Flat tummy am-bloated by pm

I wake in the morning with a lovely flat tummy, but by mid afternoon I am completely bloated. This bothers me more than my weight.

Does anyone else suffer and if so any suggestions?


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Could be a food allergy or a weak core. Try eliminating things from your diet that are known to cause bloating and the most common food allergies.
  • kimmie2128
    kimmie2128 Posts: 16 Member
    Chamomile Herbal Tea after a meal is supposed to help bloating. Maybe make a cup after dinner and add a little bit of stevia or honey for taste.
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    Yes, but I am having extreme GI issues. What hs helped me is to pay attention to what I eat and notice if I bloat afterwards. I've found that sugar/carbs cause extreme bloat so I have decreased the amount that I eat. My stomach is perfectly flat and if I eat one slice of bread within 30 minutes I look six months pregnant and it lasts all day. Some things that can cause this response are food intolerances, bacteria overgrowth (sibo), h. Pylori in the stomach, constipation, and more. I would keep a diary and write down what you eat/drink and log corresponding bloat. If it's really problematic get a referral to a gastroenterologist - they can test for bacteria, intolerances, celiac disease, etc. in the meantime I have found that drinking 4 drops of oregano pil mixed with 20 drops of peppermint oil in 4oz of water when I eat helps me - you may want to try it. I also take a digestive enzyme from Gardennof Life after every meal, but I can't really tell if that's doing anything for my issues. Other things that help some people are HCL suppliments with meals, probiotics, and apple cider vinegar with meals. Probiotics do nothing for me, and apple cider vinegar does help but it's hard on the teeth and throat so I only use it in emergency. While high fat causes this for some people, I have found if I pair high fat with carbs it helps to minimize bloating for me. Good luck and I hope
    You can find the culprit - it's miserable to live with this.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Time to do a "process of elimination" to find what it is that you are eating or drinking that started causing this.
  • vrojapu
    vrojapu Posts: 268 Member
    If plain yogurt with live cultures does not help you please consider pancreatic enzyme replacement supplement with meals - hope this helps!!
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited July 2016
    Could just be the ingestion of food throughout the day, too. You wouldn't be the first adult to discover their stomach or intestine expanding with solids and liquids consumed throughout the day can cause upper/lower abdominal protrusion. Protrusion that is absent first thing in the morning after a night of food digestion/breakdown/absorption/movement of waste into the descending colon and rectum and/or even bowel evacuation.

    Since no one here can see your bloat dynamically to verify whether it is fluid bloat or food bloat (or other), this is something you should take to your PCP for evaluation if it is bothering you enough to post it on a public forum. Rule out things that could be of medical significance, YKWIM?
  • JDixon852019
    JDixon852019 Posts: 312 Member
    When I stopped drinking anything but water and started taking a probiotic my bloating greatly reduced. I used to look pregnant by mid afternoon.
  • duddysdad
    duddysdad Posts: 403 Member
    I've never had a flat stomach, but i've been close. I am very sensitive to sodium. Usually if I have a cheat day, or a meal, I am up several pounds the next day and I look like I've gained 10 pounds or more. It comes off pretty quickly when you return to your normal routine. It could be that, it could be a gluten allergy, or just how your body works.