doubledigits2016 Member


  • 102.6lbs / 46.5kg as of this morning. Hoping to lose a couple lbs and tone up :)
  • I posted some simple vegan food ideas in food and nutrition. It's "easy plant-based ideas for you" if you want to check it out :)
  • Glad this was helpful! These are some of my favorite sandwich combinations: -Tomato and guacamole, sometimes with cucumber -Sun-dried tomato and spinach -Artichoke hearts, spinach, and roasted red pepper -Cucumber and almond butter I'm still trying to figure out sandwiches. Again, I had really weird eating habits growing…
  • Plan specific times for yourself to exercise so you don't push it off for later. Give your workouts their own little time blocks in your calendar. And if that isn't working, maybe go with a friend or sign up for a class, so there are other people counting on you to show up. And if all else fails, just get rid of cable so…
  • Just keep doing what you're doing :) As long as you have appropriate portions and balance out eating with classes, work, clubs, exercise, sleep, and other things you have on your plate (pun not intended haha), you should be fine. It'll definitely be a transition and there might be some trial and error, but if you stay…
  • Aw you're so sweet! I've been feeling pretty low recently and this just made my day
  • Meaning I had a bad diet before or I have a bad diet now?
  • Yay! Let me know how it goes!
  • I have a similar experience. After recovering from anorexia I ended up developing BED, and I'm doing a lot better now. One of the first steps to stop binges is to identify the root of it. CBT, DBT, and other forms of therapy can help with that. Additionally, try to recognize how you feel before a binge, so when you feel…
  • I'm actually really happy to hear that this is stuff you already eat :) And the purpose behind this post was to just put up a pretty thorough list of simple things to do for people who want to add in more fruit/veg but don't really know where to start. Although I was raised vegetarian, I didn't really eat fruit or veg. I…