fuzzydogpa Member


  • I do keto along with OMAD (one meal a day) several days of the week for quicker fat loss. I stick with dinner as my one meal. It's a time saver and a money saver, it's easy and it works!
  • It's the only way of eating that works for me and helps me shed body fat quickly. I'm surprised how few actually understand the hormonal role of insulin in weight gain and weight loss. Insulin is the fat storage hormone and is spiked highest when we eat carbs and high levels of protein but not when we eat fats. It also…
  • thinks hanging upside down will reverse breast droopage
  • Lives a double life. Hides in the closet and eats Doritos at night and is health food guru by day.
  • my low carb lasagna and my low carb pizza bagel bites. what I do with those is pour a tiny bit of egg white into muffin pan and mix a tsp of almond flour into each muffin cup into the egg white. I bake it about 5 minutes until set and then I can top them with anything that I want. I like to put cream cheese and sausage and…
  • I eat keto as well. I experiment with food a lot. For me this is not a diet it is a lifestyle way for me to eat. Here and there I will have a cheat day and eat whatever I want and then I do an intense interval workout like insanity and I'm back on track. Because it's a lifestyle and not for the short term I like to take my…
  • I eat a low carb ketogenic diet so my pics will all be those kinds of meals. #1 my red curry coconut chicken with green onion, cliantro and peanuts. I grate cauliflower and steamed it in my rice cooker to go with it. works just like rice but less carbs and more nutrition. #2 mustard garlic shrimp with tomato and basil…
  • @50extra I don't drink the protein shake as a meal replacement either. I do it to supplement my protein intake, since I am trying not to lose any muscle while losing body fat and so it's important to get adequate protein. Also, I choose one that has a complete amino acid profile which is also important to me. At this point…
  • I did Insanity some and fell off the wagon for some time. But I'm on a new mission to lose body fat and get toned up so I plan on starting it again in the next couple of days. I did find the workouts to kick my butt. The fit test should be renamed to the "lets see how sucky and out of shape you are test" I found the…
  • Find another emotionally coping strategy. For me I get into obsessive cleaning and organizing when I am stressed and that burns calories. You could get out of the house and go for a walk or take up a hobby and immerse yourself in that when you are stressed. Also try adding clear fiber to your drinking water. That will help…
  • If all of you who are busting on my post read it and pay attention you will see that I was addressing people who have insulin resistance and who get severe insulin spikes when they eat carbs and that causes them to store almost every carb they eat as body fat. I said most people and I was not talking about people who do…
  • Metaformin has some health risks associated with it and I would not recommend it. Cinnamon will do basically the same thing. Add it to coffee and tea, etc. I also have insulin resistance and both of my paternal grandparents had diabetes. What works for me is a ketogenic diet with controlled calories. Also, I think weights…
  • I would not recommend it. It can cause heath issues. I recommend adding cinnamon to coffee and tea and sprinkled on foods. It does basically the same thing as metaformin and increases insulin sensitivity but it's natural and tastes good. I just eat a lot of cinnamon.
  • I took four years of Tae Kwon Do and I would be breaking legs, an arm and maybe a collar bone in about 3 moves and then I am making a run for it. They can't chase me with broken legs.
  • Research the enzymes serrapeptase. It eats dead proteins and scar tissue in the body and has helped many people to get ride of their endo problems and clear up blocked tubes too. Often it is taken in combination with other enzymes such as Nattokinase and Wobenzym. It just might help you. Of course losing weight will also…
  • Likes to grocery shop while dressed like Cinderella
  • He wouldn't give up the online dating sites