RitchieEats Member


  • Average steps are over 10k ... but a mid month vacation literally stopped me in my tracks.
  • Trying to make this happen!!
  • I work a lot on the go pack a bento box full of tasty treats that are simple and easy. I can pick at them as I go, or plate them nicely if I have a dedicated window of time to make my lunch box I Just throw ingredients in and then head out the door after I've finished done eating breakfast. A typical lunch bento box for me…
  • Well done! Congratulations are well deserved for coming off your meds. What were your keys to success? Mine are: -keeping within my sodium goals for the day by avoiding processed foods as much as possible -trying to get about an hour of low to moderate exercise in daily -drinking water instead of "unhealthy choices" as…
  • Cheat days often mean a larger intake of high sodium, high fat foods often times saturated fat in large quantities. These types of foods contribute to elevated blood pressure and create stress for the body which may explain some of your sleep issues. I agree with @sosteach, avoid cheat days and just incorporate the cheat…
  • Wow! Thanks for such great suggestions. Can't wait to get into the kitchen.
  • -shop around the perimeter of the grocery store and try to buy only whole foods as opposed to processed -meal plan and write out a grocery list before you go shopping -if eating out, ask for sauces on the side when possible and don't be afraid to modify the dish -if cooking at home, plate your vegetables first then your…