jevvel1 Member


  • I just downloaded the app and started the missions this morning. Although I'm not sure how to actually connect with any other people on it. It's pretty fun though. Keeps me focused on something else besides the fact that I think I'm going to have a heart attack while exercising.
  • My scale hasn't moved in over 2 months, but I've lost a pant size. I encourage you to not fixate too much on the numbers and try to gauge how your clothes feel, take progress pics, and/or measurements. You can do it!
  • Sometimes people get too overwhelmed by all the things that need to change in order to lose weight or have a healthy lifestyle. The best advice I've heard is to concentrate on making one small positive change at a time until it becomes a habit. For example maybe you only need to concentrate on staying within your caloric…
  • Happy to help. I'll accept an add.
  • You can add me if you want. I never post my weight loss journey on FB or my exercise or anything of that nature. I really don't want people to know. I don't want to feel extra guilt if I should slip up or am doing things that they think I should be doing differently. I'd rather them be surprised when they see me and start…
  • You can do it! I say that for all of us struggling - as I've yet to see the scale move. I have 100lbs to lose but would be amazed if I could get 80 off. At this point I would be doing a happy dance to see the scale down just 5!!! It's a journey that's for sure.
  • I have been logging food for 50 days and walking 2 miles a day (only for about 2 weeks). The scale won't move. Not even a pound. I find it very discouraging. I'm trying to focus on the fact that I'm getting stronger, but lately that's not enough encouragement. But I still keep plugging along - I mean it's got to move…