What Other Factors (Besides Nutrition) Help You Succeed?



  • marty_smith
    marty_smith Posts: 102 Member
    edited July 2016
    1) Patience. Patience. Patience.

    2) My advice is simple. Work out how many calories your body needs and take 1000 calories off it. Measure to the ultimate best the amount of calories every food that enters your mouth for just 28 days and you will be on your way. Accept that at least twice a week you will go over your calories, and however bad it is doesn't really matter.

    3)After 28 you be so much more knowledgeable on they type of foods and meals that help you stay under your calorie goal that you won't need to count every calorie you consume, plus your diary saves every food you input so after a while you just copy each meal.

    4) Still wat all the foods you want, at whatever time of day you want them. Just try to stick to your calorie goal the best you can. Breakfasts can be eaten later in the morning too to delay your first meal. This leaves your less hungry for lunch therefore saving your calories for dinner.

    4) Add exercise after 2/3 weeks. You will want to by this point purely because you will be feeling move motivated after the inevitable success in these 2/3 weeks.

    5) Accept that some weeks will be worse then others. You won't exercise one week or you'll have a real bad week.. Start again the following week even more determined.

    6) Its not forever, keep going. Give yourself a week off every now and then (over the period of 3 months say).

    I did exactly this over 4 months and lost 2.5 stone. You'll be suprised how even just a half hour walk 3 times a week helps.
  • mgholloway
    mgholloway Posts: 5 Member
    I'm all In and not giving myself an inch to negotiate with myself for that tortilla, pasta or sugary item. Once I allow negotiation I will repeat that behavior over and over again. I also have built in accountability on many fronts and that encourages me to keep on track.
    1. Face book health challenge with 88 other ladies with daily check ins.
    2. MFP for tracking my macronutrients special emphasis on getting enough protein.
    3. Fitbit. Emphasis on burning 3500 calories a day at 15k steps. And I'm always in a challenge with a group of friends.
    4. I basically am attacking weight loss like its my full time job.
    5. I have a very supportive husband who will ask me great questions and encourage me on my health journey.
  • Jcole05
    Jcole05 Posts: 21 Member
    I've been doing Beachbody challenge groups, and they keep me motivated and on track because I have daily support from others :)
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Anger and self-loathing were great drivers for me to fix my *kitten*.
  • beverlyjlarson
    beverlyjlarson Posts: 104 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Simplifying the process was the biggest one to me. As soon as I stopped worrying about eating the right foods or doing the right exercises I was able to make it work. I ate things I enjoyed that kept me full and did exercises I enjoyed.

    Second biggest was to stop trying to lose weight so fast. Two pounds per week didn't give me nearly enough calories and once I decided on slower weight loss I was able to stick to it.
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Simplifying the process was the biggest one to me. As soon as I stopped worrying about eating the right foods or doing the right exercises I was able to make it work. I ate things I enjoyed that kept me full and did exercises I enjoyed.

    Second biggest was to stop trying to lose weight so fast. Two pounds per week didn't give me nearly enough calories and once I decided on slower weight loss I was able to stick to it.

    Thank you for this . I have been on a roller-coaster for years. Every time I have started out wonderfully but get bored of the foods or am always hungry. This time I'm going to take it slow and easy.
  • chalerine88
    chalerine88 Posts: 3 Member
    edited July 2016
    Awareness and planning ahead were huge for me. I've always enjoyed eating vegetables, taking brisk walks, and never had much of a sweet tooth whatsoever, but I've just been so busy for the past ~3 years (finishing school, several moves, and starting 2 different jobs) and more often than not would end up eating out because I didn't have any nutritious food in my house. I don't feel super restrictive on my "diet" at all - basically the only changes I've made (besides logging on MFP) include actually getting off my butt to go to the store, making some effort to plan meals, and yes, counting my steps, and I've lost 4 pounds in the first week. (I'm not planning on doing this every single week, because my husband is a chef and I'm not giving up restaurant meals cold-turkey ;), but an average of about 1-2 pounds per week is just fine with me.) Although I do not agree with the organization as a whole, I firmly believe in one of the mottos of Food Addicts Anonymous: "If you fail to plan, you have planned to fail."
  • LifetimeSkinnygirl
    LifetimeSkinnygirl Posts: 5 Member
    Logging and pre-tracking with MFP.
  • Eleted
    Eleted Posts: 121 Member
    Ridiculous 59. Good advice. Which MFP group do you check in with every day? That sounds like good support!
  • jhnbwh
    jhnbwh Posts: 30 Member
    The realization that this is a Lifestyle change......not a diet....been living healthy for 3 years now with one set back due to injury....I let it get me down.....back on track now looking to get in the best shape of my life...... BEAST UP PEOPLE
  • blndhrbrneyes
    blndhrbrneyes Posts: 3 Member
    Drink more water, try to not let things get me stressed, and don't wait to eat if hungry.
  • amyoung78
    amyoung78 Posts: 27 Member
    Accountability really helps me succeed. I like stepping on the scale every Sunday morning and logging in my losses (and sometimes gains). I know it will show up on my feed and my friends will see it posted there.
    Also, pre-planning my meals have helped me a lot! No more binging when I am starving. Now at meal or snack time, I just reach for my already portioned out food.
  • RitchieEats
    RitchieEats Posts: 14 Member
    -shop around the perimeter of the grocery store and try to buy only whole foods as opposed to processed
    -meal plan and write out a grocery list before you go shopping
    -if eating out, ask for sauces on the side when possible and don't be afraid to modify the dish
    -if cooking at home, plate your vegetables first then your protein then your carbs
    -having half your plate as veggies really makes a big difference in how your body naturally metabolizes the foods you consume
    -out smart your meds, my meds make me always want to go back for seconds, so after you've finished your first serving realize you've had your portion and resist the urge to go back for more. Remember the choice is yours to go back for more. You are smarter than your drugs.
    -if you're really wanting a second serving, try drinking a glass of water to calm the sensation or chew a stick of gum
    -distract yourself, instead of hanging out at home on the couch, go for a twenty minute walk around the neighbourhood
    -keep an accurate food journal, don't neglect items like condiments or cooking oils
  • concrete_daisies
    concrete_daisies Posts: 44 Member
    1) removing toxic horribly abusive people from my life
    2) changing jobs
    3) 10k steps a day
    4) joining a gym and hiring coaches/personal trainers
    5) MFP app using macros and going lowish carb high protein
    6) daily vitamin
    7) haven't watch TV in 2 years (except for seahawks at the bar)
    8) learning to like myself and being alone
    10) lots of self work

    I really like your list :) There's so much more to being health than counting calories
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