Done with fast food.



  • JasonL2000
    JasonL2000 Posts: 21 Member
    edited August 2016
    It's not fast food that makes you fat, it's the choices you make when you decide to eat out! Ever heard of John Cisna? He lost weight and improved his blood work eating nothing but McDonald's! I'm not recommending such a thing, just saying it's YOU not the restaurants.

    I am not familiar with this specific case. However I can offer a counter case to it: the supersize me documentary. The documentarian ate macdonalds for every meal and by the end of the period of time used to make the documentary his doctor basically told him stop or he will kill himself. He then asked how often would eating macdonalds be considered healthy, the reply was never. I however would offer a counterpoint that the choices you make can be worse than others. But I would be leery of saying it is ok to eat nothing but fast food. The calories, fat, protein, and carbs are there but everything else of essential nutrients are more than likely not.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    JasonL2000 wrote: »
    It's not fast food that makes you fat, it's the choices you make when you decide to eat out! Ever heard of John Cisna? He lost weight and improved his blood work eating nothing but McDonald's! I'm not recommending such a thing, just saying it's YOU not the restaurants.

    I am not familiar with this specific case. However I can offer a counter case to it: the supersize me documentary. The documentarian ate macdonalds for every meal and by the end of the period of time used to make the documentary his doctor basically told him stop or he will kill himself. He then asked how often would eating macdonalds be considered healthy, the reply was never. I however would offer a counterpoint that the choices you make can be worse than others. But I would be leery of saying it is ok to eat nothing but fast food. The calories, fat, protein, and carbs are there but everything else of essential nutrients are more than likely not.

    Easy: all kinds of salads (light on the dressing), burrito bowls (light on the sour cream), grilled chicken wraps, fruit cups, egg sandwiches, falafel sandwiches, chili, fish tacos and much more. Do all the nutrients magically disappear from legumes, vegetables, meat, eggs..etc just because they are bought from a fast food restaurant? People think fast food is limited to a few choices: a fatty monster sized burger with fries, a cheese supreme regular crust pepperoni pizza, and sugary drinks. In reality, the nutritional profile of your meal would vary based on what you order and what you choose to add/not add to your meals. Go light on the dressing and cheese, make higher calorie choices an exception, be active enough not to gain weight and you should be fine.
  • kate141987
    kate141987 Posts: 513 Member
    I used to order takeaway meals from the Chinese quite often, but since becoming more aware of calories, fat content etc iv stopped ordering them I feel bloated and horrible after eating them now.

    Only time I order fast food these days is if I'm suffering from a bad hangover, which isn't often since iv cut the drinking right down. Think I'd rather go to subway now than order a Chinese, more healthy options in there
  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    There's no upside to fast food. Haven't had any in five months. No reason to go there.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Ws2016 wrote: »
    There's no upside to fast food. Haven't had any in five months. No reason to go there.

    Well, sometimes you gotta eat, lol. But yeah, it's just as fast to make myself a ham and cheese low carb wrap with frozen veggies at home.
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 427 Member
    I have found that once you don't have it for a couple weeks you'll stop caving it but man those weeks are hard!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I have found that once you don't have it for a couple weeks you'll stop caving it but man those weeks are hard!

    Just make it at home when you crave it. Seriously, I can't even imagine going to McDonald's for a burger anymore after just making my own...
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    JasonL2000 wrote: »
    It's not fast food that makes you fat, it's the choices you make when you decide to eat out! Ever heard of John Cisna? He lost weight and improved his blood work eating nothing but McDonald's! I'm not recommending such a thing, just saying it's YOU not the restaurants.

    I am not familiar with this specific case. However I can offer a counter case to it: the supersize me documentary. The documentarian ate macdonalds for every meal and by the end of the period of time used to make the documentary his doctor basically told him stop or he will kill himself. He then asked how often would eating macdonalds be considered healthy, the reply was never. I however would offer a counterpoint that the choices you make can be worse than others. But I would be leery of saying it is ok to eat nothing but fast food. The calories, fat, protein, and carbs are there but everything else of essential nutrients are more than likely not.

    The big difference is the McDonald's guy at at a deficit and exercised. The Supersize Me guy overate and was sedentary.
  • pmastro724
    pmastro724 Posts: 122 Member
    Yes - I stopped eating fast food a long time ago. We would have it at least twice a week. I would go months w/o and then I would have it and feel physically sick after eating it - Its just not worth it.

  • Ruatine
    Ruatine Posts: 3,424 Member
    I rarely eat fast food these days (though I did just eat a bunch during a road trip). It's not even because of the calorie counts - it's easy enough to find nutritional info and combinations that work for my calorie budget - it's the quality of the food. If I'm going to spend extra money going out to eat and a much higher calories-to-volume on food then I want something that tastes delicious not just mediocre (which is how most fast food tastes to me these days).

    If I'm in a pinch and need something very quick to eat, I'll pick Chik-fil-a as my go-to fast food. It's extremely easy to eat well at Chik-fil-a if you pick the right options (I go for grilled chicken nuggets and a fruit cup).
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    JasonL2000 wrote: »
    It's not fast food that makes you fat, it's the choices you make when you decide to eat out! Ever heard of John Cisna? He lost weight and improved his blood work eating nothing but McDonald's! I'm not recommending such a thing, just saying it's YOU not the restaurants.

    I am not familiar with this specific case. However I can offer a counter case to it: the supersize me documentary. The documentarian ate macdonalds for every meal and by the end of the period of time used to make the documentary his doctor basically told him stop or he will kill himself. He then asked how often would eating macdonalds be considered healthy, the reply was never. I however would offer a counterpoint that the choices you make can be worse than others. But I would be leery of saying it is ok to eat nothing but fast food. The calories, fat, protein, and carbs are there but everything else of essential nutrients are more than likely not.

    That's not really a counter point. Sperlock over ate purposely, supersizing every time asked. Where the opposite, Cisna watched his calories (and I think his macros too) and exercised. That basically proves it's the person and their choices, not the food.

    Yes - this.

    Is fast food my favorite thing to eat? No, not really.
    Can I find things that taste good and fit in my calorie goals at every fast food place I have access to? Yes.
    Do foods I make at home taste better? Depends what it is - burgers? Sure. Fries - not really. But do I always have time to make food at home? No. I don't go to fast food because it is what I am dying to eat (see above), I go because I'm out running a million errands on a Saturday and need something quick for lunch, or I'm on a road trip and need to stop and don't want to spend time at a sit down place. The advice of "just make it at home it tastes better and is better for you" doesn't really seem to address the convenience factor of fast food...

  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    edited August 2016
    I don't usually eat that much cheap chain fast food, but earlier in the year someone brought home some KFC and that reawakened my appetite for that. One night, I had four biscuits. I was sick the next day. Never again.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    JasonL2000 wrote: »
    It's not fast food that makes you fat, it's the choices you make when you decide to eat out! Ever heard of John Cisna? He lost weight and improved his blood work eating nothing but McDonald's! I'm not recommending such a thing, just saying it's YOU not the restaurants.

    I am not familiar with this specific case. However I can offer a counter case to it: the supersize me documentary. The documentarian ate macdonalds for every meal and by the end of the period of time used to make the documentary his doctor basically told him stop or he will kill himself. He then asked how often would eating macdonalds be considered healthy, the reply was never. I however would offer a counterpoint that the choices you make can be worse than others. But I would be leery of saying it is ok to eat nothing but fast food. The calories, fat, protein, and carbs are there but everything else of essential nutrients are more than likely not.

    The big difference is the McDonald's guy at at a deficit and exercised. The Supersize Me guy overate and was sedentary.

    You mean not exercising and eat more than you burn causes weight gain? no way! [jk, I saw the doc]. What I want to know is what Morgan Spurlock thought would happen. Of course super sizing every meal is going to bad news.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    No. I just log fast food when I eat it.
  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    I LOVE Fast Food... Never giving it up!
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    The only "fast food" I decided I don't need anymore is pizza. We had it for a kids program at work one day, and I ate 2 pieces for lunch. Logged it later, and found that it was 850 calories, and I was hungry 2 hours later. I don't eat pizza that much anyway, but I was blown away that almost 2/3rds of my calories were in 2 measly little pieces of pizza that didn't even keep me full until supper.
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 427 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I have found that once you don't have it for a couple weeks you'll stop caving it but man those weeks are hard!

    Just make it at home when you crave it. Seriously, I can't even imagine going to McDonald's for a burger anymore after just making my own...

    I can't make anything close to McD fries though. Occasionally I wills top and just get a medium fry to have with my crock pot meat.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I have found that once you don't have it for a couple weeks you'll stop caving it but man those weeks are hard!

    Just make it at home when you crave it. Seriously, I can't even imagine going to McDonald's for a burger anymore after just making my own...

    I can't make anything close to McD fries though. Occasionally I wills top and just get a medium fry to have with my crock pot meat.

    I just cut yukon gold potatoes in fries and bake them with a bit of olive oil. I think it's actually tastier than most French fries in restaurants now (except a few select local locations that have some pretty good ones) for 40% less calories...
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I was done 2 years ago when the doctor pointed out that my blood sugar and cholesterol were going out of control. Nowadays if I eat it, it makes me feel sick for like 2 or 3 hours, and also uses up my whole day's worth of calories. I can make much better food at home. If I need convenience for traveling around, I bag up protein bars, fruit, and bottled water. That way I won't be feeling sick, looking for Pepto Bismol! I'm also on Lipitor, and if I just eat the cholesterol right back, that defeats the purpose, so that's another reason for me not to eat junk.