Done with fast food.



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I don't eat fast food..but I don't think of it as a greasy demon either. I just think other foods taste better and it hurts my stomach. If I want a burger there are tons of places I can go to get a GOOD burger with delicious cheese and grassfed beef.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    man i love fast food. I just ate taco bell for dinner.. if im so hungry that i/we park and eat in the car and watch netflix i bring my food scale and weigh it and log it. It may seem ridiculous but if i cut it out i WILL binge "because i GOTTTA EAT IT ONE LAST TIME" i discovered a couple things at taco bell/chick fil a/in n out that fit in my cals are just as satisfying as going bat *kitten* crazy trying to eat everything before i "never eat it again" i eat it maybe one a week or so.. it just works for me.
    JTGJTG Posts: 52 Member
    Putting something on a no-no list isn't a good idea for me, so, no, I haven't cut out fast food. I had a Taco Bell Baja Breeze freeze today (so hot here). I had a couple of Filet-o-Fishes earlier in the week. I am eating a lot less of it, though, because I was shocked at how much sodium is in it.
  • dearcassandrab
    dearcassandrab Posts: 145 Member
    Yaaaas Taco Bell. I was eating their chalupas as a cheat as they are dairy free without cheese and sour cream but alas, it just makes me feel like crap. It's so good though. Makes me miss my drunken taco Bell drive thru days that I took for granted. Lol
  • SeptemberFeyre
    SeptemberFeyre Posts: 178 Member
    I got bad food poisoning at Taco Bell about 10 or more years ago and haven't been back since LOL. Don't eat much fast food but it would be awesome if all of them had calorie counts. There's still a few where I live that don't.
  • dearcassandrab
    dearcassandrab Posts: 145 Member
    Omg no!
  • dearcassandrab
    dearcassandrab Posts: 145 Member
    This always cuts my responses off. Lol dang if. You poor soul! My friend gets sick everytime he eats Taco Bell. I get that way with jack in the box. It makes me feel terrible. No matter what I eat there.
  • JasonL2000
    JasonL2000 Posts: 21 Member
    I cut down to almost never eating fast food, carryout, and dining out. Generally portions are just too much or break the carbs and or fat goals and generally contains a lot more sodium that it should have or needs. However I have found that one or two things aren't all that bad. For example Wendy's chili seems to be reasonable all around on the nutritional values. Though a little high in sodium. But even making my own food from scratch, unless I am using entries with the wrong sodium counts for the stuff I use to make the food, is high in sodium and daily it is over the preset goal by around 2,000mg.
  • dearcassandrab
    dearcassandrab Posts: 145 Member
    Sweet! I've never tried there chili. I may not cut it all out for convenience sake. Will keep chili in mind next time I'm in need of a fast fix for when we are traveling! Depending on ingredients. Lol
  • JasonL2000
    JasonL2000 Posts: 21 Member
    See wendy's website for the nutritional info for it. Depending on your daily nutritional needs it may be fine for an occasional in a pinch kind of thing.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    One of the best things I have done for my diet is to "normalize" all foods, fast or otherwise. When foods stop being "forbidden" and the only "special" thing about them is the taste, I feel I'm able to control my intake much better because pizza tastes good to me, but so does barley soup.

    I ordered a pizza last week because I felt like having a pizza. The last time I had a pizza before that was about 2 months ago. Because I know I can have it whenever I want, I have it whenever I want. What ends up happening is that I often opt for something different that I really like to save myself the hassle of having to plan around pizza. If pizza is what I REALLY want that day to the point where it ends up being worth the hassle, I just have it.
  • SeptemberFeyre
    SeptemberFeyre Posts: 178 Member
    Cassandra, I occasionally eat at Taco bueno, but man! so much stuff is sooo salty. I used to eat their chicken quesadillas until they made them so salty I could no longer stand them, but their Tacos are okay. I never had a prob with Taco Bell till that one time. It was so bad I never went back--to scared! That will take care of the cravings for ya LOL.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    One of the best things I have done for my diet is to "normalize" all foods, fast or otherwise. When foods stop being "forbidden" and the only "special" thing about them is the taste, I feel I'm able to control my intake much better because pizza tastes good to me, but so does barley soup.

    I ordered a pizza last week because I felt like having a pizza. The last time I had a pizza before that was about 2 months ago. Because I know I can have it whenever I want, I have it whenever I want. What ends up happening is that I often opt for something different that I really like to save myself the hassle of having to plan around pizza. If pizza is what I REALLY want that day to the point where it ends up being worth the hassle, I just have it.

    yup pretty much the point i made. If i cut out "bad foods" i either go crazy to get it all in before i "never eat it again" or when i slip or "cheat" i go even more crazy. knowing i CAN eat it whenever makes me basically not need to eat it... human body wants what it cant have lol.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    You can be done with it if you choose to! Personally I plan for it and count it. I also know that life is not always gonna play nice with my diet and sometimes when out, fast food is all there is. Its still food.

    Now the sodium will go up, no doubt. I also know that I can eat something salty at home too. I just know what the scale is gonna do with water weight (sodium, more carbs, more food in the gut, etc..) but if evens back out in a couple of days with some water drinking and putting on a good sweat.

    There is one thing I have not had in two years and that is pizza. I guess that goes back on my food bucket list. LOL
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    No I am not done with fast food.

    I quite like it sometimes and I can fit it into my calorie allowance, in sensible portions.
  • dykask
    dykask Posts: 800 Member
    edited July 2016
    I just had a very large 9 vegetable salad with a 120g salmon filet, not bad for fast food. (7-11 no less, but in Tokyo, Japan)

    I'll be in the states in a couple of weeks, I always have a hard time finding reasonable food there. It seems the food groups there are only Burgers/assorted fattening sandwiches, Pseudo Mexican, and Teriyaki rice dishes. The other thing is the portion sizes ... seems like US children in the states eat like Japanese sumo wrestlers, it is kind of scary. For example take a milkshake ... The small McDonalds one in the US is like 3 times the size of a milkshake form a Japanese McDonalds, plus you don't get whip cream and a cherry on top. I guess the good thing is you get multiple meals from one purchase if you can control your eating.

    Sorry if my post is a bit too flip, but living outside the states a few years really helps one realize how horrible the food situation in the states often is. You can get a lot of cheap fast food but ... well there are reasons so many are obese in the USA.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member

    I plan on trying that newer strawberry salad from Wendys today and some chicken tendies from Chick Fil A on Monday.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't really eat fast food anymore... mostly because it really doesn't fill me up for the calories and I can make tastier, more filling food, at home. Heck last time I had some (Popeyes) I ended up burning my tongue because of all the salt!

    I still like Panda Express in a pinch though, or local fast food places that sell gyros or whatnot, when I crave some.
  • maplesyrup10
    maplesyrup10 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm with ya! Fast food makes me feel gross on the inside and insecure on the outside. I don't know if quitting cold turkey will always work 100% of the time (because I truly believe food is an addiction). But Ido believe that if you stick with it, it's definitely worth it and you will feel better/see results.