Too much sodium?

So I am a sucker for salty food, I prefer salty like a bag of chips instead of chocolate cake any day. I understand sodium leads to water retention but it seems everything has sodium and I am always over my sodium goal for the day. Any advice on food not high in sodium? I feel this is leading to alot of weight fluctuations on the scale. I work 13 hour night shifts so I try to eat every 3 hours at work like light snacks and then a meal. I usually eat my calories of 1680 minus 200 cal here and there. Any tips? Thanks!


  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,437 Member
    I asked similar question before as I prefer salty over sweet. I always have home made soup on hand & like to use some chicken bouillon in it. I have learned to buy salt free broth & put my own salt in it but it's not as yummy.I'll be checking back for more answers
  • CrescentVolf
    CrescentVolf Posts: 87 Member
    From the research I have done, being over on sodium by a bit (< 150% of goal) doesn't matter too much unless you have blood pressure issues. It may do you better to add more potassium as the sodium to potassium ratio is often more important and often overlooked!
  • LasVegasOrange14
    Try not to buy processed stuff. Even sweet stuff often has salt added. If you can make your own snacks, you can control the amount of salt. Otherwise here are some thoughts: Trader Joe's has nuts that are half salted, and in any store you can pick the lower sodium alternatives out there which range from chips to broth to soy sauce. If you love two things equally, eat the one with less sodium more often than the thing with more. If you can reduce the amount of sodium, it's better than doing nothing. It may not matter now, but it is quite possible it would in the long run.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Several fruits are very low in sodium.
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    I manage to stay under on my sodium eating fresh veggies, low sodium canned veggies, chicken, fish and other fresh meats. I don't even try to eat low sodium.