sytchequeen Member


  • as a person who loves potatoes, I have found that celeriac is an excellent alternative. that said, if you are pollen sensitive then you may find it a problem too, however at least its not part of the nightshade family, which potatoes are and probably your problem area. meat ideas. duck, emu, ostrich, kangaroo, rabbit,…
  • Blood Drive on Prime Video - because the other half wants to make a Julian Slink outfit for an event at the end of the month :D
  • That's incredibly interesting... I wore reading glasses when I was younger. Then didn't. Now I do again. I put it down to being over 50... maybe it's down to be (quite a bit) lighter?
  • did lots of swimming in my new costumes and didn't feel like a hippo :smiley:
  • fast food has never been my thing. I didn't grow up eating it so never really got it. Cooking for yourself isn't hard or complicated, but it can take a while to gain experience. I find it quicker to make something at home than go to the take away to fetch a meal. Most things I do can be made in 20 minutes. Try googling 20…
  • I use the last Friday in the month as my "offical" weigh in day, and log that. I may hop on the scales more often - usually to see any "damage" from a big night out and to check it is coming back off a couple of days later. But I am more a maintainer than loser right now.
  • bought new swimwear for my holidays - because the old one was falling off when I tried it on last weekend
  • maybe ease out of it by increasing your vegetables, and holding off on the high carb starchy stuff initially. There's no need to be as strict as Keto unless you have health reasons to keep your carbs that low.
  • as a kid in the 70s in Northern England we certainly decorated hens eggs. I remember one way we did it used onions - I will have to look that up. I'm sure we dyed the eggshells using onion skin somehow, after "blowing" the egg out.
  • MFP doesn't do net carbs as far as I can tell. So, as I am in the UK and we calculate carbs & fibre differently to the U.S. all I do is make sure I use UK nutritional info and I don't have to try to work out any net carbs at all.
  • that's very little food for so many calories... yes I see why you are hungry. My diary isn't normally open. I'm going to leave it open for a couple of days so you can compare. Todays isn't finalised yet. Yesterday is a great example of me being greedy and eating too many meatballs :D But I'm still eating well, and I need…
  • I'm not agitated. I'm amused. But sorry for my response, Not everyone gets my humour, especially not over the internet instead of in person.
  • I think maybe we should go round there and cook for him? :D I know how you are feeling @Annie_01
  • If you're cooking with oil 1) don't forget to log it and 2) that probably means you don't need the almond butter - swap the almond butter for a sack of vegetables!! :D
  • dude, 100g rice is about 119 cal. and 23g of carbs. 100g cauliflower is about 34 cal. and 4 g of carbs. If you sacked off the rice completely, had 200g cauliflower AND 100g broccoli you'd still be winning edit to add: even better, keep the rice, sack the almond butter, mix the rice and veggies together with a pat of…
  • oven fries!!! I like to use a curry powder on these instead of rosemary sometimes (UK based recipe below) 1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/Fan 180°C/Gas 6. Place a large roasting tin or baking tray in the oven to heat up. Place the celeriac into chunky chips into a large bowl, drizzle with a little oil and stir to coat them.…
  • Where's the vegetables? sorry to keep going on about this, but a couple hundred grams of veg added to each meal will really make a difference, nutritionally and in terms of filling you up. You are trying to moderate your carbs for whatever reason and yet are eating oatmeal and rice, both of which will send your carb count…
  • wait - what? I eat less than 149 carbs daily unless it's a cheat day when I have pizza or dessert, and I get loads of food. There are plenty of vegetables that aren't going to take you over that amount. Lots of veg, with a moderate size of protein, and a good dollop of fat (mayo, butter in the veggies) and you'll be able…
  • I would be hungry from that too. How about 150 or 200 grams of the broccoli, another portion of a veg you like (cauliflower, or sweet potato or something) to go with that chicken and rice. I'd maybe do a risotto with the rice, and onion and the sweet potato, broccoli on the side, chicken on top. You'll feel much fuller for…
  • weigh it dried for accuracy. When you cook it the water content will vary depending on how you like it done, obviously the longer it is cooked the heavier it will become with water weight
  • what you've got there is gribenes, a Jewish speciality. I love it mixed with caramelised onions and scattered over greens, salads etc
  • Pondering.... has pain relief not been offered because they expect you to be breastfeeding? (as a non-Mom with no knowledge on the subject I'm just guessing out there). I have had abdominal surgery - not as extensive as yours. Even with opiates the pain from the wind in my shoulders and upper body was nasty (yes they…
  • I have a ridiculous spice collection :D Probably chilli / paprika / garlic / cumin gets used most. I certainly cook something middle eastern or indian once a week minimum. Even traditional British cooking (like Shepherds Pie) gets spiced up with something interesting. Edit to add: tonight I am making salmon. I don't know…
  • worst supermarket trip ever... I was on holiday with the in laws. I am one of those people that doesn't buy anything unless I know what I'm going to make with it, at home I always plan my menu and make a list before shopping. My in laws just grab stuff that they think looks good. This is why when they went home at the end…
  • True story... we had a storm the other month, and I nearly did blow away :D I'm so used to not worrying about gusts of wind I nearly had my legs out from under me on a station platform coming home from work :o
  • I've been in maintenance for about 8 months now, and only started getting comments about it in the last 3 months. I think it might be because when I found I was maintaining and not regaining I had the confidence to spend a bit of money on clothes and get rid of some poorly fitting items - therefore I suddenly look a lot…
  • ok. My good friend was diagnosed with type 2 a couple of years ago. His doctor immediately prescribed pills, and gave no other advice. He researched himself what to do, and found Diabetes UK to be a helpful resource. He has now reversed his diabetes completely, although is left with neuropathy in his feet. Here is what he…
  • I came here for the face-palm, and you lot haven't disappointed :)
  • I was out at weekend with a bunch of old school mates celebrating our joint 50th birthdays. To say people were gushing a little about how trim I was is not an exaggeration. I fluctuated between embarrassed and delighted.
  • Nope But apples make me feel hungry - so I never snack on them, they leave my stomach growling and demanding more food