Help with diet



  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member

    You are hungry because you are currently starving your body for fuel. As a 5’8 male at ~180 pounds exercising 5 times a week 2 hours a day - you could be eating 1000 or more calories above your current level and possibly still be in a deficit or at maintenance.

  • jekkarez
    jekkarez Posts: 32 Member
    Re-food preparation:

    Fry rice in olive oil until hot and add boiling water. Wait until cooked

    Chicken - cut to chunks and off into the oven with some oil so it doesn't burn....
    I sometimes season it with balsamic vinegar, garlic, and Dijon mustard

    For now I am just trying to figure out what to eat..... Seasoning is less important and I can figure it out later.... I don't think that the amounts of any seasoning will amount to enough to make a difference
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    You are WAY under eating for your stats and activity. I’m a 5’2 female at 125 and I eat more than 1680/day.

    Are you trying to lose weight? What did you put in MFP for your goal?

    you have very little to lose right? what rate of loss did you select?
    and again, YOU NEED TO EAT THE EXERCISE CALORIES BACK. you say you spend two hours at the gym, then you need to estimate how many calorie burned and add those to your day.

    fat: what is your fat goal? I can hit it without eating tons of PB and I eat pretty low cal. But you can eat a yummy dessert. Use full milk VS skim. add cheese. Cook your chicken in oil. use oil based maridnate for chicken. Add butter or cheese to the broccoli.

    reducing carbs: you can mix rice and cauliflower rice but there are yummy ways to make cauliflower rice (and you can use coconut butter making ti to increase fat!)
  • jekkarez
    jekkarez Posts: 32 Member
    Panini911 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    You are WAY under eating for your stats and activity. I’m a 5’2 female at 125 and I eat more than 1680/day.

    Are you trying to lose weight? What did you put in MFP for your goal?

    you have very little to lose right? what rate of loss did you select?
    and again, YOU NEED TO EAT THE EXERCISE CALORIES BACK. you say you spend two hours at the gym, then you need to estimate how many calorie burned and add those to your day.

    fat: what is your fat goal? I can hit it without eating tons of PB and I eat pretty low cal. But you can eat a yummy dessert. Use full milk VS skim. add cheese. Cook your chicken in oil. use oil based maridnate for chicken. Add butter or cheese to the broccoli.

    reducing carbs: you can mix rice and cauliflower rice but there are yummy ways to make cauliflower rice (and you can use coconut butter making ti to increase fat!)


    The yummi bit is irrelevant right now.... It is just that I feel hungry.

    I don't know an effective way to estimate my calorie loss when at the gym yet.... The fitness app the dude who made my training gave me says that it's around 300 calories a day so I can estimate that.

    I am not sure what loss rate I chose, but I think it was round loosing 500 cal a day or something
  • sytchequeen
    sytchequeen Posts: 526 Member
    jekkarez wrote: »
    Re-food preparation:

    Fry rice in olive oil until hot and add boiling water. Wait until cooked

    Chicken - cut to chunks and off into the oven with some oil so it doesn't burn....
    I sometimes season it with balsamic vinegar, garlic, and Dijon mustard

    For now I am just trying to figure out what to eat..... Seasoning is less important and I can figure it out later.... I don't think that the amounts of any seasoning will amount to enough to make a difference

    If you're cooking with oil 1) don't forget to log it and 2) that probably means you don't need the almond butter - swap the almond butter for a sack of vegetables!! :D
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    so you are likely hungry because you are under eating. with so little to lose you should be at a rate of loss of 0.5lb/week to ensure you keep muscle and don't feel too hungry. that is about 250cal a day deficit.

    then you should add exercise calories. if 300 is a concern of being over estimated start eating 200 and track.

    this now gives you time for lots more food to eat and feel full.
  • jekkarez
    jekkarez Posts: 32 Member
    jekkarez wrote: »
    Re-food preparation:

    Fry rice in olive oil until hot and add boiling water. Wait until cooked

    Chicken - cut to chunks and off into the oven with some oil so it doesn't burn....
    I sometimes season it with balsamic vinegar, garlic, and Dijon mustard

    For now I am just trying to figure out what to eat..... Seasoning is less important and I can figure it out later.... I don't think that the amounts of any seasoning will amount to enough to make a difference

    If you're cooking with oil 1) don't forget to log it and 2) that probably means you don't need the almond butter - swap the almond butter for a sack of vegetables!! :D

    Is it going to fill me up? I dunno.... Also not sure how to log the oil.... Rice is fine but chicken loses fluid during cooking and a lot of the oil is drained with that fluid
  • jekkarez
    jekkarez Posts: 32 Member
    Panini911 wrote: »
    so you are likely hungry because you are under eating. with so little to lose you should be at a rate of loss of 0.5lb/week to ensure you keep muscle and don't feel too hungry. that is about 250cal a day deficit.

    then you should add exercise calories. if 300 is a concern of being over estimated start eating 200 and track.

    this now gives you time for lots more food to eat and feel full.

    That makes sense, but I would rather keep the 500 cal deficits in numbers because a lot of things about this seem to be guesstimation...

    I guess I should indeed consider more veg and fruit as snacks between meals as many here have pointed out
  • jekkarez
    jekkarez Posts: 32 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    We have tried to help you with ideas about how to get more volume and you have poo-pooed everything. I understand about small kitchen space...I have cooked in kitchenettes before. You can manage though if you are willing to put out the effort.

    I am not sure what you want from us if you are not willing to change what you are doing.

    I am willing to change what I am doing. I simply seek to find the logic behind things and scrutinize responses.... I don't wanna jump on any given advice without thinking it through first and considering if it works for me or not.

    Also it seems like a big emphasis of people's response here was about taste and seasoning at the beginning which is at present irrelevant. I worked as a cook and can figure it out after I am done with the "what to eat" first
  • jekkarez
    jekkarez Posts: 32 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    We have tried to help you with ideas about how to get more volume and you have poo-pooed everything. I understand about small kitchen space...I have cooked in kitchenettes before. You can manage though if you are willing to put out the effort.

    I am not sure what you want from us if you are not willing to change what you are doing.

    I think maybe we should go round there and cook for him? :D I know how you are feeling @Annie_01

    You don't have to participate if you get agitated by my responses =\

    What works for you is great for you.... I am trying to figure out what works for me
  • jekkarez
    jekkarez Posts: 32 Member
    jekkarez wrote: »
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    We have tried to help you with ideas about how to get more volume and you have poo-pooed everything. I understand about small kitchen space...I have cooked in kitchenettes before. You can manage though if you are willing to put out the effort.

    I am not sure what you want from us if you are not willing to change what you are doing.

    I think maybe we should go round there and cook for him? :D I know how you are feeling @Annie_01

    You don't have to participate if you get agitated by my responses =\

    What works for you is great for you.... I am trying to figure out what works for me

    I'm not agitated. I'm amused. But sorry for my response, Not everyone gets my humour, especially not over the internet instead of in person.

    No offense taken, just trying to keep you from getting offended I suppose xD

    It's weird... Moving on
  • jekkarez
    jekkarez Posts: 32 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    We have tried to help you with ideas about how to get more volume and you have poo-pooed everything. I understand about small kitchen space...I have cooked in kitchenettes before. You can manage though if you are willing to put out the effort.

    I am not sure what you want from us if you are not willing to change what you are doing.

    I think maybe we should go round there and cook for him? :D I know how you are feeling @Annie_01

    Or at the very least invite him to dinner. That way he will know that you can eat quite a bit of your macros...most importantly walk away feeling full while at the same time eating a 500-600 calorie meal.

    :| I am guessing my impatience was showing??? LOL I just hate to see someone go hungry!

    I've been to the army so being hungry is not too bad unless it's for 6 days straight....

    I appreciate the concern, really.... I am new to this thing and the app tells me that my me is already way over the 1600 quota.... Problem is, that leaves me hungry hence I dropped in here.... If I have to drop the rice so be it.... But I hoped for advice on how to substitute it then....

    What to eat instead of 150 gram rice per meal? How to get more fat without eating avocado/almond butter... Etc ...