Easy plant-based ideas for YOU!

doubledigits2016 Posts: 13 Member
edited August 2016 in Food and Nutrition
I've been vegetarian my whole life and just became vegan in March, primarily because of health issues and food intolerances. Thought I’d post some easy and customizable foods to give you all some ideas for incorporating more plant food into your diet. Sorry this post is so long, I wanted to be thorough.
Also, I’m absolutely NOT trying to say that anyone needs to adopt this lifestyle, I just thought it might be helpful to share some plant-based meals and snacks that I enjoy. :)
Feel free to add some of your own!

·Zucchini “spaghetti”: Just spiralize some zucchini and serve it raw or cooked. Insanely simple. I like mine with basil and marinara sauce (you can add in regular pasta, other vegetables, use other sauces, etc.)
·Sweet potato “spaghetti”: Spiralize a sweet potato and sautee it (again, you can customize it). This is one of my absolute favorites when served with Cajun seasoning.
·Spaghetti squash: You can cook spaghetti squash multiple ways, even in the microwave; just look up instructions for the method you decide is best for you. I like my spaghetti squash served with some whole wheat pasta and nutritional yeast.
·Cauliflower "rice": Use a blender or food processor to rice the cauliflower, then sautee it and season it how you wish. You can eat it plain as a side dish (like me) or use it in stir fries, salads, stuffed bell peppers, rice and beans, and other recipes.
·Salads: You can literally put whatever in a salad. You can use romaine, spinach, kale, arugula, or mixed greens as your base and add carrots, cucumber, tomato, artichoke hearts, bell peppers, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almond slices, raisins, whatever you like. Mix it up and keep it interesting!
·Soups: There are so many great vegetable soups out there, even though most at the store are pretty high in sodium. Minestrone, lentil soup, and tomato soup (some are made with dairy – check the label) are good places to start. I’d recommend making your own soups from scratch, or use store-bought vegetable broth and add in your favorite vegetables/beans/grains.
·Sandwiches: Sandwiches are super versatile and there are tons of veg options. My favorite is spelt bread with hummus, cucumber, and kale.
·Tacos: Again, plenty of veg options. I prefer a flour tortilla (simply because corn tortillas always break on me and I end up with a mess lol) and I like to fill them with black beans, lettuce, corn, and guacamole. You could also use bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, pico de gallo, jalapenos, and probably other things I’m blanking on right now.
·Veg and dip: Humus, black bean dip, nut butters, guacamole, salsa, and other fun dips with any vegetable you feel like dipping.
·Raw fruit: Bananas, apples, berries, pineapple, melon, mango, grapes, kiwi, oranges, and basically most fruits make great snacks. You can also top fruit with nut butter and add vegan chocolate chips, granola, nut slices, chia seeds, and other fun stuff.
·Grape and banana “popsicles”: Frozen grapes taste just like popsicles, and frozen bananas are really creamy and delicious.
·Smoothies: Fruits, veg, nut butters, protein powders (Vega is great), almond or soy milk, anything. You can also do a smoothie bowl and add toppings like nuts, coconut flakes, granola, raw fruit, chia, flax, etc.
·Nuts: Super simple and satisfying. I like pistachios the best.

As a final note, make sure you are eating appropriate portions to fulfill your energy needs. I know we often focus on eating less, but it’s equally important (if not, MORE important) to ensure you’re eating enough.

Edit: I decided not to post this under recipes as these really aren't quite recipes, just general ideas for those looking to add more plant based foods into their diets :)


  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    edited August 2016
    To be honest there's nothing new here. I'm neither vegan nor vegetarian and I already eat this lot anyway.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Tacos are meant to have meat. Just saying :D
  • doubledigits2016
    doubledigits2016 Posts: 13 Member
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    To be honest there's nothing new here. I'm neither vegan nor vegetarian and I already eat this lot anyway.

    I'm actually really happy to hear that this is stuff you already eat :)
    And the purpose behind this post was to just put up a pretty thorough list of simple things to do for people who want to add in more fruit/veg but don't really know where to start.
    Although I was raised vegetarian, I didn't really eat fruit or veg. I basically lived off pasta, cereal, pizza, cupcakes, and goldfish growing up and it was hard for me to know what to do and where to start with adding in actual fruit and veg. Just wanted to maybe help a few people by posting these ideas.
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Tacos are meant to have meat. Just saying :D

    I obviously don't eat meat, but I was forced to have tacos with tofu and fake meats in ed treatment, and I DEFINITELY prefer beans haha. All of these are just ideas, you can eat however is best for you. I respect your likes and dislikes.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Thank you for the cauliflower rice idea. I've actually never heard of that before, but love cauliflower. I usually have jasmine rice, but this might be a nice change so things don't get boring.
  • doubledigits2016
    doubledigits2016 Posts: 13 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Thank you for the cauliflower rice idea. I've actually never heard of that before, but love cauliflower. I usually have jasmine rice, but this might be a nice change so things don't get boring.

    Yay! Let me know how it goes!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Although I was raised vegetarian, I didn't really eat fruit or veg. I basically lived off pasta, cereal, pizza, cupcakes, and goldfish growing up and it was hard for me to know what to do and where to start with adding in actual fruit and veg.

    This is fascinating :D And it explains the replacements for pasta and rice (which are (made from) plants) ;)

    I used to "hate" vegetables and didn't even have a system for getting in fruit, which I've always loved. Sometimes I "tried to be good", but ended up having to throw out lots of rotten produce :# Realizing I could meal plan, and have some fruit/vegs for every meal, and just buy the amounts I need, when I need it, was a game changer.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Although I was raised vegetarian, I didn't really eat fruit or veg. I basically lived off pasta, cereal, pizza, cupcakes, and goldfish growing up and it was hard for me to know what to do and where to start with adding in actual fruit and veg.

    This is fascinating :D And it explains the replacements for pasta and rice (which are (made from) plants) ;)

    I used to "hate" vegetables and didn't even have a system for getting in fruit, which I've always loved. Sometimes I "tried to be good", but ended up having to throw out lots of rotten produce :# Realizing I could meal plan, and have some fruit/vegs for every meal, and just buy the amounts I need, when I need it, was a game changer.

    Yeah, I was wondering about the same thing, so that explained it.

    I grew up eating meat (still do, although I'm cutting back how much I eat), and we always ate lots of vegetables as sides. As an adult I've occasionally gone veggie and continued eating pasta (I don't care about rice), but with lots of vegetables as toppings/sauce (same as now, except now I often include lean meat). I prefer my vegetables not masquerading as other things, although I do love spaghetti squash and sometimes put pasta sauce/toppings on other winter squash to save calories. It will always have lots of other vegetables in it, though, not be the vegetables in the meal.
  • littlechiaseed
    littlechiaseed Posts: 489 Member
    I see a lot of posts here of people asking for a easy healthy snack and they get miffed when you suggest fruit or nuts lol they are so easy but I'm sure many of us grew up on chips and teddy Grahams we forget the basics
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I notice that its the people that had the worst diets are the ones to feel they need to make these types of posts.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I think the hardest part of eating plant-based (as someone trying to make my diet less based on animal-sourced foods) is not getting in vegetables, but making sure you get in other things, like protein. I know about the usual plant-based sources and have been including protein powder (which I'd rather not do, although it works well for now with my preferred breakfast), but I still find it harder.
  • doubledigits2016
    doubledigits2016 Posts: 13 Member
    Alluminati wrote: »
    I notice that its the people that had the worst diets are the ones to feel they need to make these types of posts.

    Meaning I had a bad diet before or I have a bad diet now?
  • doubledigits2016
    doubledigits2016 Posts: 13 Member
    I think it's nice that the OP took the time to write this post just to try and help someone else :smile:

    Aw you're so sweet! I've been feeling pretty low recently and this just made my day
  • Merrycherryo
    Merrycherryo Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for this post! Helpful and a nice reminder of all the options out there with healthy food.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Alluminati wrote: »
    I notice that its the people that had the worst diets are the ones to feel they need to make these types of posts.

    Meaning I had a bad diet before or I have a bad diet now?

    I assumed she was referring to your own statement: "Although I was raised vegetarian, I didn't really eat fruit or veg. I basically lived off pasta, cereal, pizza, cupcakes, and goldfish growing up and it was hard for me to know what to do and where to start with adding in actual fruit and veg."

  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    Heh, don't get me wrong, I like meat on tacos, too, but I also like the ideas here. Every once in awhile I just want bean burritos or a taco salad with black or refried beans instead of ground beef or chicken. I like having meatless days. What are some other sandwich ideas that you like, OP? I've found I enjoy grilled portobella mushrooms ones sometimes.
    Great post, thank you!
  • doubledigits2016
    doubledigits2016 Posts: 13 Member
    Heh, don't get me wrong, I like meat on tacos, too, but I also like the ideas here. Every once in awhile I just want bean burritos or a taco salad with black or refried beans instead of ground beef or chicken. I like having meatless days. What are some other sandwich ideas that you like, OP? I've found I enjoy grilled portobella mushrooms ones sometimes.
    Great post, thank you!

    Glad this was helpful! These are some of my favorite sandwich combinations:
    -Tomato and guacamole, sometimes with cucumber
    -Sun-dried tomato and spinach
    -Artichoke hearts, spinach, and roasted red pepper
    -Cucumber and almond butter

    I'm still trying to figure out sandwiches. Again, I had really weird eating habits growing up and the only time I had sandwiches was in preschool when my mom packed me pb&j most days, which I hated. After preschool I never ate sandwiches. I actually just started eating them again in May or June :D
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited August 2016
    I never liked sandwiches growing up either. I was weirdly picky about the most normal kids foods (also hated cold cereal and still do).

    I like them fine now, but still don't eat a lot of sandwiches. On topic, I do like a falafel wrap, and a restaurant around here has some vegetarian sandwiches which I found inspiring and have done versions of at home on occasion (although like I said, I am more likely to default to a salad or bowl with beans/lentils or pasta).

    In case anyone else wants to be inspired, here are the combinations: (1) roasted tofu marinated in spicy harissa pepper coulis, vine tomatoes, romaine hearts, red onions and avocado; and (2) sliced cucumbers, vine tomatoes, avocado, red onions, watercress and organic baby arugula with dijon vinaigrette.
  • LUHAN27
    LUHAN27 Posts: 211 Member
    I wish I could fav this post. Thanks for the ideas!
  • hereforthelolz
    hereforthelolz Posts: 51 Member
    I like sandwiches with whole grain bread, hummus, lettuce, cucumber, bell pepper, avocado, pickles, and black olives.