kimmie2128 Member


  • All I do is carb cycling right now. I don't necessarily believe in dieting. I want to be healthy and just have it be the way I live my life. But I'm finding that carb cycling is actually really cool. You still get to eat a lot of stuff you like but are challenged to find different foods to eat too.
  • vk2q7 - I cook separate meals basically everyday for me and my fiancé. It's kind of a pain and creates way more dishes lol but I'm slowly introducing healthier things to him that we both like and running with it. For instance, I found these high protein, low carb wraps. Say I make chicken for dinner, all that's different…
  • I had a salad at a restaurant once that was chicken, egg, cucumber, green bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, and celery.
  • I've frozen a few bananas before too and added some peanut butter and blended it up. It's like ice cream. Lately I've been getting some non-fat Greek yogurt and adding chocolate protein powder to it and freezing it for maybe 30-45 minutes so it has more texture to it. I also just added a Honeydew Sherbet recipe on my page.…
    in Sweets Comment by kimmie2128 August 2016
  • On my high carb days I scramble up some egg whites, add some pepper and other spices, and put it on a whole grain bagel with some cheese on top. Super filling and great after a heavy lifting day at the gym
  • Hi. I agree with SueSueDio. It's ok to have a binge day. As long as it's not everyday, I think you'll still be on track in reaching your goals. I also agree that your goal may be a little aggressive. 1200 calories a day is truly not a lot and if you are doing 60 minutes of cardio a day, then you are getting even fewer…
  • Hello. Thank you for sharing your story. I always appreciate people that can open up like that, especially when it's about something personal. Although I am not in the exact same boat as you by losing weight, I am working on transforming my body into a more lean and fit figure. I am also getting married next year, so I…
  • Hello. Are you new to myfitnesspal?
    in Hello Comment by kimmie2128 August 2016
  • Chamomile Herbal Tea after a meal is supposed to help bloating. Maybe make a cup after dinner and add a little bit of stevia or honey for taste.
  • It really depends if you want to go by the recommended dose or if you are trying to lose weight or gain muscle. Protein is 4 calories / gram. So... Say you're at a caloric intake of 2000/day and want say 35% of your calories to come from protein. 2000 x .35 = 700 calories. Divide that by 4 and you get 175g of protein per…
  • I did a Dandelion Root Tea Detox before that I thought worked well. It's one tea bag, 1 Tbsp cranberry juice (sugar free), 1 lemon (just the juice). You need 8 cups of water and are to drink it every day for 7 days. So that's 8 cups/day. I feel like I'm not explaining it well, so if you want me to go more in depth I can :)…
  • If you want to stick with kettle elk exercises, check out Jillian Michaels. She has a dvd that is all with a kettle bell. If you want to stay at the gym though and work on strength, you can do 3 sets of 10-15 of the following with a kettle bell - sumo squats - oblique crunches - Single arm press - Sits ups with extension -…
  • You can do it! Meal prepping is something I just recently started getting into. If you ever need some helpful tips/recipes, I'd be happy to share!