JasonL2000 Member


  • So I should use the nutrition info for the chicken with the skin on for the recipe? Even though the skin was removed after boiling. I wasn't sure if that would be too far off the actual fat content that ended up in the soup.
  • I am not familiar with this specific case. However I can offer a counter case to it: the supersize me documentary. The documentarian ate macdonalds for every meal and by the end of the period of time used to make the documentary his doctor basically told him stop or he will kill himself. He then asked how often would…
  • Oh I hadn't thought about subway. If you have the carbs in the budget that is probably one of the better places to get get food from.
  • I have manually set my goals to 2,000 calories, 30% (150g) carbs, 35% (78g) fat, 35% (175g) protein. I have not manually set the micro-nutrients as I have not verified what they should be. I quickly used info from this thread (community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/819055/setting-your-calorie-and-macro-targets) to come…
  • 900 colories? How many ounces/grams serving or what the heck is in it to make it that much calories? I mean my typical 8 ounce serving smoothie runs at most 200 calories. And that's if I put something like yogurt in it.
  • I find I feel better if I drink at least 2 liters of water a day. I aim for 3 liters. If I'm sweating a lot I end up drinking up to 4 liters of water. However I have had a day or two where I felt thirsty a lot and drank 4 liters of water but I started to feel worse and think I may have drank a little more than I needed for…
  • I make smoothies and also enjoy the fruits the way they are as well. I don't follow smoothie recipes to the letter though. I basically take fruits on special and try them as smoothies. For example this week cantaloupe, blueberries and grapes were on a real good sale. So I bought some. I took 250g of cantaloupe, 200g of…
  • See wendy's website for the nutritional info for it. Depending on your daily nutritional needs it may be fine for an occasional in a pinch kind of thing.
  • I don't face the same lactose and dairy free, however I have trouble getting enough protein in without going over one or both fat and carbs. Today was my best day at it. I had 18oz of chicken (2 meals), 2oz of salmon (snack), 4oz of oven roasted turkey (snack) and was still short 16g from the 175g of protein I'm supposed…
  • I cut down to almost never eating fast food, carryout, and dining out. Generally portions are just too much or break the carbs and or fat goals and generally contains a lot more sodium that it should have or needs. However I have found that one or two things aren't all that bad. For example Wendy's chili seems to be…
  • After monitoring my food for a week and seeing the numbers fall short of the daily recommended amounts wouldn't that mean I'm not getting enough of them? Previously I assumed I was not getting enough vitamin C and D based on listening to a doctor on a health show talk about them. I basically shrugged it off but after…
  • Oh I should probably mention that any workout I do should avoid any heavy impact on my knees. Not sure how much of an impact some exercises will have. The goal is I need to get in shape and lose wight at no significant increase in my cost of living. If the program at a hospital is like consulting a nutritionist or other…