Done with fast food.

I recently cut out dairy and before that I would occasionally cheat with fast food. That ends today. I'm tired of being derailed by this greasy demon. It makes me bloated and heavy. DONE. Anyone else done?


  • dearcassandrab
    dearcassandrab Posts: 145 Member
    @ClubSilencio you are in amazing shape. I am fluffy, had a baby a few months ago, and my body is more sensitive to food now! But seriously more power to you! Eat those burritos Bruh! Those carbs make me feel like a balloon. Lol
  • dearcassandrab
    dearcassandrab Posts: 145 Member
    Right on ladies! I have similar feelings with both your statements. Sugar is my downfall. I had to cut out sodas because I can't have just one I'll have 3. I don't eat candy anymore, I don't eat snack cakes, I allow myself an occasional sweet tea and I eat natural sugar like fruit to keep me in check.
  • Strawblackcat
    Strawblackcat Posts: 944 Member
    I try to tell myself that I'm never going to eat fast food again, but then my family always wants to go and eat McDonald's or Wendy's or something. :neutral:

    I just try to pick the item with the fewest preservatives and move on with life.
  • cinnag4225
    cinnag4225 Posts: 126 Member
    To each their own. I still eat fast food, but I'm very careful about what I order now and I always make sure I have enough calories left for it. Haven't ordered a combo in probably two months now.
  • dearcassandrab
    dearcassandrab Posts: 145 Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm not here to try to knock the fricken McNuggets from your mouths. Lmao a joke but seriously I loved my cheat meals but It's hard finding dairy free options when you eat fast food. And the carbs kill me. But yeah I'm not trying to change anyone's ways but my own. Carry on in the drive thru friends. Hopefully I'll be able to stay away from Taco Bell.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I'm not done, road trips are too hard to bypass fast food. There are things you could order without going over your calorie allotment.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    edited July 2016
    With the exception of last January when I had to move into a house with nothing in it for 2 weeks (military move) I haven't eaten fast food for most of the last 10 years. (and then I was only eating subway) To me I think it takes just as much time to drive to the fast food place, order, drive home, and eat. Costs more money and my health.

    although not gonna lie when I move to California I'm going to In and Out at least once. Protein style cheeseburger <3 lol always wanted to try it (but I lived in the midwest)
  • dearcassandrab
    dearcassandrab Posts: 145 Member
    I think everyone should have in and out at least once even though I'm in Texas and it's all about whataburger. Lol that's all my skinny boyfriend likes to eat must be nice. But yeah! Road trips could be a foreseeable problem. We go to Houston every few months and I'm going to have to make it work!
  • eIIekay
    eIIekay Posts: 164 Member
    Sometimes it's unavoidable...when I go, I order less than I used to....instead of a burger and fries, I will get one or the other. Sometimes, maybe its just a milkshake.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    You asked if anyone else was done. That doesn't mean everyone has to agree with you, they're just sharing their experiences. You do you and they'll do them. Post in a forum and you will get a range of opinions.

    Personally, I've never been a massive fast food eater but sometimes I get an itch that only a McChicken sandwich can scratch. It's easy for me to fit into my goals and as it's not something I crave regularly I have no problem with indulging sometimes.
  • dearcassandrab
    dearcassandrab Posts: 145 Member
    Yes and I understand that I'm in a forum and will get different opinions it was a joke. Lol sorry I didn't mean to come of offensively. I'm just a bitter lady who misses eating cheese and drinking milk not derived from nuts so don't pay me any mind! @VintageFeline on a side note I loved McDonald's fries so much sodium though.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    eIIekay wrote: »
    Sometimes it's unavoidable...when I go, I order less than I used to....instead of a burger and fries, I will get one or the other. Sometimes, maybe its just a milkshake.

    That's how I eat it too, one hamburger and a diet cook. No more than 500 calories per meal. A shake would be filling too!
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    If I can't have fries I'm not eating it! Fries might just be my kryptonite. God bless exercise making them easier to fit into my day sometimes!

    As for sodium, meh, I have no blood pressure issues so aside from temporary water weight gain it's no issue to me to eat salty food.
  • dearcassandrab
    dearcassandrab Posts: 145 Member
    edited July 2016
    @FaylinaMeir in their defense sometimes I'm an asshat! Lmao I seriously appreciate all the responses I've gotten and hope I can make adjustments needed based on my special diet! Fast food is just easier sometimes especially as Liz brought up about Roadtrips. I need to have a few meals on hand that are low cal low carb for those instances and cut it out otherwise as much as possible for me! Thanks for your input! :)
  • dearcassandrab
    dearcassandrab Posts: 145 Member
    Bahahaha vintage yes that's how I feel!! My boyfriend ate fries in front of me tonight and I think I looked at him how my cat looks at me when I have food. Lol