Getting motivated!

I've lost my motivation for exercising! I don't need to loose weight just build up muscle. I've been working on building my thigh, butt, and abs muscles but life got busy the last 2 weeks and I didn't have time to exercise. Now I have time again but I've lost my motivation. How do you get your motivation back??


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited August 2016
    You just schedule then do it as planned. The motivation states about 10 min after you do!
  • doubledigits2016
    doubledigits2016 Posts: 13 Member
    Plan specific times for yourself to exercise so you don't push it off for later. Give your workouts their own little time blocks in your calendar. And if that isn't working, maybe go with a friend or sign up for a class, so there are other people counting on you to show up. And if all else fails, just get rid of cable so the only place you'll be able to watch tv is the gym :D
    Jk for the last one, but I do plan some of my workouts so I'm at the gym while my favorite show is on. It makes cardio a whole lot more enjoyable :)