Feeling Alone

I actually cried when I got on the scale and saw how much I've gained....I'm at my heaviest I've ever been (wasnt even this heavy 9mths pregnant!!) and it makes me so sad that most days I want to just hide under the covers but I have a daughter and a boyfriend that I love so much, so I put on a smile as best I can. It's hard for me to stay motivated because no one around me will really work out with me or eat healthy with so I've always fallen back into the same habits. I told my self this time is different (which I've told myself many times) so far it's only been 5 days but it's been hard and I'm sore from exercise that I just don't want to do it anymore but I know if I take a "break" I'll just quit completely...sorry for rambling but is anyone else go through this


  • Carrison44
    Carrison44 Posts: 4 Member
    I went through this a while ago. 1st step own your weight. It's hard to hear but not being able to loose weight is not because others around you are not eating healthy. This is your choice. You have the power to decide what you eat. Be strong, make the decision right now. Are you going to loose the weight or make excuses to stay heavy? It sounds like you have a lot going for you. You have unlimited hidden strength. Get up out of bed, enjoy your family, and loose that weight!!!!!!
  • conny66
    conny66 Posts: 1 Member
    I feel like this as well done really well last year and lost couple of stone now I have put it all back on but got my bike out and enjoying riding around in the nice weather if I not let myself slip I would have felt so much more comfortable in myself by now but got to stay focus and think if I don't do it now I never will it's the starting that's the hardest your not alone always here
  • motrilla
    motrilla Posts: 13 Member
    You can do it. Keep going
  • mariner142
    mariner142 Posts: 23 Member
    I actually cried when I got on the scale and saw how much I've gained....I'm at my heaviest I've ever been (wasnt even this heavy 9mths pregnant!!) and it makes me so sad that most days I want to just hide under the covers but I have a daughter and a boyfriend that I love so much, so I put on a smile as best I can. It's hard for me to stay motivated because no one around me will really work out with me or eat healthy with so I've always fallen back into the same habits. I told my self this time is different (which I've told myself many times) so far it's only been 5 days but it's been hard and I'm sore from exercise that I just don't want to do it anymore but I know if I take a "break" I'll just quit completely...sorry for rambling but is anyone else go through this

  • mariner142
    mariner142 Posts: 23 Member
    edited July 2016
    Like any habbits hard to break in time you won't care about others habbits you start seeing results you will strive harder
  • rachelspaz
    rachelspaz Posts: 54 Member
    I'm always in denial about being "unable to lose weight because of others around me" I know that's not true. It's up to ME. You can still eat out and have fun and have junk eaters around you. But ultimately your calorie intake and healthier options is always up to you. You CAN do this. The others around you are no excuse. I go through this too with myself. No one is to blame but me! I'm done waiting and done making excuses and ready to lose the weight knowing I'm the only one who can do this for myself. You can add me and message me whenever, we will lose the weight together. I've got a wedding in a year to be hot and fit at!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I used to feel the same way.
    I was overweight and unhappy. I was depressed about my weight.
    One day when I was finally truly ready to make the change, I did.

    You really have to want it. You have to want it so badly that nothing in this world could stop you.

    I never had anyone to eat healthy with me. I never had anyone to work out with me. I did it anyway. I did it because I really wanted it. I didn't need others support or hand holding. I was ready to take responsibility of my weight and was ready to work towards my goals.
    I did it because it's what I wanted to do.

    I lost all my weight and have kept it off for 3+ yrs so far. I did it alone without any support from family or friends. I made it happen because i truly wanted it.

    Here's what worked for me- (if you already know this stuff then that's great but it could still help someone else who may be reading)

    Calories in - calories out !!!!! Eat less then you burn and you'll lose weight. Eat more then you burn and you gain weight. Yes it's just that simple for the average person. Realize that weight loss comes down to calories.

    Get yourself a food scale. Learn how to weigh all your solids and measuring cups for liquids. Learn how to log accurately here on mfp . This teaches portion control which is important for long term success .

    Don't fall for fads and gimmicks. Don't listen to what the newest fitness magazines and books and all that ,90% is bad info . You don't have to go low carb, Paleo, vegan or whatever the newest craze is to lose weight and be healthy. Learn how to eat real food but within proper portions. Learn moderation. Moderation and portion control are so very important for long term success. Once you learn both, your good to go! You can eat properly in any situation! There's no need for diet pills, multi level marketing scam products and all that stuff. Weight loss products do not work. If they did, then everyone would just pop pills, drink shakes, wrap ourselves with the newest skinny wrap crap and we'd all be thin. But they don't work so don't waste your money.

    Let go of any dieting myths and wives tales that you may have heard throughout the years. Carbs are not your enemy. Carbs do not cause people to gain weight. ( A calorie surplus does)
    Eating at night does not cause people to gain weight. ( A calorie surplus does) so let go of all the myths that you may still be holding onto and realize that weight loss comes down to calories. Eat less then you burn and you'll lose weight.
  • madguru7
    madguru7 Posts: 37 Member
    No, the people directly around you aren't necessarily going to be supportive or care. As I experienced recently at a going away party for someone at my work - I was given a hard time by a few different people because I refused to eat any of the huge cake they had bought. "Oh, you can have just a small piece." Or "You're not overweight you can have one piece." Yeah, so that wasn't helpful at all and I resent when people are that insensitive to someone trying live a healthy lifestyle. The point being is that I didn't cave and I didn't eat any cake. It was my choice not theirs.

    So use the MFP community as your support system if you don't have anyone else. Check in often. Give yourself time to create new habits, but maybe begin with small realistic goals and build from there. Feel free to add me.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    The thing is not to quit. Take a day off of exercise, or even three, but get back to it as soon as you feel stronger. Are you weighing your food and logging yet? If not, start. The numbers will be eye opening, and will help you to create the deficit you need to lose pounds. Remember, you need to burn more calories than you consume. In my books, exercise is King. I can eat what I want, as much as I want, as long as I stay active and make it all fit into my goals.