Try not to buy processed stuff. Even sweet stuff often has salt added. If you can make your own snacks, you can control the amount of salt. Otherwise here are some thoughts: Trader Joe's has nuts that are half salted, and in any store you can pick the lower sodium alternatives out there which range from chips to broth to…
I am a huge fan of organic dried mango from Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. It is wicked hard to chew sometimes, but sooooo delicious.
I have an Aria scale which is the fitbit brand scale which pairs with my fitbit Charge device. They are both hooked into myfitnesspal and it seamlessly tracks weight, steps, and adds the step calories back in. It was easy to set up and it takes a lot of the tedious work out of tracking. All I have to do is come to…
I will take a cauliflower and pulverize it in a food processor with Laughing Cow cheese a little half and half, butter or Smart Balance and ground pepper and it comes out like creamy mashed potatoes. Sometimes I'll melt some shredded sharp cheddar on top too. It's delicious.
Generally low carb-ish. Been buying way more organic stuff lately. However, on my birthday the answer flips to anything with flour in it, particularly if there's icing on top. I'm usually stuffed by 9:30 AM, yet I persevere. And on Thanksgiving the answer is stuffing and absurd amounts of pecan pie (with whipped cream) and…