Go easy and listen to your body
I'm in a similar boat. I'm trying to get down to 9% body fat and I've been stuck around 15% according to my crappy scale. I'm going to up my cardio and see how that goes. Let me know if you find anything that helps
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Cool, I appreciate all the feedback. Thank you all :)
3 weeks in. My weight is 155.2 lbs a(down 11.8 lbs) and 18.2 body fat (down 3.8%). I've had crazy dreams about chocolate, peanut butter and bread.
Its been almost 2 weeks and I'm at 159.5 lbs (down 7.5 lbs) and 20% bf (down 1%). I've decided that I'm going to try and stick it out without any cheat days until I reach my goal. Feeling good.
Thanks for the info and support. Also, I made a mistake by saying bmi instead of body fat. I've been on keto for a week and so far I'm at 161.6 lbs and 20.7 body fat. A couple of things I noticed were: 1.) felt sluggish the 2nd and third day in 2.) it's a little difficult for me to track the actual carbs I'm taking in. The…
Hogwarts, Wyoming
You can do it. Keep going