % range) and my fat takes up the rest. Fiber... I actually don't have it showing up, I may change that but, just based on what I eat, I…
  • I love protein shakes in the morning! I load them up with yummy fruit, and use water instead of milk to help with calories and my water intake. My favorite right now is Chocolate&Greens Vega Protein, with 1/2 cup each of pineapple and strawberries, and 1 banana when I feel like something warm I have an omelet loaded with…
  • Helllo Everyone! I am just on day 2 with this app, awaiting the arrival of my fitbit zip! I have used calorie counters before... and I noticed that my calorie intake is significantly lower on this app... just wondering if any of you have gone through this? I know under eating is bad for losing weight too and I don't want…
  • Hey! I am brand new to this app as well. My goal weight is also 130 - though I more so care about body fat percentage than weight. I switched to this app from MyNetDiary so I could sync my Fitbit. Any tips on how to make this simple so I'll stick with it... Hit me up! And... You are not a whale! We must be positive! I am…